Big Boys Need Love Too!

thanks abz...well I am not going by her figure I am going by mine. She will mark her stuff down and that is fine. Cuz I weight myself in the morning and she will at night after 4.5 litres of water and 3 ... thanks for the comments.

what are you up to today?
well i'm supposed to be cleaning but i've hit the leaden and tired stage i think. i could go back to sleep again right now!! i'd forgotten about the sleeping for about 13 hours a day thing i did my first week :( i am in ketosis though, i checked. i knew i was but i had a spare ketostick from my cdc so i thought, why not...

am thinking about making crisps with a chocolate pack to see if i get little cookies... might do that now actually as i'm getting hungry...

abz xx
hehehe...let me know how it goes...not had my first one of the day yet...but will soon. Not hungry but a little tired. Shouldn't be I mean I went to bed at 1am but slept in till 10:30am...luckily for me I have a spare room cuz little'un will wake at 6am for a wee and then he comes and gets me and we go back to sleep in the spare room together...and he sleeps will 10:30. Which is good. He gets about 14 hours sleep and no naps...hahaha...
well it was a success!! made it a bit runnier than last night by accident but cooked them for about 40 seconds and they turned into little cakey crispy thingies. so i did that with about three quarters of the mixture and dunked them in what was left which was rather thick and it was gorgeous!! a bit too sickly actually... probably because i added two crushed sweeteners to the mix....

am now busy being arrested :D

abz xx
hahaha...well I have just been doing the bills and made little'un lunch. Oh it looked so nice. Cucumber sticks,little cheese chunks,dino mini sandwiches, and a couple of crisps. He is munching them like mad...but have to go out in a bit...Dad gum accounts need paperwork...hhhaaaaaaahahaa. And then off to the store. Got my shop in so I don't have to be tempted by the store and I forgot beer. *LOL* and carrots. So out I go.
Hi Girlies! Hows it hanging?

Grr i wanna start CD already! Just got an email from my landlord saying he wants a £150 for a summer retainer, but he told us we could leave our stuff in our old rooms for free as he has let out our new rooms over summer already. Not impressed!! If he wants the money, i am dragging my sister up at the weekend and empyting my room, sod him! lol.

I can't get back into healty eating! Mainly because there isn't anything healthy in the house to eat, and i am broke so can't buy it. Blah! lol Only 2 months today until i go back to uni! How smegging cool! lol

Glad your going strong Jenn! Hope i am as good as you when i start in 2 months today! lol

hehe...I am sure you will be great. It wasn't/isn't as hard as I thought it would be. The only major hunger pangs I get are at about midnight. Which is weird cuz I never eat then. But I just think well I am losing weight so I am fine. You'll do great I know you will!! =-)

I can't belive I have had no solid foods since sunday at 5pm. THat is freeky!!
Hi Guys. Just a flying visit. See you all later x
hi guys. trauma at this end. my mum has been seeing this bloke. she split up with her ex a while ago and moved to scotland. her current bloke is someone she knows from old. they basically fell in love when she was about 23 but didn't get together. because they were both married. my dad turned out to be a prat and they split up when i was 10 then her and her ex were together for over 11 years. then they split (thank goodness because nobody should argue that much) now she's happy with another fella but he had to be kept a secret from everyone. which meant i had to lie to everyone that kept asking me about her at this end. now apparently there was a rather tearful conversation last night. the ex isn't happy about all this lying and sneaking around malarky as it does put a totally different slant on the time when they broke up and it's really hurt his feelings. and that is understandable but i can't make you understand why without a lot of time and effort, ha. but, the ex wanted to come to our house before this wedding at the weekend when my mum and her new fella are staying, so that involved some swift fibs etc. now of course he knows the truth and is just going to see us at the church but i think that's really sad. i'm stressed to death!! my mum has this thing about keeping secrets and not telling the truth about some things and it effects everyone but most of all me, because she moved to scotland and left me answering everyone's questions and lying for her. i am so relieved that it's all finally out in the open. they both have new partners and both seem happy but i am stressed to death!!

and now i have to clean the house for the imminent arrival of mum. well, i say imminent. more like midnight... and i have a wedding rehearsal to go to!!

abz xx
sorry. i was so busy ranting i didn't ask how everyone was today, ha. have we all had a successful one? i am off to make soup...

abz xx
Abz, wow, well my personal opinion, is that it is ery naughty of your mum to have you lie. She is a grown woman and should just live with her decisions. It is her life and her choice. You should never feel obligated to lie. I personally would just say to people to ask her if they want any information. Then it is her choice to lie or not. If they are both happy then there is no need to lie. Or for your to be stressed. Just chill out and let them lead their lives how they see fit, and if they or anyone asks you to take sides to lie just say you don't feel comfortable doing it. Leave it at her door step and not your own. Whilst I am not saying run out and tell everyone...just let her know that you aren't/won't be doing it again. If anyone wants info, point them in her direction. It isn't fair to you. ( remember this is just me- I am not nor have I even been a woman to let people take advantage or guilt me into doing anything) But then again, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with her. I am close to my mum ( as much as I can be to a woman who lacks some emotion). But honestly don't stress, I am sure that if the truth is out people will know why you weren't so forth coming with the truth. ( Take over Gem) I am sure you have some good advice to shed on this story.

Big hugs....XXXOOO
Sure Jenn but you're doing pretty good with the sensible advice yourself Girl.
Abz - I don't know your mum but what I do know is that some people thrive on drama and intrigue and so much the better if they can b***er of and leave someone else to deal with the fall out. Don't let her guilt trip you into picking up the pieces. Tell her you love her very much (I assume you do) and you would do anything reasonable for her but to please not tell you anything she wishes to keep secret. This is HER baggage and there is no earthly reason why you should be left carrying it.
I would not dream of putting my kids in a situation like that - it is SO unfair.
Put the baggage firmly back on her doorstep like Jenn said and enjoy the wedding :)
yep i agree abz! hi everyone, i'm SHATTERED zzzzz. up at 6am, got in at 8, just had a shower. im gonna be in bed by half ten. and the worst thing is im about to eat as little of as i can manage of indian take away because im starving and everyone in my family seems to be ill so noone cooked. poo. but, you know, just weighed myself and im still 14st 5lbs at this time of the day. and im totm and im using the l pills again if u catch my drift. im up at half five tomorrow and back late again, these exhibitions are tiring to say the least. water was crap today but my sis bought me a 2l bottle of water which im gna guzzle tomorrow. xxx
p.s. wooooooooooooooooah what what what lol, jenn, your OH came up with crazy frog??? xxx
well i do tell her that. all the time. but at the end of the day this has been really difficult for her. she has told iain now and i have told her best friends as i saw them today and they know about her past. she has been avoiding them because she knows she can't lie to them... and i haven't been lying outright, by omission mainly, but people were worrying about her because they thought she was alone. which she is most of the time but she does have someone up there. in any case. it's getting sorted now. now all i've got to do is get through this wedding without somebody having an argument. and my wedding? well since matters get far more complicated and even involve my dad lets just say that my mum's new fella may not be invited. but they are aware of that because i've told them. i am very forthright about what i think and feel. my mum is just coming out of depression and is struggling to cope. i know i've ranted about her, and now i'm defending her, but at 25 it has been my turn to take care of her for a little while. that doesn't mean i've had to like it and when it's infringed on my life and made things difficult for me i have made sure she knows what the situation is and now people know. so...

one more confession. i'm coming off my diet tonight. mainly because i want to, ha. but i have been thinking about it all day. my diet pattern is following the last one exactly. today i have been incredibly tired and my body has felt like lead. it wasn't until day 8 when i started feeling better and that would be post wedding this time. i went for a nap this afternoon and slept for four hours!! so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to low carb tonight to keep me in ketosis and so i don't bloat like mad. we are having pre-wedding drinks etc tomorrow night so i'll come off it properly then ready for the wedding. it's far more than i planned. i feel really guilty about it actually. and i will have gained when i see my cdc on tuesday. but i got back on track this time. i will do again. i just don't want to spend this whole weekend like a zombie. we are going to get our nails done tomorrow, then we are all getting takeaway and having some drinks tomorrow evening and then i'm heading over there on saturday lunch time to get ready for the wedding at 3. i feel so guilty about it all though. maybe i shouldn't? i just feel so poopy... and i figured if i got foo yung or something tonight that's low carb then hopefully i won't put much on? oh i don't know. food shouldn't make you feel this bad for eating it :(

abz xx
Abz no it should. And you shouldn't feel guilty. Look things happen, it's not the end of the world. When the wedding is done just start over. You're not there is "impress" or tick the box for the cdc, you're there for yourself. So take the guilt away.:) It's your body and your choice, and you have only yourself to answer to and not us or anyone else. But on the other side of that I would say, take it easy, don't go over board, and don't make too many excuses. Do what you want and enjoy your time and the wedding and spending time with people you care about.

As far as your mum, as I said before I don't know you mum or the full story, we can only go off the info you give us, and based on that we make our comments and suggestions, that we hope will help or at the very least make you reflect on the situation. I am sure that whatever you did or didn't do you did with the best interest of your mother at heart.

on a side note, I made some crisps...that an abortion those turned out to be. I think I made them too thick. But once I OH came in to save them they weren't too bad at all. hehehe:D

Elle...Well at least your busy. And no we didn't come up with the crazy frog, wish we had...we would have made a mint!! Just ringtones hun. Drink drink drink. Water is , in my mind, the magic that makes my fat disappear!! hehehe.;) working hard? or hardly working?

Tyn, eh...typical one thing then do another. Will he not give your room away in septemeber? p.s glad to hear you mum is trying to get things together. Always sending you good karma to help you on your way.
thanks jenn :)

i'm just going to do this and get through this and hopefully i won't bloat up so much i won't fit in my dress on saturday, ha. hence the low carbing tonight and loads of water... tomorrow night i'll be drinking so there won't be a low carb thing in there but that's just one night and i don't intend to go mental. i know i'll probably gain about half a stone over the course of three days, *sigh* but at least it will come off again the following week. i weigh in on tuesday, am going to be gutted if my chart goes up...

abz xx
Abz - You have nothing to feel guilty about. you are not wimping, just doing what you need to do. Enjoy your food and drink this weekend and savour every mouthful. If you MUST feel guilty do it like a naughty kid nicking a sweetie and it'll pass. When you go back to dieting again it will be fresh again and you may even lose more because of it. Just have loads of fun and don't worry x :)