Big Boys Need Love Too!

Elle - Gosh you sound as if you've been busy today. I hope you haven't worn out those sparkly red shoes :eek: x
yeah gem lol they need reheeling! hahaha. abz sorry hun i havent had time to read through your post properly hence my failure to give my usual outstanding advice. i'll have to go back to this all after the weekend haha. cant believe ive only just finished eating and im about to go to bed. rule no. 1 of how NOT to diet hahaha. i wouldnt have eaten if i wasnt hungry but i was... =/ so, ive got my water for tomorrow, porridge in the morning, did my exercises just. it;s just the indian that's gonna hurt. sorry you fantastic people, i have to go to bed! lol... ohhhh man. niiiiiiiiiiite xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You young things just can't stand the pace hehehe. Just go careful with them shoes!
Morning Guys :character00238:
Sun's up and it's a beautiful day in cyberspace and beyond BUT where are all my friends? Hellooooooooo....... out there..........!
Hello there,

Been so busy all day only now just got a chance to sit down for a few.
So how has everyone's day been? What have you all been up to? Anything interesting?

I thought there would have been more postings on here, but I guess we are all busy...hahaha.

Me: I took little'un to is tumble tots class...ran errands...and then came straight back home. Made his lunch and then started cooking meals to freeze for him, so if his dad or I am too busy to cook something, I know he will have something nurtitious and healthy that won't take long to cook. making from scratch is fun but tiring.
OH wondered if it was hard for me to make the food and not eat it. But to be honest,it didn't bother me one bit. If anything it put me off food. Hard part was not being able to try it to make sure it tasted ok, but OH did that for me.:D

And little'un had a few tastes which is loved, so I am proud. Have more to too tomrrow. But it will all last him a good while. Now that I am not eating, OH allows himself to get busy with work and doesn't take care of his diet. So at least this way he only have to think of his dinner and LU can choose from what I already made.

Well I am looking forward to chilling out tonight and just watching a bit of tele and maybe play my game...hehehe
Speak to y'all later.:D
Hi Jenn. I'm surprised too. We've been deserted. I'm sure the little man will appreciate the good food and you will have the satisfaction of knowing he's getting the best. x
guys i'm SHATTERED, woke up at half 5, got back home at 9pm, i'm off to bed again in around half an hour haha. this is really taking it out of me. and today gem, i had the bad side effect of the l-pill today, IN PUBLIC TOILETS! thing was things havent yet gone back to normal, and i took the stated dosage. and bloody prunes dont work!! arrr. i felt just awful and ill and was at a bloody exhibition. today has not been fun peeps. but hey, i got to see prince charles (woop de doo *eye roll*) cant wait till sunday when we're packing away. hope you're all ok xxx
Hi elle. Sorry you've had such a tough time of it but anyone who isn't affected by prunes must be a real tough cookie I reckon :cool: I hope you didn't have to push the prince out of the way to get to the loo! It's been so inactive here this week that I've ended up writing more anecdotes for the General Discussion thing. Good luck with the rest of your exhibition :) x Night night :nightf:
Good morning all. What a fabulous day again :character00238: and a Saturday too :) We are truely blessed BUT :cry: boo-hoo - where on earth has Tyn gone? :confused: That's right - our host with the most has well and truly deserted us. What have we done? Was it the wonderful girlie talk? (I don't really think he would've minded that). "Tyn....Oh Tyn.....Come back to us" x
Hey! I haven't deserted you lol. Just been busy recently, all is fine tho, just job hunting and stuff.

Going out tonight with my dad to watch Hancock. Can't wait! lol Will smith is sooo hot :)

I gotta start getting rdy tho, he gets really testy when i make us late (which happens alot! lol)

Will try to stop in later tonight, but already sleepy lol.

Love you all loads still!
hello everybodyyyy. weighed myself this morning, 14st 5lbs again so thats one more goin off the ticker, as i forgot to yesterday. had an ok day today, porridge for brekkie, a little bit of paella for lunch, lots of walking around, a cup of frozen yoghurt, and then on the way home my parents (who came to visit the show) stopped and got us fish and chips so i got a batterless cod, no chips and made myself a salad. im sooooo tired. cant wait till this time tomorrow when this is over, except i'll complain when i'm back at the office sat on a chair all day hahaha. how's everyone doing??? xxxxxxxx
Aw, great to see ya back elle. Sounds like you've every right to be knackered (gosh my slang is showing!) I've been quite busy too with family stuff today. Got so bored last night I even posted yet another anecdote on General forum. I think everyone but me was out on the town last night! Sounds like you're doing really well with the weightloss :scale: Go Girl :D
to be quite honest i'd love to lose more per week. desperately want to get below 14 and it seems like its taking ages. mind you, i really ought to follow this a bit more stringently haha. but i feel i have shown that you can diet and still enjoy the odd treat (aka indian a few days ago) hahaha. i've decided to take a photo of myself when i hit 13st 9lbs so i can compare it to my other ones taken at the start of this, as it's hard to see how much you've actually lost. Anyways loves, had a shower and im going to get some shut eye now, once ive blowdried my hair and done my exercises haha. will be back to my old self once this show is over. xxxxxxxxxx
Oh elly elly, you're doing OK girl! I've got so much more to lose than you and I'm going so slow my ticker should have a snail but a ladybird is SO much prettier :D Oh, talking of snails - if you weren't working today you may have seen a woman on tele who uses the slime from snails to rub on her wrinkles to make them disappear. I think I'd rather have the wrinkles!!! :eek:
Hey all, well got a bit of news. Got woke up at 6am this morning, to the Ambulance taking my mum away. Don't think i can ever get the sound of her yells out of head, ever.

Dad has finally taken over after a huge fight last night between the two. Me and my sister went down about 6:30 to see what we can do while we wait. Decided we better tidy up to get rid of the sick knocking smell, and we did. Oh god it was horrible. She has filled an entire draw with peices of tissue paper covered in.. i don't know, bodily waste or the infection from her arm, both of us have thrown up while we gutted the house, disinfected the sofa and floor, throw all the pillows in the washer (that we didnt throw out) And just kept busy.

But its all clean, and dad just rang, told us they are having to pump her full of fluids and antibiotics. I asked him if she is going to be ok, and he laughed and said he doesn't know.

Finally cried infront of my sister, first time in about 15 years. I haven't stopped shaking yet, still feel sick, and have so much anger and pure black fear. We are hovering by the phone waiting for dad to tell us what to do, he didn't want us to go up there, as there is nothing we can do, but i have to do something or i am going to go insane.

Sorry for dumping on you all again, but i need to talk to someone. Can't talk to my sister, yet. She is a wreck, i shouldn't have cried on her already, gotta be strong for her.

Can anyone tell me what i should be doing? Other than punching walls, its not helpful, already cut my hand doing it.

Really, really, REALLY sorry for you having to read this, especially on a sunday, not a good way to start the day...
Bless you Tyn. Support is the name of the game on here. You need it, you get it hon.
Firstly, I am glad it has come to a head. Something just had to happen. She is now in the right place to get help. I just hope she realises it and that if she doesn't your Dad is strong enough to insist on her getting the help she needs. I really hope they have caught everything in time to put things right.
Secondly, you and your sister have had a very tough call today. All you have done is show her you are human when you shed tears. You are going through all this together. You both need a hug SO DO IT!
Thirdly, you have both been amazing with the practical stuff. It must have seemed like climbing Everest this morning. I am sending you both love, hugs and good vibes. Sometimes life is SO hard. x :hug99: :vibes:
Tyn, just a quickie hon. I have to go out in a minute so may not be on here for several hours. Post away all you need and get it all out of your system. I'll get straight on here as soon as I get back. Hopefully someone else will log in this afternoon too but it has been a bit quiet lately. Elle should be back this evening. I hope all is well with your mum. Whatever happens you have done your best x
Hey, just got back from the hospital. Dad needed to sleep so we brought him home, as she was passed out. Its not looking good, actually its looking horrible.

They are saying its Cancer. Shes lost almost all of one breast, and its a huge lump down on side of her upper body. They have her on obs and tons of medication atm, but are waiting to do surgery.

She is totally off the planet at the moment for the few mins she was awake, she kept taking her 02 mask off, even tho the doctors and my dad kept telling her to keep it on. Even now she won't let us help her.

Her O2 levels are really low. But my god, i didn't even recognise her when i walked into the room. She looks so old and frail. And it really looks like we have done nothing to help her. which is partly true, but more because she wouldn't and wont let us.

Ended up 'going for a drink' with my sister, because i couldn't fight the tears anymore. Ended up walking through a few no entry zones, to get out of the building, and made a right prat of myself crying in the ambulence bay. Oh well.

Dad is trying to be strong, but he just looks so tired and angry. Hes gone to bed for a few hours before we go back at five.

Met the surgeon, she was nice enough, she said that her consultant wants to wait awhile before they make any choices. But i think they are stalling to get a bigger team together, looks like its alot of work.

Just want them to take her into surgery now.

God i hope she doesn't die, i am not ready to let her go, i need my mum, there is still so much i need her for. She has to hate my husband, spoil my kids, tell me she doesn't like my job, she can't die yet.

i gtg