Biggest Loser - DQ's Gonna-B-Minis!

Hi D_Q,

I 'm so sorry to hear about the setbacks due to health problems. I hope your health is fully restored very soon and that we can all can shift the weight this glorious year.
I'm still here:wavey:. Just in the process of trying to sell my house so am busy de-cluttering.
Managed 5 litres today. Hooray! how is everyone else doing?
Hi yummymummy,

Glad to see you're still here and doing great. 5litres is great. I've struggled with the water today, having been on the road a bit and not wanting to be caught short. I'm only just starting my 3rd litre and its after 10p.m.

I weighed in today and I've lost 13lbs (+3/8 but who is counting ounces, ey). Let's see if the night sees the other 5/8 shifting so I can report a stone for the challenge.

Good luck with the decluttering and I hope the house sells soon. Are you doing a House Doctor type sale?
13 pounds:wow:that's great. You'll be leading the team! Well done.

Re-house, To be honest we have two pre school children and the mess they make is quite incredible....there's always a trail of destruction from my 16 month old. Add two cats and an untidy husband, lets just say the house needs a good spring clean throughout. Trying to minimise as much as possible so buyers can see it's potential.

I used to struggle with the water too...but after a while it becomes second nature....uncomfy if you are on the road though.
I'm here!!
I got rid of 7lbs this week!
Had a bad day yesterday, not much water as I was so busy but 1l down so far!
Nope - still waiting on 2 sets of results :( If I don't get them soon, will I will have to post what we have, which is a shame...
I think you should post your results without them as everyone is aware of the cut-off day....sorry, to be soooo strict but somebody has to be!!! :)
Looks like Hel's Hotties won the first week but it was a damn close call!! So, make sure I get your results in by Wednesday to give us the best chance of winning!

Well done to all of you :clap: