Biggie's on it again! :)

Yes! Let's gulp more water! :0icanfly: :whacky068::character00116:
So, today is not easy. I have not had anything else than exante 3xday but... it's just in my head that I'm not going to lose much/fast enough. Tomorrow will be my first weight in. I'm scared.
On the positive note, I have noticed I sleep better, easier somehow and probably deeper. I don't know, maybe I'm imagining things. But it feels like sleeping is better.
I really hope my body starts cooperating and losing the blob.
Here is to another day to push thru!
Everyone stay focused! We can and damn will do this! :whacky068:
Good luck with your WI.

I feel exactly the same with the weightloss, I see absolutely no difference in the size of shape of my body and I feel like this weight is just clinging to me for dear life but it has to come off.

I think they key is consistency, I always quit when the weight loss stalls so I'm determined to see this through this time even with the ups and downs.

It is possible for us to get to goal and be happy - keep going.
Hi guys!
So today is my first WI and I'm happy to announce I lost exactly 10lbs! :banana_dancer:
It's a lot! I'm very pleased. I did not have anything else than exante 3 packs a day (shake, soup, bar). This is just the very beginning, just the first week and I know things are going to get hard. But I want to fight for the happy me, for the more confident, smiling me and even dare to go out with friends without feeling too embarrassed by the way I look, without seeing the judging looks...

I hope next week is going to get me to the first stone off. That would be fantastic. We will see.
I have to admit I was hoping for something around 11-14lbs on my first week, since I remember me losing 11lbs when I was at 18.42st.
This time I started with 20st and lost 'only' 10lbs. It's 'only' but also A LOT! :0icanfly:

I'm very happy to carry less of the flab :)
Have amazing day everyone and keep going!
We can do this! :whacky068::character00116:
Hey Biggie (getting smaller-ie!!) good work on your first week :) I just wanted respond and say you're doing fabulously and sound so focused and committed. I also wanted to warn you against evvver trying the shepherds pie... its disgusssssting!!!!!!!!!! You had a great first loss and I noticed your comment about being anxious you wont lose much fast enough - hopefully that was pre weigh-in anxiety, but I just wanted to stop by and say I had lost 29kg/ 4 1/2 stone in 11 weeks :) I did 10 weeks on 4 products a day only and then added 200 cal meal on top from then. I had some wobbles (i have a diary if you wanna read) but on the whole, when your mind is focussed, you'll be well away! Dunno if you know why they now say 4 products a day or 3 + a meal.. it was cause the health regulations for allowable diet plans for very low calorie diets changed from 600 to 800... theyre not allowed to sell a diet that recommends eating less now, I believe, something to do with health research and guidelines. Exante still allows you to get into ketosis but Cambridge diet, which I used previously didnt work as well for me anymore.

Keep up the great work. And it sounds like youre surrounded by arseholes by the way.... get rid of the people in your life who only have malicious things about you/to you x
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! :)

I'm strong in the zone and not going anywhere of the path. It's going to be damn hard but I want to have some life and be happy, so I'm going to suck it up and carry on. :eating:
Thank you jacci49 :) I'm on the right path still. Drinking water and thinking positive!
I can do this! :0icanfly:
Today wasn't too bad. I had the cinnamon shake for breakfast and it was very yummy. Then a white chocolate bar which is okay, just much less tasty than what I remember because not much chocolate chips and almost no a single berry in it. Shame. It used to be so much better.
One more pack left and it's going to be red Thai chicken soup which I really like.
I'm not drinking enough water, sadly. It's the hardest bit for me on this diet. I never drink enough. So I'm going to try my best to top up on the water intake.
Stay strong everyone!
Have amazing evening! :0icanfly: :whacky068: 🙂
Some days the water is easier than others. I just got an app for my phone that bloops every hour (or however often you set) to remind you to drink. Would that help you? Keep up the good work!! :)
Hey FaeFaeFiFi! this can be a good idea, I may look for the app. I don't forget about drinking, it's just I can't drink that much. But I'm trying my best!
I'm still going strong. How are you doing?
So today was another good day and stayed focused and 100%TS (3 packs). I'm hoping the results wont be bad on Wednesday's weight in.
Hope everyone had great weekend!
Keep going guys. We can do this! :whacky068: :classic_smile:
Keep it up!

I used to really struggle with the water but I've heard it really helps with the weightloss so I now manage to drink about 2.4l per day, that still isn't enough for the plan I don't think but its really all I can manage.

Just try to up it every day and you will get there.
Good work :) what makes you worry that they’d be bad? What is a bad result to you? X

I think I'm just overthinking this. Just because I was losing a lot, last time I did this diet, it's going to be the same now. But It is not. I'm older and my body changed the way it works. So I can't expect the same loss as 9 years ago. And I know all the theory, what to do, what to avoid, how to push myself thru a bad day and so on....yet my brain goes in some strange places and starts worrying, panicking, being scared for no reason. I am losing weight, even if it's 1lbs, it's one less not more and this is what's important. I am moving in the right direction. All I need to do is just keep going.
I hope my diet_brain will catch up with my normal brain soon and stop thinking silly thoughts :D

Sorry for the rant. It helped! :character00116:
What is a bad result for me?
Gaining weight. +1lbs instead of 0lbs or -1lbs. (this is my normal brain replying)
Omg! I don't know, what if I don't lose at all?! what if I only lose 2lbs and still no get over the damn 1 stone after doing this for 2 weeks... what if aaaaaaaaah I dont know!!!! - (this is my diet_brain)