BikerKitty's Journey.....

my foot feels alot better today after resting it yesterday, went on ea active for 20 mins this morning, im going to try and do davina dvd later as i know i probably wont get chance to properly exercise now until next week, apart from walking when im in Aberdeen. Ive found a WI on Wednesday that I can go to that is the same leader that does my meeting. So im going to WI a day earlier this week. I'd rather get weighed this week and next rather than just wait till i get home from Scotland. Off for breakfast ...
ooh ive been hiding for 2 days havent i, well i had my tooth out in hospital yesterday and i was really sleepy all day obviously from the anasthetic, took my pain killers and that knocked me out even more haha. but im alot better today, i went to weigh in this morning, a day early because im off to Aberdeen tomorrow at 5am until Tuesday night. Well i lost another 4POUNDS! hurrah! Well happy :) So ive lost 15 pounds so far now, that my first stone off and my 5% :D Im off for a little snooze now as Im still feeling quite groggy and sleepy, will update tomorrow on the train as im taking the laptop with me and my mobile internet so if i get it working i will get on here for the 6 hour journey :) byeee xx
in scotland now, just about to have my lunch, have to admit its the first healthy one since i got here but its been really fun, im going to try and be good from now on but i suppose its my holiday :) anyway off to watch a film and have foods!
Im backkkkk!!! I had a really REALLY good holiday in Aberdeen :) It was so good to catch up with my friends and I really did pretty much eat whatever I wanted lol. But i had a blast and it was yummy lol. TWO WORDS... battered sausage! lol. yummmmm...

Anyway, came back on Tuesday went straight to bed at 9pm when I got home, then went on the Wii yesterday morning to check the damage... now we all know Wiis are tempremental at times with weight but it said +11lbs!!!!! In 7 days, excuse me?!?1 So i went on it again and this time it said +8lbs instead of 11!!! So obviously less, but still i was NOT impressed!!

Did some exercise, stuck to my points and then i found an easter egg... oops so i was ignoring it for ages and then I just broke and NOM NOM NOM NOM oopsy easter egg eated! Then I just went to bed lol.

Went back on the Wii this morning, it said I'd lost a bit since yesterday, hmm whatever mr. wii. i basically take the wii as an estimate and i really only do it to get the stamps each day rather than really taking it to heart. So weigh in is in 2 hours and im not looking forward to it. Im slightly concerned by what the scales will say but oh well, whats a girl to do!

the meeting i go to is one where my mum is a helper at, and also my friend Xena goes there too, usually meet her there, and then go to her house. Shes started to always exercise on the nights of weigh in, and thats the one day/night i dont feel guilty for having a rest day. I told her that earlier by text, that i wanted a chill out, a chat and a catch up and she said well she's going to go on ea active when im there. so im probably just going to go there, have chinese and then go home. if she doesnt get the message then i think im going to have to stop going there after WI totally, ive lived where i live now for almost a year in may and she has been to my house ONCE since then. Im at her house at least twice/3 times a week, so i really think i need to change things there. its not fair that im always the one pushing to see people and if i didnt go to see her, it makes me wonder if we would ever see each other.

argh sorry, that got really long but i guess once i started typing it just came out lol. will catch up when i can as i dont have internet at the moment, but i might even have internet back tonight if i top up lol. xx
Well lets think of it this way yes you put on 8 BUT you had a brilliant time and ate what you wanted. It would be so much worse if you kinda stuck to it half heartedly, gained a few pounds because then you'd be all, damn should have had what i wanted. So lassoo your self back on that wagon, cling on to me and we will stay on the wagon even if it kills us.
Oh and battered sausage :eek: no more of those young lady, even though they are damn tasty, did you have a battered Mars bar? they are good too :D
Another wi? how many are you having this week :rotflmao: good luck. Think your right about your friend, but i don't make effort if people don't make effort with me. But whats the point of going round someones house if they're playing on the wii, seems a bit rude or am i missing the point?

Glad your back

I have my internet back so i will be once again obsessively being on minis lol. I went to my OFFICIAL weigh in last night and the damage was........ +6 :/ omg! But its made me really work out alot today and i have 3 points saved, but i might have a hot chocolate before i go bed. I hope your sitting down because I went for a JOG today, in the real outside world! and there was people! LOL but it was so good and i felt amazing for actually going out there. I say the word jog loosely as it was like a 1 minute jog and then a 4 minute walk so i didnt die haha. but still i cant wait to notice that i dont die when i jog so i know im improving, that will be amazing.

anyways im off to catch up with minis :D
just plotted my little jog and walk thing i did yesterday on a map that is on a running website and it was actually 2.30 miles!!!!!!!!!! lol its adds up when you dont even notice!
the websites i only went on it because the woman opposite me on the train was reading one of their magazines so i remembered it lol. but u can track what you do and plot it on a map and it works out the distance youve done its quite cool.

Off to my mums later for a buffet style family thing, ive told her that im bringing my own food and not to force feed me anything lol. Shes making my most favourite lasagne that only she makes the best lol and im going to have to miss it because i know how much full fat cheese she puts in there lol. its yummy but i really need to be an angel this week so i might make her make me another one on a thursday after weigh in lol.
haha yeah i know a JOG lol i told my mate and he said a job?! lol no i know that is what you would think but no, a joG! lol. and ive just been for a bike ride but it was with my neice and shes only 6 so it was slow and not very far but ok considering its meant to be my rest day. i dont want to fook my body up again with constant exercise and no rests but it was only gentle lol. plus i want that 6lbs off!!!!!
ooh dear i just nearly fell down the stairs haha, i got out of bed and started going down the stairs and my legs went all jelly like and my right foot went over and i nearly went for a fly down the stairs, caught myself though so its okay haha. i guess the bike ride and slight jog yesterday did more than i thought and my legs were not happy. so im going to do some stretches and then go out in the grim weather for a jog. its overcast and yucky but i suppose if it rains it will cool me down lmao. plus if i go out this early there will be less people! haha
lol i dont think falling down stairs is lucky, or i'd be a really lucky person haha, im always doing it im so clumsy lol.

not updated in a couple of days as i had a date that was meant to be one evening and lasted 2 days lol. Hes lovely *sigh* anyway!!!! lol Been sticking to plan really well, went out for a meal yesterday afternoon with lovely man *sigh* lol and had chinese for tea with lovely man *sigh* lmao and then pointed it all and i was under by 9 points yesterday lol and ive not done any real exercise for a couple of days but i did weigh on the wii fit this morning and it said staid the same so should be okay. had other kind of exercise tho if u know what i mean and thats not too much information lol So im going to have tea shortly and then do the Davina Super Fit DVD and then work out like a mofo tomorrow before weigh in! Im really worried about weigh in, i stress all day of the weigh in days but this week ive worried all week and just want to have lost lol. Oh i been taking water balance tablets too after meals so im hoping that will help too :) off to have my tea, sooo hungry! x
Excuse me madame, do you not think we need some details on this lovely man you've been swooning over (did think it was odd you were being so quiet) xxx
lol just not trying to be over the top about him since weve only had one date, altho it was really over 3 days but ah hes lovely lol been talking to him all day... proper swooning lol not good. *calms self* lol

weigh in tonight... argh!!!!!