Bikini in Oz- I'm coming to get you!

Kinda!! Plus trying on my jeans which won't go past my thighs! Grr. It's getting cold and I need my skinny jeans! My baggy ones soak up all the water from the street!! I need my skinny ones that can tuck into my boots and stay dry!! Only problem is they are skinny on the top as well as the legs!! Not sure if they'll ever fit really as my preggy belly has changed the shape of my body. Hmm.
But yeah some days my little one likes to challenge me around dinner time which makes having a meal a nightmare and much easier to grab a bar to fill me up, but at the weekends when hubby's home or if she's napping in the day I can quickly rustle up an omelette or something and have that!!

I'm going to weigh this morning for the start of the November challenge - and also for a personal sneaky peek!! ;)
But before you smack my wrist I have to say I've been much better on the weighing front!! :) I weighed Monday to see the apple crumble damage and since then have been getting dressed and glugging water before I get to the scales (- I refuse to weigh myself unless it's post wee, pre clothes and pre drink!! Ha ha).
Good luck today!! Xx
Thanks Gretagrip:)

Good day so far-S and S porridge made into a pancake this morning,half a chicken breast stir fried with mushrooms,rocket and courgette for lunch...hmmmmmm I think I could live without chicken,completely gone off the texture but then again I'm not a great meat eater anyway.

Plan on a Chicken noodle soup for tea and bar tonight.2 pints of water so far so need to get a bit more in.

My discovery today was -to whiten your teeth mix lemon or lime juice with bicarbonate of soda,into a paste and brush your teeth!Saw it on YouTube and it works-all that coffee I'm drinking isn't doing my teeth any favours.

Braved the scales seeing as it's the 1st of November-12 stone on the button so that's a 3 lb gain after my jollyup in Glasgow.It'll be gone by Tuesday,I'm determined.
Kinda!! Plus trying on my jeans which won't go past my thighs! Grr. It's getting cold and I need my skinny jeans! My baggy ones soak up all the water from the street!! I need my skinny ones that can tuck into my boots and stay dry!! Only problem is they are skinny on the top as well as the legs!! Not sure if they'll ever fit really as my preggy belly has changed the shape of my body. Hmm. But yeah some days my little one likes to challenge me around dinner time which makes having a meal a nightmare and much easier to grab a bar to fill me up, but at the weekends when hubby's home or if she's napping in the day I can quickly rustle up an omelette or something and have that!! I'm going to weigh this morning for the start of the November challenge - and also for a personal sneaky peek!! ;) But before you smack my wrist I have to say I've been much better on the weighing front!! :) I weighed Monday to see the apple crumble damage and since then have been getting dressed and glugging water before I get to the scales (- I refuse to weigh myself unless it's post wee, pre clothes and pre drink!! Ha ha). Good luck today!! Xx

Haha Sammy,I won't slap your wrist-I weighed in today as well for the same reasons- hopping over to the November challenge to put my name in the pot.

Oh and I'm the same when weighing,has to be bare naked,post wee and nothing gets my attention before that! And you're 11 on the'll see those 10's this week,no problem to you?
Ever heard of Caroline Pearce?She used to be a Gladiator-I just tried her 20 minute work out and there's a reason she was a Gladiator.....I ache but at least it prolonged my evening "meal" a bit!!!!

She recommends 3 x times a week-If I managed 2 a week,plus Pilates a few brisk walks Id be delighted....
Wow! I'll look her up!! Well done for doing that. And 3lbs is very very ok after a week off! That will definitely come off quick!!

I need to find time to do more exercise in my day. I just don't know where the time goes!
It was a workout I recorded from one of the Sky's only 20 minutes but you feel it.I was using heavier weights than suggested,that definitely contributed to the pain.Im willing to give anything a try to get rid of these chubby legs!

So I've been reading about Christmas Day and how to stay in Ketosis.There's a fantastic sample day's menu on the S and S site including Yorkshire pud and cream!!!!! I'm hoping to have the majority of this extra 2 stone gone by then but I will definitely need to plan for the festive season.Luckily I'm not a big drinker,its just getting my head around the fact that I don't need the rest of the rubbish.

Long term for maintenance I'm looking at Atkins/Dukan....5:2....low carb/low fat-I need to explore them all a bit more but what I now know is that carbs are not my friends-whatever I do will have to involve low carbing.
Yeah I've come to the same conclusion about low carbing. Have put a low carb cookbook on my Christmas wish list. I don't think carbs are my friend!! I think the up day down day or 5:2 will actually maintain me. I haven't read up enough on Atkins or dukan but will have a read and will probably do a mixture of everything. To be honest I'll probably always have a link to a vlcd as it seems the only diet my body actually listens to and responds to!!

I'll have to look up that Christmas sample menu. Sounds good. We're spending Xmas with my OH family so I'll be less likely to over indulge there then I would at my family's.
Re 5:2- I was adamant that I was going to use it as a maintenance method. I then looked into it more and I'm pretty convinced it's just another fad type diet. I made the mistake of voicing this a year ago on the JUDDDD forum - well, I said that a a weight loss tool for anything other than a few lbs here and there, it doesn't work. Practically got myself banned for that : ) But a year down I'm still sure that that's the case. It will maintain your weight yes , but all it is is a calorie controlled diet with a small twist.

I also looked at low carb and decided it was sustainable because as soon as you eat a cake you put on 5lbs in carb bloat which I decided would be very demoralising.

For me, what works is calorie counting with moderately low carbing. I only eat carbs now and again and never any white ones. I apply the 80/20 rule too - so I'm careful in the week and I relax on Saturdays - last night for example I ate some coconut pudding with cream, half a bar of chocolate and some sweets. That'll be it in terms of that stuff until next weekend. So do look at devising your own plan using bits from all the other plans , if that makes sense : ) I think you're doing exactly the right thing in looking at maintenance now. All you'll do otherwise is stick it all back on

Re Christmas - I will do what I did last year . It's ONE day so I eat a normal breakfast and then a Christmas dinner with a few treats afterwards. I don't carry on the scoffing into Boxing Day. I found that worked well last year.

I think you're doing a fab job so far - find your commitment inspiring !
I can spell but I can't type . Loads of typos in that post : ) I meant to say that strict low carbing is difficult but moderate low carbing is very achievable.

Going now !!!
Sounds like you have found a system that works for you which is great! I know it'll take a little while to find my best maintenance approach and I guess it's pretty much trial and error and also acceptance. I think that once I accept that I'm not going to be able to be one of those people that can have a slab of cake every time I meet a friend for coffee and stop being jealous of other peoples abilities to be able to do that I'll be much happier. And this diet is great at getting you out in social situations without having any 'treats' that it's good practice for being in the real world and saying 'no'!

Sorry for using your diary for my tantalising revelation!! Lol xx
Hi Lainey - found you and just caught up with your diary! Hope everything has settled down on the job issues- what a nightmare but you're so completely right on prioritising your life and emotional well being. I remember my mum saying to me a few years back "how much money would you sell your soul to the devil for?" To which I responded "none, obviously" and she said "well every time you go in to that office and put yourself through that you're selling a little but more of your soul to the devil..." So true!

Anyway, it seems like you're back on track so well done! I think goal by Christmas is totally achievable for you. If not goal then significant progress to the extent that you will feel fab!

Interested in everyone's posts regarding maintenance as I'm now approaching thy stage. Gretagrip I completely agree with you re. juddd and the 5.2. I have male friends that 5.2 has worked really well for but they aren't emotional eaters - it's simply a way of them limiting calories over the course of a week without having to do a girly calorie count lol! Also gretagrip where you round on the Cambridge forums last year? Your name is so familiar. I done Cambridge last year too (all in my diary- I won't hijack Lainey's with my tale).

Anyway, again in my diary, when I lose these final six pounds I will experiment with a dukan type maintenance plan and see how I go!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. Lainey, when is your weigh in this week? Also in terms of what plan to follow.... I've had a protein meal throughout and barring my blip last week I've lost consistently. For me personally it's what has kept me going. I eat chicken salad in work for lunch then come home and have a soup to take the edge of my hunger followed an hour or so later by a meal pack then a bar for "dessert". Of course this is just me sharing my own experience.... I have a friend who needs the discipline of only the packs! It's what works best for you however if you don't need the discipline and you enjoy the protein meal then go for it. The calories are so similar and if you stick to protein and veg you won't come out of ketosis x
Firstly ladies I had the most delicious meal last night-all S and S friendly and stolen from the recipe pages here-Yuk Sung....basically Turkey mince with Chinese Five Spices,leeks,garlic,onions,ginger,tiny drop of soy sauce,1/4 pack of Slim noodles all in the pan then wrapped in iceberg lettuce.I have been craving something crunchy and this hit the spot!

Slimboots-I've changed my weighin day to Friday ,simply because I'm following the November challenge and it's easier to keep the days consistent( not that I won't be hopping up and down off them for a sneaky peek!!!).Also work wise I have gone back 2 days a week,started last week and so far so good-I'm not getting sucked back in to sell my soul to the devil-I love my soul far too much for that ( took a long time to realise that but at least I did).Starting weight on Friday was 12 stone exactly :(

Greta,the more I look into 5:2 and JUDD the more I can see how you're so right-no offence to anyone doing these but it seems to be the same 2 or 3 lbs going off and coming back on...that would just kill me! To be honest after trying every diet ever known to man I now realise the issue with me is not losing the weight it's realising ( finally!!!!) that I cannot go back to my old eating habits.Your plan is fool proof and is often encouraged on other "diets"-strict during the week,one day of a little of what you fancy and then straight back to it.I also think that exercise is going to play a big part for me and not necessarily in the " I have to get fit/tone up sense" but for my mental health.I realise that after 2 beautiful babies I will always have a jelly belly and I don't really mind,it's more the actual sense of getting out there and clearing my head that I need.

Sammy,I think we're both on the same wave length regarding maintenance....I just can't wait to get there and you my dear are so close!!!

Have a great day everyone xx
Slim boots - hello. Yes I joined in June 2012 and did CD for 7 weeks and got down to 10 st 4. I then lost a further stone by calorie counting and here I am today : )

I'm actually not a big fan of any of the main diet programmes. SW is flawed because any plan that encourages you to eat ' free foods ' is not going to work for anyone who has the capacity to eat unlimited carbs - and let's face it, it's easy to eat huge platefuls of pasta for a lot of folk. And dont get me started on those hideous muiller light things and mug shots. And WW encourages you to eat processed rubbish. So the best way forward is a mixture of all of them - cherry picking the good bits of each plan.

I'm a big fan of Dr Briffa and really recommend a read of his book. Makes so much sense - it is definitely carbs that pile weight on and he explains the science behind this very clearly. Carbs = sugar and sugar = bad. Fats ( even saturated ones ) surprisingly OK.
Again I completely agree with you Greta-if you look at anyone who has a weight problem it's the carbs that are the heart of the problem and any food plan that encourages unlimited amounts of it is unrealistic. Telling me that I can eat unlimited amounts of anything is like a target-keep going until you reach it-so disgusting but that's what happens!

I could never understand the WW obsession with low fat yogurts,Pink and White wafers and ready meals-I don't eat them in the 1st place so why would I start?

Today for Sunday roast dinner with the family I had chicken breast,broccoli and turnip-didn't even miss potatoes.Its all habit really isn't it? We always have gravy,roast potatoes,stuffing etc out of habit so it's just a matter of breaking it! The secret for me is mixing it all up a bit-change the choices every day.However I have a few of the curry packs here and they are pretty vile-would appreciate it if anyone could suggest something to make them more palatable???
Yes I think it's a bit of a must read- especially if you follow SW. I like a lot of SW principles but the 'free' potatoes, pasta and rice schtick is completely outdated advice.

I'm just waiting for a 'free cake' plan : )
Hi All,

Lainey, Friday is my weigh in day too – we must come on and update each other...fingers crossed for this week!

GretaGrip I also started Cambridge in June last year so that’ll be why I recognise your user name! J

Oh god the slimming world thing!!!! Soooo....I have a friend who lost four stone on SW last year for her November wedding (I was her bridesmaid and done Cambridge so we were both slinky for the big day J)...she looks absolutely fab and has kept it off so obviously for SOME people this works.....but here’s the thing. I used to go in to her house and be utterly horrified at what I seen in her fridge and her freezer – and this was me being overweight myself. Her freezer was packed full of pies, potato waffles, sausages etc. Every night was copious amounts of Magners followed by cream cakes, cheese, other desserts. Half the week was takeaways. For my friend who actually never in her life learned how to eat remotely normal and had consequently been obese her whole adult life slimming world was great because it helped her to start her journey – does that make sense? I know what I’m trying to say but maybe not articulating myself very well.

For me, I’d happily eat a chicken salad on a random day when I wasn’t “dieting” dinners would be spag bol or cottage pie or something and I’d have a take away maybe once a week. But my god I could put away the alcohol for Scotland. I could wolf down four bags of crisps in a blink of an eye and think nothing of it. Although my meals were reasonably normal I had too many extras and I’d spend two days a week with a hangover searching for that elusive carby, salty goodness that would cure me of it. I personally needed the discipline of not being allowed those extras. That is especially why SW/WW/calorie count alone never worked! I GAINED on slimming world! Being allowed those extras “within moderation” was the kiss of death for me. It was NEVER moderated and in addition I’d be eating pasta, potatoes, rice etc. which, like you say Lainey I had never eaten as a rule before so I was actually eating more bad stuff! It’s just madness. I know for me personally it’s carbs in excessive amounts that are a massive trigger.

Anyway, hopefully that all makes sense. Lainey, try adding some extra curry powder to the pack or maybe some chilli flakes if you have them......that made it go down easier for me. I’d also pour it over some chicken and veg which worked quite well x
Slimboots,that makes sense about your friend.I have seen so many people succeed on SW and WW-it just goes to show there's a method to losing weight for everyone-maintenance is the problem for most of us.

I had a sneaky look at the scales yesterday and I shouldn't have-that's all I'll say for now.

I think when you're fat like me,I look at skinnier friends with envy about how much they eat.But the issue is they don't have a weight problem,I do,so regardless of what they eat/don't eat it really shouldn't matter.I used to get so annoyed about it.But I now realise that either they cut back before or after if it's a big meal out or they actually don't eat as much as I think they do...I have often polished off my own desert and my friends on a night out because she couldn't finish it.Go figure!!!!!

It's difficult to change your thoughts about food but that is the only way I will be able to beat this weight battle-think like a thin person.

Enough rambling a for one day...