Bikini in Oz- I'm coming to get you!

Thanks Slimboots and Sammy,

Had a great day today...Food wise I'm top of the class!!That blasted scales,I hate them so I'm just staying away until Friday morning.

I'm off work tomorrow and Friday so I'll keep busy with Christmas shopping and doing all the Mummy things I miss when I'm in work.

Well done Slimboots, 4lbs is fantastic,it just goes to show resilience is our best armour in this battle.

Sammy, you really should consider motivational talks,you're just ACE!!!!

Have to complete my 110 squats today ( and no rest day) -I missed out on them yesterday but did my Pilates class instead so don't feel too bad.

Only 17 days left to lose 10lbs,hmmmm can it be done?Here's hoping :)
Glad you had a better day and getting away from work and food will definitely help!!

Well done on the water xx
It's been another good day for me-porridge,chilli pack and just had a mushroom omlette-saving my bar till later when the kids are at their swimming lessons and I'll enjoy a quiet cuppa!

I'm actually not looking forward to the scales tomorrow-not that I've wavered off the diet those pesky scales haven't moved at all so far this week.Im not sure why because I've been having between 1 and 1.5 litres of water and then tea,coffee and extra water with my packs?I've also started taking psyllium husks so it's not that either.The only "food" that May have caused a STS is extra veg and not even that is it possible to only have 3 packs plus a small protein meal and STS?Baffled!!!!!
Sometimes it goes like that though and then the following week you get a sudden whoosh. So don't be disheartened and when you get back on it on Sunday the following weigh might just surprise you!! ;) xx
Thanks Sammy...I really hope so,I'm a little disheartened by it all but I'll persevere-Have a work night out organized for the 13th December and by God,if it kills me they're be a stone off by then.
Cor the 13th December is a popular night for all I think!! I am aiming to get to 10,4 or less by then which will be hard with the refeed week too.
But let's battle through it!! Well done for staying strong until your night off. Only today left to get through and then you can relax and enjoy!!
Let's power on from Sunday!! (I promise not to give you a kick up the bum until monday if your hangover is a corker ;) ) Xx
Well as predicted not an ounce lost this week...had already resigned myself to it anyway so I'll soldier on and hope for that big loss next week.I actually think I'm retaining water ( as opposed to retaining Mars Bars as Billy Connolly would say!!).On a positive note I got my new order yesterday so restocked with lemon bars and I did my 120 squats in the shower last night.

I had some of my friends over for coffee this morning and the looks on their faces when I made my cottage pie whilst they scoffed ham and cheese rolls.....priceless!!!

Sammy 10 st 4 is the lowest I got to in Cambridge as far as I remember( or 10 st 6??) and it felt brilliant so keep going,you're doing brilliantly.

Can I ask you a question,do you have much milk in your tea/coffee and how many do you drink per day?Whats your typical day if food/drink actually like?Im asking cos maybe the milk is affecting me ( I'm not that hung up on ketosis).
Sorry hun only just catching up on here!!

I thought milk might effect me too sometimes as I slip in and out of ketosis. I usually have 2-3 cups a day. I use skim milk.
I also have an omelette or pancake most days with a splash of milk. So am probably over 150ml I guess.
I usually log it all into MFP and put my milk as 150 or 200 depending on my day and see what the carbs say. My calories quite often go over but I try to concentrate on the carbs and keeping them down.
I usually have a shake. Protein meal. Bar. And hot shake. Most days like that.

Hopefully you'll get a big whoosh next week. There's always a slow week every so often in everyone's diet journey and I truly believe it's there to challenge us!!

Hope you're having a lovely night off tonight! :)

Oh I meant to say - on Cambridge I had a real stuck in the mud weight of 10,10 then 10,4 and really struggled to shove past those weights. And to get to 9,10 (my lowest) every quarter of a pound took forever and ever to budge!! Not sure if the battle will be the same with SnS or not. Xx
Thanks Sammy-my night out was fab...I had a " normal" day up until we went out-Had a porridge,then a delicious omlette with my Mum for lunch.The Tapas were yummy and even protein based but oh the alcohol ?-a lot red wine....but back to S and S today......I'm definitely going to mix thinks up a bit this week-more shakes,less meals and more water!!!

I'm with you on the challenge for this week Sammy-3lbs before Friday!!!
Did you find it ok going straight back to S&S after your day off? I have one coming up on 29th and nervous about getting back on S&S the next day x
It wasn't too bad Jewel-to be honest I was so full after eating Tapas and drinking copious amounts of red wine last night that I wasn't even hungry this morning.

So I waited till lunchtime and had an S and S version of Sunday Roast dinner-1 slice of roast beef with cabbage and swede,then had a shake this evening-that's it!!!I'm sure I will be absolutely starving tomorrow though....I guess you just have to have it in your head that you definitely want to get back to it and you definitely want to get the weight off for good!!!If this is the quickest and easiest way to do it then it's a small price to pay.Im hoping I'll still be this positive in 3 days time when I'm desperately trying to get back into ketosis ?
I'm with you on the challenge for this week Sammy-3lbs before Friday!!!

Definitely!! Let's do this!!!

Glad your night out was good. Well done for getting straight back on it!! Xx
That makes me feel less worried, thank you xx
Had a quick look at the scales this morning-1lb up after my night of indulgence over the weekend-I know that it'll be gone pronto if I drink enough water to flush it all out....3lbs off be Friday-I really want to do this!
Lainey, well done for getting straight back on track! That poiund will be gone in no time....i think you'll get a pleasant surprise on Friday as you STS last weigh in. Well I was away from home Thursday night and had my night off then so didn't weigh until saturday - two pounds on eeeek!!! I'm sure it was after my Thursday night indulgence. I've been keeping up with exercising and FEELING better but the scales just don't seem to want to agree with me!!!

Good luck Friday. I'm off to Glasgow Thursday night for the weekend and will weigh in Thursday morning so update diary then...I'll check in on friday and see how you get on x
1lb on after a night off isnt bad at all, that will be back off in no time xx
Another good day under my belt but feeling very bunged up in the bowels ( sorry TMI!!!)-I resorted to eating a prune to try and get things moving!!!

Had strawberry shake,chicken salad and hot Choc mint shake so far...just about to have my bar to finish off my day.2 litres of water down the drain's so friggin' cold brrrrrrr so need a cuppa to warm me up!!

Roll on ( or off) Friday for weigh in!!!!
Well done Lainey! I'm shuddering watching these bush tucker trials!! Yuck!

I'm avoiding scales til Friday morning!! Xx
Yuck, those bush ticker trials are so vile,turns my stomach.I went upstairs to avoid them and could hear my hubby laughing so hard at Joey :)

I'm not weighing again till Friday and desperately want to see 11 st 7.My next target after that is Friday 13th when I have a work night out and really want to see a 10 st something by then...hope I'm being realistic...8lbs in 3 weeks ( if I hit target this week),fingers crossed.