Bikini in Oz- I'm coming to get you!

That's doable, good luck x
Thats do-able! I've got a night out on 13th too!! :)
Oh I'm starving tonight....just had a vanilla wafer thingie,they're very sweet aren't they?I got a few to try and they were staring at me so I had to try them.
I had my protein meal in work today and I usually have it at night so that may be a reason for the hunger or it could just be the cold....either way I'm drinking water and tea to beat the band?

Day off tomorrow so planning on 4 S and S meals tomorrow hoping to have lost 3 lbs by Friday with my fellow dietmate Sammy ( wouldn't that be a good name for a slimming club-Diet Mate?)

On a separate note-why is Masterchef so addictive when I'm trying to lose weight?I love it.
Ha ha yeah it would certainly catch on!!! I'm the opposite today - I still have a shake to have but am exhausted and just want to crawl into bed!

It probably is your body wondering why it didn't get it's usual dinner!! My body 'forgets' that it's already eaten and still expects it's usual dinner no matter what I've had during the day! I had the choccy wafer today. But vanillas my favourite. I've got a sweet tooth though! Been trying my little one out on foods - fruit and veg so far and every so often lick my fingers and am like yum yum! I can't wait to eat some fruit next week!
Although the realisation hit me that if I am to follow a low carb maintenance in the future then fruit will forever more have to take a backseat. :(

Just need to avoid the scales for one more morning and then fingers crossed for a nice loss on Friday!!! I hope I can get to 10,7. That'll be a nice neat number then as it'll be 3 stone. I like neat numbers!! Obviously if it goes over I do very much like that too! Lol!! Ha ha!!

Weigh in this morning and...drumroll....lost 3lbs ( well 4 but 1of those was the pound I put on after my night out so we won't count that!!!)-I'm chuffed with that...hope diet mate Sammy hits her target of 3 stone loss today,..fingers crossed.

I've still 7 lbs to go on November challenge though,agghhhh
Weigh in this morning and...drumroll....lost 3lbs ( well 4 but 1of those was the pound I put on after my night out so we won't count that!!!)-I'm chuffed with that...hope diet mate Sammy hits her target of 3 stone loss today,..fingers crossed. I've still 7 lbs to go on November challenge though,agghhhh

Woo Hoo well done Lainey!!

Yes - by the skin of my teeth I literally just made it! Yay!!!!

I like little targets like that. When it's so close it really makes me go for it.
So yes, 3 stone off! (Although have probably gained after my weekend of sin!!).

TFR this week then have decided to get back on plan until 12th December. Am hoping 12 days of strictness will get any damage off - plus a bit more!!

How's your weekend hun?!

Thanks Sammy-Weekend is going so well I'm a bit shocked at myself but I'm avoiding any temptations whatever way I can.Had a very upset tummy last night....let's just say the spinach I ate for my dinner helped clear out the system-it's really one way or the other with me!!!TOTM is due this week so I'm apprehensive about the hunger it normally brings and stocked up with Choc shakes to have warm!I just really want to see 10 stone something on the 13th December.

It sounds as if you had a lovely weekend Sammy-you so deserve it. You'll be surprised at how little you can actually eat without feeling crap....but enjoy the week. Xx
Another day,another girl here struggling today-just picking at "good" things-like kid's ham and because of all the picking I'm not actually hungry for shakes.Its TOTM and Im also really "blocked" from lack of fibre so feeling pretty crap today....

I've taken Senokot so waiting for that to kick in soon and drinking gallons of water to try and get things moving again-weigh in tomorrow morning so hoping for a 3 lb loss,fingers crossed.

Hope everyone's having a good week x
Think i'm going to need to take something as I havent 'went' for a couple of days and starting to feel a bit blocked up too. Good luck for weigh in tomorrow, I'm weighing in too as I have a night out tomorrow night x
It feels awful Jewel doesn't it...I have a bottle of Laxalose ( spelling is definitely wrong !!!) in the medicine cabinet as my daughter used to suffer really badly with constipation so I took some of that this evening and it worked.Somehow the liquid seemed to do the trick-thank goodness.

I still feel a bit blah though-fingers crossed for tomorrow-I know I haven't met my November challenge but I'll set a new one for December-until Xmas anyway on Saturday and see from there-I'm disappointed but not enough to throw in the towel which is what I would normally do.

Good luck tomorrow Jewel,bet you're looking forward to a lovely night out?
I'm sure once things got moving the scales will definitely be kinda! Doesn't help with totm though. Horrid. I hope you're ok hun.
I'm aiming to get back on it on Saturday for 12 days and see if I can undo this damage. Apparently my inner fat girl has a competitive streak and is playing a tough game!! Xx
Good woman Sammy,that's the spirit, keep fighting that inner fat girl-you'll win that battle no problem at all:).

This time of year it's so difficult isn't it?Even the forums are quiet but I still check in for fear of completely going off the rails!!!Today was just dreadful,felt sickly,didn't feel like eating but hungry enough to niece was visiting for a few days and had a vomiting bug so I must have picked it up.

My plan is to stay strong until the 13th Dec,back to it after my night out until Xmas day.Enjoy Xmas day and the following day as low carb as possible.Hoping to get back on S and S then.At the end of the day they are just know what I mean? Why do we feel the need to eat the equivalent of a baby elephant to celebrate?

I know I'll have more weight to lose early 2014 but my birthday is mid February and I do not want to face another fat one!!I want this excess weight gone once and for all....
That's a good goal to aim for as I'm sure by February you'll be pretty much at target I reckon.
I've got a night out on 13th so going to go for it from tomorrow until then. Hoping to undo this damage!
I'll take 13th dec as a mini wini goal - do you fancy a little challenge seeing you have that date out too? Xx
You're on Sammy...( I have had a very naughty day today so need to refocus!!!)

2 weeks from tonight...think 6lbs is a little over what would be comfortable for me-would love more obviously but let's do it!!!!!!!
Brilliant!! I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. As long as I've not thrown myself into the 11's again I'll be happy. Inner fat girl has eaten so much she's popped! Guess that was the way to stamp her down in the end!! Eat so much she's sick and collapses!!
I think I'll aim for 6 or 7lbs but will see what the scales are saying. Xx
I'm going for 7lbs! 13 days and 7lbs!! That's my challenge!
Let's do this!
Day one for me. Yikes!!
Feels weird as I don't have that initial day one buzz like you normally get when doing this for the very first time! But this weight won't come off by itself.
Good luck Lainey! Xx
Thanks Phoenyx....If I lose 6 lbs or more Ill be back to 10st something for the first time in a long time....and I'll rock my skinny jeans on my night out on the 13th?
Thanks Phoenyx....If I lose 6 lbs or more Ill be back to 10st something for the first time in a long time....and I'll rock my skinny jeans on my night out on the 13th?

You WILL be rocking those skinny jeans!!! What days are you going to weigh in? Xx