Bingeing... Why?!!?

Oh dear, I've just worked out the syn value of my binges since Monday. It's a gran total of 118.5. I should have a maximum of 15 each day, so I've blown more than a weeks worth in 3 days. I really need to get my bum in gear if I'm gonna start losing weight again. Im hoping once the kids go back to school I can get a routine going. Saying that, it won't be long until the summer holidays. Will have to have more willpower then.

Mandy, you can do this. Don't forget that in the summer there will be loads more SS fruits about, all the children I've ever known love a nice fruit salad with melon and strawberries and grapes and so good for us if we leave that around for the children to pick on as well as us. A weeks worth of syns isn't the end of the world, you can make this up in a very short time. Don't worry.
Micci said:
Mandy, you can do this. Don't forget that in the summer there will be loads more SS fruits about, all the children I've ever known love a nice fruit salad with melon and strawberries and grapes and so good for us if we leave that around for the children to pick on as well as us. A weeks worth of syns isn't the end of the world, you can make this up in a very short time. Don't worry.

You've not met my kids, they won't eat fruit, even though it's in the house all of the time. As I said earlier ive got my first session with a trainer at the gym next Tuesday, hopefully I will get a bit of motivation. Eat the right foods and exercise will help with weightloss.

Just one last thing, could you please call me amanda? Sorry but Mandy doesn't suit me.
Hi Micci!

Yes, my blog is public on Minimins. It's an actual blog rather than a diary. In the left hand column of this post, where all my stats etc are, there should be a line that says how many blog posts I have. If you click on the number of blog posts it should take you to my latest blog entry and from there you can navigate around my blog. Alternatively, you can click on "blogs" at the top of the Minimins page and find me there.

Geneen Roth... a pioneer of "intuitive eating". I have read many authors on intuitive eating and I think she is by far the best. She was a fat binge-eater and she conquered it all by stopping dieting and by starting to listen to her body and her emotions instead. Two good places to get an idea of what she's about are Amazon (see the customer reviews of her books) and also on Oprah Winfrey's website - Geneen Roth has a whole area of that website to herself, with articles and video clips.
You've not met my kids, they won't eat fruit, even though it's in the house all of the time. As I said earlier ive got my first session with a trainer at the gym next Tuesday, hopefully I will get a bit of motivation. Eat the right foods and exercise will help with weightloss.

Just one last thing, could you please call me amanda? Sorry but Mandy doesn't suit me.

Sorry Amanda,

i was getting you muddled up with someone else. I hope your session with the trainer is good. Yes, its hard with childrens' treats around :(
Hi all have just read thro all the posts ive missed
Im sorry you have ll had a few struggles but we are still trying and thats the main thing really
We will never give up
I had a great weekend once i was out but i had that thing of when i was getting dressed
Hateing what i saw hateing what i wore had i been in house id have had every top out wardrobe
I have struggled to get bak to it but im getting their
Only 21 days till take that concert yeagh so excited
Take care guys and hi to all the new faces xx
Micci said:
Sorry Amanda,

i was getting you muddled up with someone else. I hope your session with the trainer is good. Yes, its hard with childrens' treats around :(

Don't worry, we all have mix ups. I thought it best to say something.

I'm starting a fresh from today, again. Hope I get to bedtime with no binges. Fingers crossed.

Hope everyone else has a good day.
Eek! I think I got a bit mixed up too when I was bleating on about psychology and put that I needed to see Aline's daughter. I think the budding psychologist is Lesley's daughter?? Anyway, this thread is so huge now that it's not surprising some of us get confused (well, I'm no spring chicken y'know).

Not doing too badly myself. I'm still eating too much portion wise but haven't binged today or yesterday. (I'm now worried about my salads 'cos of the E coli thing! I don't eat cucumber though!). My son says" stop worrying mum just have a stir fry!".

I have got the Beck book and will have a shufty tonight if I can stay awake. The light mornings wake me up and by 8 pm I am cream crackered.

I am pigging out on cherries at the moment. They are seriously tasty and sweet and must have 50 cals each! However, this is better than Foxs huge chocolate cookies or those viennese chocolate sandwich things.

It's been a lovely day and I've just been out to water my little garden. Days like this give you a bit of ooomph I think. The drizzly dull days make me think of those aforementioned Fox's viennese chocolate things!

I hope everyone is doing well. I would be so happy if I could just drop that darn ticker down. Weight loss is not very noticable when there's just a few pounds to go and it means a superhuman effort regarding portion control for any of the flab to shift. I realise that apart from being binge prone, I am rather greedy as well!

Pomooky XX :)
I'm about to go to bed, and no binge appeared today. Whatever caused them has hopefully done a runner. I hope everyone else has had a good day too.
Oh well, back to binges again. I now feel sick, but can't stop eating for some reason. I have a feeling it's partially to do with boredom. Kids r back at school and nursery Monday, and I have the gym to go to so hopefully from next week things will get better.
Oh well, back to binges again. I now feel sick, but can't stop eating for some reason. I have a feeling it's partially to do with boredom. Kids r back at school and nursery Monday, and I have the gym to go to so hopefully from next week things will get better.

I hope the gym does inspire you. In the meantime, if you are bored, what can you do about it?
Hiya Lesley,

have you started SW yet? Sometimes its a bit tempting to overdo it before you start any new diet/system of eating. Our sunshine is disappearing too but it was nice while it lasted.
Hi all!

Struggled with log in forgot password.

On holiday and still sticking with three meals but they have been slightly large but main thing is no binging!!

How are you all xxxx
I used to have more of a binging problem until I removed almost all sugary food from my diet so that I no longer crave it as I don't eat it often - believe me, it really works - I'm sleeping better, my moods are more even and I find it easier to turn high point food down as I'm reacting to hunger, not MSG or additives which make me eat more!!! Couldn't recommend it highly enough... I'm beginning to think we underestimate the power of additives in convenience foods... What do you think?
Hi Louise,

all is well here, you are doing very well to stick to three meals a day on holiday, you must be surrounded by temptation to nibble. Enjoy the rest of your time away.


you've got me thinking. I've not binged for a while, neither have I had masses of sugary foods. For me, a real binge is set off by emotional issues. As opposed to simple greed and over eating. So when looking for foods to binge on I would tend to go either for the sweet and carby, or greasy and salty, or something I feel is intrinsically healthy but not good weight loss wise like houmous or avocado in a good bread sandwich. I'm trying to think if its been easier to stop in any of those different categories, and I don't think so. Maybe though my heavier binges have had a larger sugar component but I think that's because initially very sweet porridge feels like comfort to me.

Now I'm more able to detach from my emotions and food compulsions, I can eat half a packet of crisps or half a biscuit. Neither is more difficult. Fingers crossed that this lasts.

So, I don't THINK this has been my experience, not to the degree that you describe anyway. I'm glad however you've found what works for you and certainly agree that convenience foods are not good things to be over consuming. Sugar in particular is not a good thing. There is a book called Sweet White and Deadly I've been meaning to read that apparently is very good about it from many perspectives. Thanks for bringing this up.
Yeah, I'm with you Micci. In fact I don't have a sweet tooth at all, really - when I binge (or when I don't) I don't tend to eat sugary stuff at all - or even refined carbs that much.

I'm convinced that for me at least bingeing is emotionally fuelled, not chemically fuelled.

But we're all different. Certainly there's no doubt that sugar is addictive for many people.
I think I am chemically fuelled! Once I start can't stop and my binges are much less if avoid sugar totally. Has anyone read potatoes not Prozac xx
I'm back, had a rough few weeks, stopped purging n gained 10 back. I was 179, 14 pounds away from my goal weight, now I'm 189 24 away n freaked out, so I'm re starting once again, the healthy way and pray I do it right. Boo.
Hi Mandy! Good to hear you haven't given up.

Don't know where everyone is, let's hope they're somewhere exotic, eating melon and parma ham.

I have just eaten a bucketload of chocolate. I am panicking because it's now summer and I weigh the same as I did at Christmas! What a waste of 6 months. I despair I really do. It's a vicious circle - I pig out, feel gross the next day, too sick to contemplate a bit of exercise, p---d off so I eat some more!

I am reading Martha Beck's 4 day win and I now understand why I do this but still cannot stop it. I am trying to be nice to myself and shake off the constant anxiety I feel but it's been many years of over controlled eating and then total bingeing so it won't be a walk in the park (I could do with that as well).

Beck says not to restrict food either - all I know is that 5 years ago I was much more controlled, a size 8 and happy with my body so it's hard to change this way of thinking.

I hope everyone is doing better than me. I haven't posted due to being too busy eating and then due to shame at not having any good news to share. However, i could do with getting if off my chest so sorry if it's dull!

Best wishes to everyone.. Pomooky XX
Sorry, I've not PMed you back Pomooky. I found the one exercise in the book is the one I described doing a while back - seeing the two parts of myself involved in the eating/not eating situation and understanding them and sending them compassion. That is what switched my thinking round once I understood why it was happening.

Sorry the chocolate cravings hit, maybe the part of you that wants to survive and thinks the way to do that is to eat got frightened by you seriously contemplating change? Whatever, the thing to do is forgive yourself and move on. Which you will. For heavens sake, look at what a strong and determined person you are, what you have survived. This is a habit and way of being you will move on from.

Its interesting what you say about previously controlling your food and being a size you liked, which means you've been doing this for a long time - dieting, controlling, worrying about food etc. Suppose I have too really, it must have been about 5 or 6 years ago I went on my first real food aware time with SW - lost stones - gained stones - lost stones - gained stones now here I am again doing it for what I really believe will be the last time.

Look at it positively though, if you weigh the same as you did last christmas you've not gained despite the binges.

I must go, I'm shattered, only just got in, attending new kittens, hungry teenagers ... yawn, sorry