Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

talk about excitment and happiness leaping off the screen and smacking you in the face.

I was smiling before I had finished the first paragraph - soooooo pleased for you Jen. You did the right thing telling M as well - not easy but will make things a lot easier.

Smiling big for you here - try and bottle it - it would be a best seller
Awww Jennie it sounds wonderful......!
How exciting! You so deserve this.

You're really inspiring me as well. You've been hurt, you've been through the mill but still retained hope.

You gave things a chance to develop with M while suspecting he wasn't what you wanted- and you kept open minded and hearted to someone who might be. And so quickly you've met someone who could be!

Wishing you all the luck and joy in the world.
Perseverance and hope is the key isn't it? I'm going to take a leaf out of your book.
Hi Jennie,

I've read your diary for the past week (I should have been working but you are a great distraction!!). You have soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo made the right decision, I know how hard it is to actually be honest like that (with M) but you have so made the right decision!!!
lol @ naggy old bag...

That' me just called in for a Yakkety Yak:blahblah:

It's ok ladies - I hear ya... and I will , honest injun.
Sure you will but this year or next?

I went on a date last night with S, and oh my goodness... I can't stop grinning. This fellas is the dogs wotsits.

:wow: :drool: :drool: Tell me more

Anyway, diet going well... still looking forward to AAM next week. Might go to the pub tonight as there's music on there and I like it. lol

?early night to prepare for next bliss-date with S?

There is something else I want to tell you all, but I think I shall wait.. in case I make a muppet of myself. lol
I'm all ears Jennie.

I could go to a theme park alone.. lol.. in fact I might! lol

(please read in a yorkshire accent) Don't be daft lass...Ask S to go with you.!!!!;)

So happy for you.can't wait for the next installment.

sleep well .Sweet dreams
lol @ naggy old bag...

It's ok ladies - I hear ya... and I will , honest injun.

I have to tell you (coz if I don't I'll burst!) I went on a date last night with S, and oh my goodness... I can't stop grinning. This fellas is the dogs wotsits. I know, I know... guard your heart, keep your feet on the ground.. blah de blah blah, but you know what... he has knocked me for six!! We met in a local pub, he lives 5 mins away, he is absolutely lovely, I knew we would hit it off immediately and we did. Sparks?? Freaking fireworks!! But both VERY restrained! Spent an incredible 6 hours between pub, wine bar and then back to his house and saw the photos of his family and friends talked more and ended the evening with a lovely snog :giggle: and then I drove home (or was I floating)? Whatever - I had a fantastic first date with him and we are seeing each other again tomorrow and on Monday we're going out for the day. I had already told him about M and how I felt and we talked a lot about that. I knew I had to tell M that I wouldn't see him again (I can't do the dating more than one chap at a time thing) and to be honest, no matter how much I wanted to feel the way I felt for S with M (if you follow) I know M feels that way for me and it isn't reciprocal.

I am so shocked how I feel and at the things S was saying last night and again this morning he texted me as soon as he woke up and then rang me as he drove to pick up his sons from Essex (yes, he has 2 sons and he has them every other weekend, which is pretty ideal really - safe distance from his ex, and I get to keep half my weekends for me me me time too, lol)

I can't explain how I feel right now but if I tell you I ran round the house like a headless chicken preparing to meet him and I had the runs (sorry!) with nerves and washed my hair and did my nails.. lol.. and my bed looks like a badly organised jumble sale shortly after opening!!! You might get an idea of how fast my heart was racing as I drove to the pub! He, confessing to me later, was exactly the same!! He told me that he was excited and nervous and that he was so scared that I wouldn't like him.. lol as if!! I think he's wonderful!! lololol Better than that though, he thinks I am! :rotflmao: He is 6ft 2 and has the loveliest smile, fabulous brown eyes and a lush thick head of hair... hee hee

We sat in the pub, and he told me about the dates he had been on before, lol and I did the same. He said that when I pulled into the car park and put the car window down that he thought he was going to crash and burn as he was certain he would like me loads and I wouldn't be interested. WRONG! :giggle: :rotflmao: lol Anyway... will keep you posted but have to tell you the flip side this morning.....

I made one of the most difficult calls ever. I rang M to tell him that I don't want a relationship with him. I know he likes me far far far more than I do him (I didn't say that though), and he really is a lovely man, but he doesn't want another female friend, he wants another wife and it would never be me. So, I plucked up the courage and made the call.

Lord, I cried, he cried.. I've only been on 2 dates with him! AND now I miss out on Drayton Manor too!! Ah well.. I've a lifetime in which to get to a theme park.. :) I felt terrible but he told me he would rather I said something right away. He also told me that if I wasn't ready for a relationship I shouldn't be on a dating site as it wasn't fair.

Problem is, he's wrong. I'm just not interested in having that kind of relationship with HIM. I didn't have the heart to say that, and, to be honest, I will come off the site, if only to make him feel a bit happier about how things have turned out.

Whilst I feel mean, I feel relieved, and that shows me that I have made the right decision and done the right thing. I hate hurting anyone and he is hurt, I must have had over 40 texts from him yesterday, and more the day before, and, whilst I love communications, he was very full on and I didn't like that. He is SUCH a nice man and I really wanted to want to be with him. I tried to be attracted to him, but I'm not and that's hard. I didn't say that to him, he was very good about it really. I know he was looking forward to the weekend as much as I was, but in a different way I think.

Whoever he ends up with will be treated like a queen... she will have fun... and go to all sorts of places and do all sorts of things.. but she should want to be with him more than at the places and doing the things. I could go to a theme park alone.. lol.. in fact I might! lol

Anyway, diet going well... still looking forward to AAM next week. Might go to the pub tonight as there's music on there and I like it. lol

There is something else I want to tell you all, but I think I shall wait.. in case I make a muppet of myself. lol

FANTASTIC NEWS about your date.

Iim also chuffed you're being decisive about M (not that you were ever indecisive) - you're being up front and honest, that save HIM a lot of heartache and messing around in the long run. If only people were more up front in life eh! Rejection is never nice and as someone who's had enough of it to last a life time, I hate to dish it out, but I'm not dead from being rejected and he won't die either. If anything he'll respect how you feel.

Good Luck with S.

GO FOR IT GIRLY! Ms. FlightyFair'n'Forty(ish) :D
Oh Jennie I'm absolutely thrilled for you, can feel your beaming smile from here. How lovely to have that intensive knock-your-socks-off feeling on your first date, can't wait to hear how today & tomorrow goes. Fabulous :D

As already said, you've been both honest and fair with M, it's never easy letting someone down, especially when you know how they feel about you, but you've been upfront with him from the word go but at the end of the day you were looking for different things from the relationship and you've done the right thing letting him down now. Not easy, but you've nothing to reproach yourself for.

Not that I need to say it, but have a fantastic time today and tomorrow with S and do tell us all about it.

And if S is not a theme park kinda guy himself, hun I'll come with you any day of the week, cos I lurve 'em :p

Now there's an idea for a Minimins meet :D although a bit difficult chatting to each other whilst whizzing around at a 100 miles an ear accompanied by ear-splitting screams :p

Lotsa luv

Might even go for that myself now I am close to another of my milestones - being able to fit in the saftey devices at Alton Towers and not embarassingly get chucked off.

Anyhow MD - with the waits for the rides - plenty of time for chatter
What a lovely day today has been... but I should backtrack a tad first... lol... I went to the pub last night, didn't know a soul, then a couple who come to the quiz arrived and I sat with them awhile. The band weren't very good and I was tired so I walked home at 10. Did I get an early night? lol Nope... S had been texting throughout the evening and we had agreed that he would call once his sons were in bed.

He rang and we chatted almost into today... :) I'm so happy.

This morning Zoe texted me (at 5am!!!!) lol to tell me they were booked in for their flights and sitting in the departure lounge at Brummy Int A'port. Bless her, I was so excited for her. She text again just as they were about to board,lol so 2 weeks until I see my darling girl again. She's in for a shock when she gets back. lol I couldn't get back to sleep so I blitzed her room, lol, not only that, I blitzed mine too! It looks lovely! I stripped ALL the beds in the house, washed all the bedding, cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom, polished and vac'd upstairs, hung out the washing and put another load in, sorted out the kitchen and then cut the grass! All by 9am! lol

S texted me to say good morning and I told him that I had been bursting to text but hadn't wanted to do so in case I woke him, lol, his younger son woke him at 5.40!! lolololol

I've been having major problems with my phone so he rang me as my texts sit in the outbox indefinitely!

He's as happy as I am, lol. I told him I was due to hand out fliers at the local waitrose from 10.30 to 11.30 and he said that he and his youngest might have to do some shopping ;) lol

I was so excited - I got ready and rushed to Waitrose and started to put leaflets under wipers (I know, I know, I HATE it when it's done to me, but hey, lol, once a year...)

He had said to call him when I was there so I did, and he was literally pulling into the car park!

I can't tell you how I felt. Nervous (was going to see his little boy), and I was wearing a BRIGHT orange t-shirt emblazoned with the festival on it.. lol.. so not a particularly attractive look!

I carried on leafleting trying hard not to scour the car park for signs of him walking over. Then there he was, complete with mini-me on shoulders and the biggest, loveliest smile in the universe. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I chatted to them both. They'd been to feed the ducks and swans and on the slides.. lol... He (S) just kept grinning at me and I at him. lol. His little boy is absolutely gorgeous!!! Eventually he left (no shopping done) and all of a sudden he was running towards me (son safely in seat in car) and gave me the biggest hug and kiss and said that he just couldn't wait to see me later! :D :D :D :D

lol I fair danced around the frickin car park! lol He sent me a text when he got home to tell me I was lovely and had the "WOW" factor, :rotflmao: and that I looked great despite the t-shirt.. lolol lololol

I am still grinning now. He is driving his boys home now and is going to ring me on the return journey. In the meantime I came home, had soup, hung out bedding, another load in... vacc'd downstairs (again), did all the rubbish ready for Weds collection and sat in the garden to read the paper.

House is looking good and now, with sheets etc dry, I'm going to iron them and re-make my bed, then I'm going to have a bath and mither about what to wear for when he picks me up tonight to come to the quiz with me!

I am nervous about taking him but excited too as I will be with him and others I feel comfortable around.

I told him all about my crush on PQM too (oh boy did I have verbal diarrhorea (sp?) that evening! ) he sent me a text telling me that he simply couldn't wait to see me which was why he had come to Waitrose. lol awwwww... hee hee hee hee

Lost track of the texts but every single one makes me grin all the more. He'll be here in about 4 hours... I can hardly wait but am going to steam into (no pun intended) the ironing and bed making so I can nod off in the bath as am getting tired.

We're hoping to go to a German Beer Festival and folk music festival in Northampton tomorrow and I am going to make sure that all my jobs are done here so I can totally chill out all day and into the early evening with him... cannot wait!!

Am off to get on with the stuff and ought to do festival too but sod it.. lol... bedding first, then bath and sleep and if time, perhaps festival hee hee

Oh MD,, I would love to go to a theme park with you!! We'll have to PM and sort that out!! yahooo!!


Oh if I am this happy for even a few days I shall smile for months... lol :D weigh in on Tuesday and think that will be a good one as I've already done 20k steps today! (all that car park trawling) lol

Will update when I can! :D :D :D :D SOooooo excited about tonight! lol
glad to hear things are on the up for you have a great time tonite xxxxx
Reading this has just put the BIGGEST smile on my face

have a wonderful evening
ohhhh its all so exciting, wow he sounds so great
Jennie no wonder you feel great
id be dancing on the ceiling :D
have a great night!!
nat xx
Good morning :D

Last night was the best ever! lol I had just finished ironing and my bath was run when the phone rang... he had dropped the lads off and was on his way home. I knew I had a good hour and a half so took my time.. lol.. whilst he's on the phone I made the bed, made a muffin and went to get in the bath. Asked if he could ring me back in ten mins (didn't want him to hear me go to the loo! lol) and I got into the bath - it was freezing!! lol Must've run out of hot water.. lol so, quick shower, phone rang... lol so I dried whilst we chatted (thank goodness for my lush blue towelling robe I got off ebay (cheers Mich!)... as it dries as you sit ).. lol so I'm nattering away contentedly and he tells me he has just come off the A45 in my town!!! lolol I don't think I've ever got dressed so quickly!! lol

I was totally dressed and hair brushed within 5 mins.. lol.. he came in and I showed him my home (well, the downstairs of it) and we had a lush snog... :giggle: which made the dog whimper.. lol I showed him my 'photo wall' which is an entire wall in my kitchen smothered with photos of family and friends. I also showed him a photo of me taken in October 2003. I deliberated over whether to do that or not and did. He was clearly very shocked and said he simply couldn't connect the two. lol

Anyway, we walked hand in hand to the pub. :D I felt dead proud introducing him to everyone :D He asked who it was I had the crush on for the last 5 months and I pointed out PQM... lol... he was very surprised... lol Later in the evening he whispered to me that his presence had provoked a response from PQM and was I aware that he was constantly looking over at me? :rotflmao: I was blissfully unaware!! lol

So I told him, well, he missed the boat didn't he.. this ship's set sail! :D lol All evening he was touching me in one way or another - not groping, the gentle kind of hand touch, stroke on the back kind of touch. Our knees were touching the entire time too.. it felt so good to be in such familiar and comfortable surroundings and to have him next to me. I know that if this goes nowhere I shall have the mickey taken mercilessly in the pub but I don't care, lol. As we were leaving PQM came over and spoke to me, I introduced him to S, lol THAT was weird.. I told PQM I wouldn't be there for 3 weeks as its music festival next week, then a gig (which S is now coming to with me) and the following week PQM is at the IoM TT and then it is the Sunday before I go away!! OMG!!! LOL

HOW did that get so close so fast!!

Anyhow, I invited him to the quiz (S) , and both of us were very glad I did. When we left it was drizzling outside and cold... he took his jacket off and put it on me! How lush is THAT!! lol

I felt very good. We had a canoodle on a street corner which made me giggle loads.. lol.. and got back to my place.

The evening continued into the night and then into the morning. He's coming here to pick me up in a couple of hours and we're going out for the day, not sure where as it's raining..

He told me last night that he is smitten, lololol Whether that's a 'line' or not I have no idea but I don't care, it was a lovely thing to hear. lol

Regardless... AAM starts today!! yippee! lol I went shopping and have bags of salad, prawns, chicken and pickles galore and intend to enjoy my AAM week but not go mad.

Weigh in tomorrow - will be interesting to see how that's gone.. I was 14 st 3.1lbs last week ... it would be the icing on the cake if I got to the golden 13's but, to be honest, it's unlikely (given the last few weeks good losses) and TOTM is due soon. Still, whatever it is, it is :D

I'm off to have a HOT bath now.. lol and think about where to go with S for the day - shame there is a festival meeting tonight at 8 but there is... might see him after... maybe not though as we both have work in the morning and if we did I'm sure it would be another late night.

Thanks for all the positive comments :D I feel very good about this and am just simply going to go with the flow... :)
reading your diary just makes me want to giggle. S sounds divine and right up your street.
I would have paid money to be a fly in the wall in the pub last night :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

Enjoy your AAM .... the food sounds LUSH!

See u in Dubbers! :D