Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Do take it easy hun, your body is still trying to recover and it does need rest, hence the shaky feeling. I know you want to do more, but the weeds will still be there next week, just a bit longer. Listen to your body and do what you feel like doing, but don't overdo it - ok????? Finger wagging mode here.

Well, the sun went and it started raining so decision made - no gardening today, probably just as well, as, when getting paper I did have a wobbly moment when I thought legs were giving up the ghost! That was a bit scary! (note the orange for your spanish sunshine ;) )

I think handing in your notice on job 2 is a good idea, I know it's frightening losing the income but it sounds like you've got your finances sorted out for a while and you have been doing too much, two jobs is one hell of an undertaking for anyone, never mind someone who's SSing and living the rest of her life at 90mph too. Keep looking for jobs and the right one, with good hours and pay will come along, it makes a lot more sense than racing around trying to do two.

It is scary but I really think that it will be best, at least for a while. Makes me feel like I'm being lazy and it's a cop out, but I know how hard the last few months have been and I know how I feel today and it isn't good.. so.. I'll work on the wording of my letter and will probably post it to them and be a complete coward and never see them again. Oh well. At least I worked hard when I was there!

I didn't realise you weren't getting weighed with Ailsa for 5 weeks, how come it's so long, is that how long your going away for???? Or is she away after you. But don't worry, you're strong enough to cope, you know you'll still be losing, you'll feel it in your clothes. Take some measurements before you go and then you can see visible results even though you're not getting weighed, but I'm sure you'll be fine and will stay on the straight and narrow.

Ailsa is going on hols before me for 2 weeks and I'm away for over 3 weeks in all (including Dublin)... hence the 5 weeks on the loose! lol I will do the measurement thing, good idea, will take a tape measure with me. My sis and I talked about the heat and the impact that will have on me with my 'smaller' build and low level of calorific intake and agreed that if I find it hard I will treat the entire holiday like AAM and see how that goes. I'm taking enough packs for 3 a day so if that's not sufficient it will be fresh fish, veg, salad and chicken on the menu with gallons of water, and, Ailsa said Coke Zero would be ok if I got sick of the water, and sis says they have that there so that might be an idea too. I must admit though, I've not had any caffeine in my body for the entire diet so not sure how my physiology will respond to coke in any form! lol Will be interesting though! I don't want to get my coke addiction back though (Diet coke that is!!!) if I can avoid it.

Take care, have a lovely, restful day although I will allow a gentle stroll with S if it's on the cards;)

I haven't done anything really, thus far and still jiggered so will do as I'm told!


Whilst getting paper I bumped into chap who cleared my pond last summer and he didn't recognise me at all, then blushed, then garbled on and on about how different I look, lol and that I look fantastic.. :rotflmao: Anyway, he came to house to look at problem fence and is going to fix it tomorrow. £50 but my garden will be secure and look loads better without the dreadful orange temporary stuff (as seen in my pic!!)

He also quoted to fix ceiling in utility room so I need another 2 quotes then will write to insurance company (had forgotten all about that trundling along on the back burner).

Also - got clothes boxed up and sending them off to a lovely lass this afternoon. My mate with the complicated love life, that isn't complicated any more (L) used to be married to a courier, she contacted him and he's coming before 4pm (when I go to Drs) to pick up parcel for me (bless). He hasn't seen me in almost a year so I did warn him I look a bit different. He asked how much I'd lost, drew breath, and asked (jokingly)what I was doing tonight! lololol

In any case... still holding out hope with S, especially as he rang and we chatted at length about his evening last night and his work today... (he was driving to a mega business meeting in Brummy land).. I think he'll probably call again on his way home - but who can tell! lol

No suggestion of seeing each other, but that's alright as I know it will be easier after yesterday and after the weekend is over and done with. As my holiday gets closer I know he will be aware that I want a resolution... so.. he has time yet to think. How I am with him these coming days and how I have been this last week is absolutely paramount to his decision-making so, I have to stay cool but in touch.. and honest.

He's picking up his son tomorrow and not taking him back until Tuesday... I do wonder if he might suggest that I go with them to feed the ducks over the weekend but am not holding my breath.

If he does suggest meeting up then I will say yes. No doubt. Lord, it's like being on a trial period in a job that means the world to you! BUT... yesterday's walk DID give me hope.

I've got the jobs paper to trawl through now, and 2 application packs have arrived today too. So... might sit and read those and make some phone calls too.

Also whilst getting paper I picked up some chicken from the market and there is a stall of home made jams etc and war memorabilia... so I bought the video Schindlers List (loved it so much at Cinema) and a couple of things to give to someone whose birthday theme is 'naughty forties!'... and a book which is the account of a lady who was a prisoner in Birkenhau. I will read it at some point. Not today though.

Might have another muffin in a minute as still shaking slightly - shouldn't be this way still - surely!! Still, GP will give me his verdict later and I'll follow his advice too.

All in all, a very odd week for lots of reasons but looking ahead.. well... even if the weather is going to be rubbish, after next week I shall have my holiday and be able to escape the madness and mayhem and just chill out in some wonderful weather (its VERY hot out there at the moment so fingers crossed it will stay that way!). :)
can i just say i love your diary
feel like i`ve known you years when i`ve only been posting 7 weeks
i was so excited about your meeting yesterday kept logging on to see how it went
felt so happy for you when you replied with good news

and as for the weight loss well i`m truly inspired
i have such a long way to go i`m a buffalo but hoping to become a slim new me

fff you are a complete star

aw Kaz.. bless you hon, thank you for that. You aren't a buffalo by the way! If it helps any, I weighed in at 23 stone + at the start of this diet... you will be a new slim you, it just takes time and effort and then the hard part (keeping it off) which I'm facing in a few weeks time I think.. will let you know how THAT is!! My diary is just my ramblings on life, diet and the universe. I say too much but hey, that's just me! lol If you want real inspiration you need to check out Russian Doll, Summerskye, Westhills, AKB and Karion Dieting. They have all been my inspiration! (along with others, but they stand out in my journey). The before and after thread is a constant source of inspiration too.. I always look at it with jaw-dropping awe and respect. You'll be on there before you know it, you have already lost almost 2 stone!! (if my maths is right - not my strong point though! lol) Hope you're having a good afternoon x
hi hun,
how's ya feelin today ??
hope that your dr is helpful in sorting out your tiredness issues.i have to admit i'm feeling really tired at the moment to, but with me i don't think the weather helps, it makes me feel really drained.
Make sure you take it easy over the weekend too, i know it's your sister arranging the carnival, but you won't be much company for her on holiday if you are compleatly exhausted will you ?
hi hun,
how's ya feelin today ??

Still very tired and shaky - despite having already had 3 shakes!

hope that your dr is helpful in sorting out your tiredness issues.i have to admit i'm feeling really tired at the moment to, but with me i don't think the weather helps, it makes me feel really drained.

Never thought it might be the weather too... hmm..

Make sure you take it easy over the weekend too, i know it's your sister arranging the carnival, but you won't be much company for her on holiday if you are compleatly exhausted will you ?

No, I won't and to be honest, if it was anyone else and I wasn't getting paid for it I probably would dip out, but I made the committment and if I take it easy all weekend I hope it'll be ok..


Hope you're feeling brighter today too honey. :) xxxx
Came out of Docs and as I did S sent me a text asking me how I got on :) Very thoughtful and nice to know he cares. But he's a nice guy...

Anyway.. Dr was lovely. We talked, I cried, we talked more. he decided that I need to rest and that it's a good job I'm going on holiday. I told him my thoughts about second job and he advised me to leave it. He told me he thought I was suffering from stress and exhaustion and has signed me off until I go on holiday so that I don't need to do job 2 again until I get back, and only then if I want to, but against his advice.

We talked about my weight and he was very pleased with how things have gone and also said he was still waiting to hear from the pct about possible surgery for me. We talked about self image and about S and about life in general. He did a depression questionnaire on me which shows I'm ok, just knackered.. lol.. so that was good.

So I left with mixed feelings.. glad I have an official reason for feeling pants... sad that it has come to this.. glad that S cares, but worried he will be even more freaked out now the doc signed me off with stress!

Still.. it's done now and I'm not going to argue.

Hopefully S will call later, but I'm not going to the gig tonight, I am too tired. Instead I'm going to run a hot deep bath and get an early night.

I've had 3 packs and a chicken salad and to be honest, even though I'm not hungry, I feel like eating. Not good and only habit from boredom I think. So tomorrow, will have the prawns with a light salad and that's it, back to the 3 packs a day I think. It would be so easy whilst home all day to start eating rubbish like I used to.

I cooked Zoe a lovely smelling lasagne and did a large one for her to take to her boyfriend's house tomorrow too. They look delicious but I'm not tempted to try them.. so that's another positive.

I'm more likely to have some more of the malt toffee bar that's in the fridge.

Anyhow.. going to sit and watch telly now and scour the jobs ads. xxx
you're so lucky to have an understanding Dr who will spend time listening to you,so often these days you are in & out the door in 2 seconds.
take the advice, ditch job 2 & rest, rest, rest.

enjoy the bath
glad he signed you off for a while you need to take it easy
yum to the lasagne
i just made my lot spaghetti bolognaise
i swear it took all my strength not to dive in the pot

i love that dinner
can still smell it
i was very good i came on here with my water

enjoy your evening
kaz :D
So pleased you are signed off work, hope you do take it easy though as we all know what you are like, racing here there and everywhere.
Hope you feel brighter as the days go on.
thanks girls.. :D

well, I ended up sending S a text waffling on about stuff and nonsense and told him how, when I drove to docs earlier, I noticed who was singing at local wine bar and said if he fancied going to let me know.. he rang to say he was driving and couldn't read my essay, lol so I told him it all... we chatted for about 20 minutes and he said he would call me back.. during our chat though he asked what the doc had said,... so I told him all about it... I think it set his mind at rest that my behaviour last week WAS totally out of character and I'm not some PWFH after all! In any case,. we said cheerio and I got on with watching telly and looking for jobs.

He rang back and said he was tired so not going tonight BUT would I like to go out for a drink with him tomorrow evening!?!?!?! :D :D :D lol

Naturally I said yes! lol So, he said I've to text when I head for bed (not long now) and he will call and have another chat before sleep and that we'll keep in touch tomorrow and go for a drink in the evening. I can't tell you how much more positive I feel about things. I know last week freaked him out, but it did me too, worse I reckon! So he's quite relieved that doc has said it was exhaustion and stress.. not that I need a straight jacket and a frontal lobotomy! lol

So. Tomorrow - here's my plan... cashpoint for blokey coming to fix fence.. wander around farmers market and buy an ostrich steak for dinner... (had lime and coriander chicken salad tonight).. then home, chill out afternoon, write letter of resignation to job 2 and post it with docs cert... shower, primp and preen in readiness for evening! lol

Might do ironing.. .but doubt it... might start putting holiday clothes on spare bed... but doubt it.. lol

Might just buy newspaper and sit in front of telly! (Doubt it!)

In any case.. HE asked me if I would like to go out for a drink tomorrow evening and THAT makes me smile inside and out. I need to think what to wear... lol

So, am off to bed now.. pint of appleade in hand... smile on face and phone ready to text :D

Here's hoping tomorrow brings more smiles too.. xxxxx
Have a lovely smiley day tomorrow & I look forward to catching up with you on my return.

lotsa luv


Cant believe you in your white top ~ you have done really really amazing and dont worry about your flabby bits ~ who is perfect !!!! At least you have got your weight under control

Why are you fainting and so tired ~ are you having time when you do nothing, I am bit worried about you ~ please rest your body and your mind (sorry to nag but you need to take care of yourself) and do nothing at all

Lie in the garden with your water and dream of your hols. 5 weeks without weighing or CDC chats ~ now thats a toughy. Keep up the amazing work you are an inspiration and I applause your strength of character to keep going

Big pat on the back for you

luv luv
grrrr... wrote loads then deleted by accident! Muppet!!

Right, here goes - I aready wrote heaps but like a right muppet deleted the lot with the push of a key!! Argh!

you're so lucky to have an understanding Dr who will spend time listening to you,so often these days you are in & out the door in 2 seconds.
take the advice, ditch job 2 & rest, rest, rest.
I am very fortunate with my Dr he is lovely and gives everyone all the time they need. I am going to take his advice (and yours too ) xxxx


enjoy the bath
glad he signed you off for a while you need to take it easy
yum to the lasagne
i just made my lot spaghetti bolognaise
i swear it took all my strength not to dive in the pot

i love that dinner
can still smell it
i was very good i came on here with my water

enjoy your evening
kaz :D

dead impressed at you not highdiving into the spag bol! Well done! As for the water and minimins... what a great strategy - and one I have used often and will no doubt have to do loads in the coming days!! :D


Cant believe you in your white top ~ you have done really really amazing and dont worry about your flabby bits ~ who is perfect !!!! At least you have got your weight under control

Why are you fainting and so tired ~ are you having time when you do nothing, I am bit worried about you ~ please rest your body and your mind (sorry to nag but you need to take care of yourself) and do nothing at all

Lie in the garden with your water and dream of your hols. 5 weeks without weighing or CDC chats ~ now thats a toughy. Keep up the amazing work you are an inspiration and I applause your strength of character to keep going

Big pat on the back for you

luv luv

Hi Shaza, I love your avatar! Thanks for your message honey, I don't mind you nagging at all (join the queue) lol. It's kind of you to care. I am taking it easy...if the sun was out I would happily snooze in the garden but sadly its yukky out there! I've not done too much this morning,.. 1 load of washing, some hand washing and tidied the kitchen up (took 5 mins) and now on here catching up.

As I was typing my reply to you I had a brainwave! I'm going to dig out my cross stitch stuff and sit and do that in front of the telly! The thing is, I used to sit and watch telly til the cows came home and that would be when I would scoff crap! So I'm nervous of getting into old routines and resurrecting nasty habits... I would think nothing of sitting down with a family bag of tortillas and a pack of dips (the four in a pack ones) and eat the lot whilst watching telly!

Having said that, last night I sat and watched telly for an hour and sat drinking my appleade so it can be done! lol

I'm amazed at how much weight you've lost now - only realised as I caught sight of your ticker!!!

5 weeks 'going it alone' is going to be tough, but perhaps a good way to find out just how much in control I really am! And what a setting - if I screw it up at least it will be in the sunshine eh ? ;) lol I don't intend to though, I am still as determined as ever but with a realistic view now as to what challenges still lay before me.

Time will tell!

What a happy end to yesterday its nice to hear you feeling a little brighter.

Thanks Sonkie :) I do feel brighter. Still not quite up to full brightness but a notch up the scale for sure :D

I keep meaning to ask - how's Wayne doing??
Hi Jennie, Wayne is still in hospital he still has nowhere to live and he has still got to be able to get the hang of doing his cares....i.e sorting out down below, he has been able to do his catheterisation but he is struggling with the other end.....though its not what I thought. I though he would wear incontinence pads but oh no much worse than that.

He has been managing a day out though with our younger brother so thats good.
Saturday May 26th 2007

Right - I already wrote this once and second time is never quite the same but I'll try me best!

Last night.. had a long chat with my mum, she's been poorly with a tummy bug but is heaps better now. She was pleased with Drs advice and although she knows the implications financially for me she was 100% in favour of ditching job 2! It appears to be pretty unanimous!

Bless her, she also rang Sarah and has paid her rental deposit for the summer months.. I was so moved by this.. Sarah will pay her back with the refund of the deposit I paid on her uni accomodation.. so that will all work out great!

I must remember to go to Asda and get a gift card for Sarah and post it to her! Might do that this morning... hope I remember!

ANyway,... mum was a lot happier about things and is also glad about the sign off as it means I can go to her place in the early afternoon as opposed to late night the day before sis and I fly out. So she's a happy bunny now and that's really important to me.

Last night I sent S a text but no response.. lol.. I guessed he must have nodded off in front of the telly and left him a laughing voicemail.. lol.. told him I'd be awake until about 11 but if didn't get to speak wished him goodnight and sweet dreams :D

Poor old soul , lol, he texted me at 11.10pm asking if I was still awake.. I was, just.. had just turned telly off (having chuckled my way through 8 out of 10 cats) and put one ear plug in.. lol.. so he rang and we had a lovely natter.

Now.. do you recall my saying I mentioned going to pics to see Pirates 3 (Johnny Depp)? Well,, he didn't remember at all, lol, but HE brought up the subject and said he would like to go and see it!! Woohooo... I said I would too and that I had said as much, lol, he'd forgotten.. so.. maybe this means a trip to the pics before hols might be in order! :D We shall see!

Also, we chatted about his son who's on his school trip and he said he will pick up the itinerary tomorrow when he collects his little boy and show me it so I can see what his older lad is doing. I thought that was lovely as I am genuinely interested AND he realises it and wants me to know too. Told you he was a nice guy... lol

We said goodnight and he asked me to text when I woke.. which I did... lol.. he overslept and texted me nearly 2 hours later.. lol.. I told him he needed to remember he's an old timer.. :rotflmao: (he's only a couple of years older than me.. lol) and clearly needed his kip! lol

I can't wait for tonight.. when we very first met he told me he wanted to 'court' me... I think that this is perhaps what he is now doing... :) perhaps... I dunno.. never been 'courted' before! lol

In any case... I have a few things I have to do today...
1. get cash for matey fixing fence
2. get Asda gift card and post it to my Sarah
3. get newspaper and read it!
4. go to farmers market for a mooch and ostrich steak
5. buy more blank cds and tidy up pc files!
6. go to garden centre and buy weeding tool or gas burner to obliterate them! lol only thing with that is it'll leave scorch marks.. hm... might be less effort though eh??
8. buy gift for new baby great-neice (love doing that kind of shopping!) lol

I just realised I can do all but 2 of those in Asda! So, garden centre, Asda, Market, home & feet up with dog on sofa! lol

Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours! Bliss!

Will catch up later- MUST tell you about liposuction man and slush puppies!!
Hi Jennie, Wayne is still in hospital he still has nowhere to live and he has still got to be able to get the hang of doing his cares....i.e sorting out down below, he has been able to do his catheterisation but he is struggling with the other end.....though its not what I thought. I though he would wear incontinence pads but oh no much worse than that.

He has been managing a day out though with our younger brother so thats good.

Oh Sonkie.. and here's me moaning on about being tired.. sorry sweetheart.

Do you think they might give him a colostomy bag (which although unpleasant might make things easier for him)? I'm glad he had a day out, that must have been a major achievement for him!

My friend who had the stroke is now home! She still cannot speak properly and has no movement in her right arm at all, but she is home.

Hope you have a lovely day today hon. xxxx
I thought a colostomy bag would be easier, but I dont know. I do keep texting him but he doesnt reply much to anyone.....!
When he's in the right frame of mind, I'm sure he will respond more sweetheart. Hope you get to see him again soon - he'll be so pleased, especially with your weightloss too :)


On another subject... yep, you guessed it... S! :rolleyes:

He just rang me and had another natter as I texted to see if he wanted anything picking up from Asda.. :D

Lazy bugger (not really) has been lounging in bed watching Sky Gold and an episode of Dallas... lol, which led to much mickey-taking and reminiscing about programmes we used to watch way back when...

........ oh I do like this man!:giggle: