Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

HI Jennie

Im so glad your doing so well on the diet. You had more staying power than me (thats for sure)!! Im just all talk and no action.

Glad your doing well girl!!
Disappointed but still determined - wk 6 begins!

*sigh Well, am still in an "odd" mood this morning.

Weigh in was disappointing - only lost 2.8lbs but I have lost more inches and it was AAM week and I'm in the middle of my period so I suppose I should be pleased. I rang my mum and her immediate reactione was "oh is that all"... NOT helpful mother!! I got home and told Zoe and she was really hyped - she thought it was great and said "well, you lost 8 last week that's flippin 10 in 2 weeks you should be well happy ya skinny bint" LOL Bless her, she calls me that all the time now and I have still got about 11 stone to go!

She brought tears to my eyes in the car this morning - she was talking about Christmas and that her boyfriends mum had asked what they were going to do and where they would be on Christmas Day etc... and she said that she told them point blank... "I'm going to be at home - no way am I not being with my mum on Christmas Day!" - she has no idea that the things she says are so sweet...

Anyway... will maybe write more later but have a massively busy day ahead of me. Probably write fuller this evening. Working til 12.30 then off to get waxed and polished ... not in the mood for that either but will be by the time it's done!

"Eric" and I had a very long chat on the phone last night which was really honest and I do feel a teeny bit happier but have a few issues to think about. Don't get me wrong - he is still lovely, lol, and I definitely want to nurture the relationship, just not sure about some things... will maybe talk more about them later.

Irene - Ailsa and I are definitely coming to Brum for the day and I'm REALLY looking forward to meeting you...

CD thing - lol, glad your dog and mine will be happy on Christmas Day (but will be eating more!!)

Claire - Welcome back hun! Will catch up with you very soon, have missed you. Good for you getting right back on it! I've peeked at your diary and will pm you about the GP thing.. (I was told similar when I was 17 and I have 2 gorgeous girls!).. anyway - that's a matter for your diary so will take it there sweetie.
Hi you lost nearly 3lbs which is what we are meant to lose so well done you :D as Zoe said thats 10lbs in 2 weeks and after a huge loss last week it was good you had a loss this week as sometimes that can happen a big loss then a 0 loss?

I know you say you have 11 stone still to lose but look at the whole thing a stone a month is what is said so well done hun and heres to a big loss next week :D
Hiya illdoit, thanks, I know you are right... it's just me being a Grumpy Cow,... lol

I feel a lot better this afternoon... got all emotional at work - not sure if it's hormones, worries about things, sad memories, the thought of a lonely birthday or what it is! BUT you are right I should be pleased with 2.8lbs off!

Today I had someone tell me that they can really see a big difference now, which is great as when I saw the photo's Ailsa took on my first night and last night I really couldn't see that much of a difference at all!
Weigh in was disappointing - only lost 2.8lbs but I have lost more inches and it was AAM week and I'm in the middle of my period so I suppose I should be pleased. I rang my mum and her immediate reactione was "oh is that all"... NOT helpful mother!! I got home and told Zoe and she was really hyped - she thought it was great and said "well, you lost 8 last week that's flippin 10 in 2 weeks you should be well happy ya skinny bint" LOL Bless her, she calls me that all the time now and I have still got about 11 stone to go!

Hi ya Jennie

I think 2.8lbs is fantastic. Its nearly at the top of the estimate per week that cambridge give you. You have done a fantastic Job and the inch loss proves that. Look on the bright side!! you may have put on between 8 and 10lbs because of being a fat ass (like I did). Your sticking to you diet and as I said. You have more stickability than I do!!

You are a star!!!
I should be working and I'm doing the good old putting it all off strategy... so... I AM getting off here (in a minute or two) and will post more tomorrow... notquite sure when as I have a horrendous day ahead of me at work, then a challenging lunch date with a mate in a wine bar and then back to work probably and the preparations of the evening meeting which I have to be at from 7 - approx 11! Might ask boss if I can take Friday off as well as Monday (not even sure why I bothered to ask for Monday off now, just always used to take the day after my b'day off ....hmm... I do know,.. I was hopine "Eric" might see me Sunday evening and stay up very late! No chance of that now... but a possibility of seeing him on Friday 24th so that's not too bad... He's been texting me today which was nice..

I am still thinking way too much about him... so am glad tomorrow is heavy! Keeps me from being tempted into texting / calling him! Not quite sure why I am so controlled with him as opposed to anyone else I have dated...????

Ah well... time will tell I guess! Goodnight folks... sweet dreams!
I'm glad things are going so well for you. You never seem to stop though I'm amazed you find enough hours in the day to do everything!
Hi Jennie!

Just a quick post before I go to bed. Sorry not replied before:eek:

Glad you had a good weekend with 'Eric' - did you know Isobel refers to her fella as 'Eric' too....LOL!!

Glad to hear you lost another 3lbs this week (always round it up dharling, always round it up.....;) ) You are flying girl, you really are!

Glad to hear your daughter will be spending Xmas Day with you - like she'd be spending it anywhere else:rolleyes: I'm 41 and it wasn't till 2 years ago that I spent my first ever Xmas without my mum and dad (they went to my brothers!) - I was devestated:( mind you they are going to my brothers this year and whilst a little sad I will still see them and it'll be nice just the 5 of us - and this year I fully intend to have Xmas dinner - was SSing last year so didn't. That said I won't be at target but......!!

Glad your back posting too.....and glad your coming to BHam next week - be good to meet you and all the others - in fact your not that far from me really - I'm in Coventry... we go to Wicksteed Park in the summer - is that close to you?

Anyway, beddi byes time - off shopping tomorrow to get something new for the WeMitt meet - any excuse:rolleyes:

oooh yes! Wicksteed is 25 minutes away... am really looking forward to meeting you too!!! I do feel like I will be the Hattie Jacques in the crowd, but that's my insecurity all over!!! Nigh night, thanks for dropping in, sweet dreams! :)
Every time Im on here you have another man on the go Jennie!! lol

*SINGS* Shes a man eater makes you work hard makes you spend hard.......

Im awful for remembering the words of songs!! lol

I hope you enjoy your times with him. Your just right! Keep him on the long finger. My granny always told me to keep a man at arms length. It was to the detriment of my relationships though. Most of my boyfriends didnt like sitting a row back at the cinema!! ;)

You make him call you and save your credit girl. Play hard to get and it will be like a bear with a honey jar!!
My aunties favourite saying to me was

'Keep your hand on your ha'penny and take all his chocs'....LOL:D

Always took her to her word - no wonder I got so big and a reputation for being a 'good girl' as opposed to a 'good time girl':D :D ;)

Have a good day Jennie - remember you are gorgeous - inside and out:D

Hiya illdoit, thanks, I know you are right... it's just me being a Grumpy Cow,... lol

I feel a lot better this afternoon... got all emotional at work - not sure if it's hormones, worries about things, sad memories, the thought of a lonely birthday or what it is! BUT you are right I should be pleased with 2.8lbs off!

Today I had someone tell me that they can really see a big difference now, which is great as when I saw the photo's Ailsa took on my first night and last night I really couldn't see that much of a difference at all!

My counsellor told us last night it takes time for our brains to catch up with our weight loss as its so quick,well done you and I hope today you are :D
Hmmm,:eek: you need to get on here more often then coz this is the same one for the last 3 weeks... and hopefully for a LOT longer yet!:eek: ;)

Hi Jennie

I have actually been off here for ages LOL!! But I didnt think that it was as long as 3 weeks!

**hangs head in shame**

Thanks for looking over and correcting the essay by the way. I could of kicked myself that I left all the referencing out. Im gonna have to get that sorted and get to the deadline so I must dash!!