Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Oh how well you know me! lol

glad things are going so well, just be carefull you're not burning the candle at both ends again, don't want you in same predicament you were pre hols hun.

Thank you darling, you are absolutely right.. and... when I get chance to update you will see that I am entirely in agreement :D :D

Totally agree with Cheryl, remember how low you felt before you went away. Remember how chilled you felt when you came back? So make sure you give yourself some Jennie time!

Do you want some Sarah time because I don't seem to have a lot on at the moment and I could share lololol!

Oh yes! Please!! I would LOVE some Sarah time!!! Come and stay! lol ANYTIME! :D :D But yes, I do remember and I am taking steps to ensure I don't lose that... honest injun :)

Does the word 'manic' mean anything to you

echoing what the ladies have said - think of 'me' a little more otherwise you will become drained totally and I reckon you want to focus all your energies on Blueeyes

Have a care - you aren't overflilling with calories after all whats the point of being a skinny burnt out wreck LOL


:giggle: yes., manic is a very good word! I have 'me ' time booked! Trust me! lol The comment about calories is spot on, I am knackered at the moment but as I say, when I update later all will become clear :D

Just a brief update : last night ace, smiles all round but very very tired on drive home so told him on Thursday don't want to go out bowling as have busy weekend coming.. said he can just come over for a meal and watch a dvd then he can sod off by 10.30pm as I need me sleep or I'll be a right bag! lol That seemed to do the trick.. have also sorted out ground rules about personal time and space.. lol.. think you'll all either be impressed or just think I am a right stroppy mare... :rotflmao: (or a combo of both!) lol

This is a very potted version of events.. and not worded quite so bluntly, but have a good vibe about blueeyes and, if handled properly, and so long as he doesn't scare me off., lol., well... let's just say... could be a very interesting winter! hee hee hee

Will update later when back from work/banks/shops! :D Still happy, still dieting and still feeling that Tobago chill out feeling ... :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Ooooooooooo Jenni - sounds fantastic!!! Really hope you have found someone special.

I hope so too, time will tell eh :D Not going to rush into anything though... no wedding bells, or PJ's and boxers in the wash basket... lol... know what I mean? :D

Ah Jen.... warmed the cockles of me heart that did x
hee hee... been trying to keep up with yours!! :D Mutual huge grins matey!!

Oh Jennie, sounds like a wonderful date and a lovely guy.
Looking forward to hearing how things develop. I truly hope that this is the start of something very special :)

Kitty xxx

I'd love it if it was - we shall see! :D :D

Blueeyes sounds fab, really pleased for you hun :D

Well done on the loss too, I can feel your happiness from here :)

I am really happy :D Weight loss is going well, big weigh in day tomorrow at GP's though... fingers crossed that I will hit that magic number on their scales and then the whole process can start proper!! :D :D :D Am feeling so positive about the future (and I don't mean because of Blueeyes, I was already positive before he arrived on the scene :D). :giggle: :giggle:

Yes I can see a resembance between the photo of your dad and you, Jenni.

What a lovely Sunday you both had. Glad everything is going so well.
I miss my dad, but I love that pic of him.. it was taken on the day of my mum and dad's silver wedding anniversary celebrations and me and first hubby got engaged... :D Happy happy memories.. wish he was here now to talk to, but hey, he's alive in my heart forever and I do natter away to him. (Don't send in the men in the white coats!!).. lol Thanks for coming to my diary Bev, it's good to see you here :)

What a fantastic time you've been having. I am quite envious!

There is definitely a resemblance to your dad too

lol @ you being envious... you are so loved up with your Ash :D :D :D Well that's 2 votes that say I look like me dad.. lol...

Wow! It all sounds like things are going so well for you, honey .. and I'm as pleased as punch for you, especially as you sound so damn HAPPY!! :D

11 1/2 stone is .. just ... :wow:

I can't wait to join in the Congratulations Party when you get that last 8 lbs shifted - and I bet it won't be that long coming either. Maybe you'll have even done it Birmingham!! Now that really WILL be a reason to celebrate - not that we really need one of course, but any excuse eh?:party0019:

Lots of love

I would LOVE to be at goal by Brum and will deffo celebrate! With a diet coke probably! lol :D :D :D

Have a fantabidozee time hun, u deserve it x x x

hee hee, I did... will tell you about it later :)

How loverlee, looking forward to hearing all about it

:D It was and you will! lol
Hiya skinny :D (love the name!)

Welcome to my world... lol... do post whenever you want!

Thanks for the kind words :) I can't wait to actually be able to say "I did it! I stuck it out to the end and reached my goal!!" :D Hopefully very soon! lol

Thanks again :D

No idea how much you want to lose but whatever it is, I wish you every success in your journey there :D

Very hectic day... work first thing (after Blueeyes email)was work - not all that productive but not bad.. :) , then it was straight to tesco and pick up some kind of dressing...then it was a quick dash back to his place to unload it all. Made it in record time then came online to update and didn't get that far... lol

So... all food stuff done and in the cupboards! lol I was really flagging by this time and finally got to bed around 2-3am!

I realised tonight that I need my sleep more than I thought! lol

Lordy lordy! What planet was I on when I wrote this! lol It doesn't even make any sense to me!! Tsk... will have to make amends... lol lol...
Wow Jennie I am shattered just reading all that
I am so jealous, you are going to see UB40 wow you will have to let us know how it goes......I love them fab sound and soo good to sing along too.
glad to hear that you are taking steps to have chill/me time.
i wouldn't want you to jepadise your relationship, but if he respects you he will understand, obviously its more benificial to him to have a 100% girlfriend than an emotional washed out wreck.
luv as allways
xx :)
I saw UB40 in concert and they were absolutely amazing. Had a fantastic time and was totally cream crackered at the end of it. Have a wonderful time too hun xx
Thanks for the kind words :) I can't wait to actually be able to say "I did it! I stuck it out to the end and reached my goal!!" :D Hopefully very soon! lol


Your such an inspiration Jennie, i really hope that i can do as well as you have. I can't wait to be able to say i've made it to my goal. Won't be long now until your there and shouting it from the rooftops!!:D

You look amazing, well done :clap:
Hold tight - this is a flipping novel!!!!

Tuesday August 14th

Right, better get this right and make some frickin sense! Lol

Work was first – still unproductive but there nonetheless and did deal with some enquiries so not entirely a waste of time! (Think I’ll put in some extra hours over the coming weeks to make up for not being 100%).. anyway, dashed from work to Tesco to meet PQM with his shopping.. bless him… he was there ready and waiting! We loaded it into the boot of my car and off I sped to his place and dropped it off to his kids as he followed on on his motorbike.

Had a couple of calls from Blueeyes and a couple of nice texts too - made me smile.. you know how I am about communication! Lol

So, then it was time to get to the hairdressers – got there 15 mins late but bless ‘em they still managed to sort me out and for the next 4 hours I was in blissful pampering mode! It only takes so long coz I have such a lot of hair and it’s pretty long these days… I was really pleased with the end results and told them so too! (Always praise where it’s due – that’s what I reckon!) Then I nipped into the Co-Op and got a few more foody bits in preparation for Thursday evening and so that I have AAM stuff in. One of the cashiers asked me how much I’d lost now and we chatted about the diet… popped in to the Wine Bar on the way home to say there would probably be 2 of us to the wedding now but not to cater for me as prob not eating (only evening reception so don’t imagine it will make a lot of difference).

Was supposed to be out with PQM on his motorbike in the evening but he told me he wasn’t going coz of weather and something mechanical he had to sort out. So, as you know, I went off to see Blueeyes in Market Harborough.

What a lovely evening. Despite being incredibly tired, it was really really nice. He showed me his home first – he shares a house on a very nice new estate in MH. It was immaculate and so chic and tidy! Lol I felt a bit uncomfortable to be honest as it was a bit of a show house as opposed to my messy home. Lol It was lovely though and the kitchen and patio were to die for! His house mate was out playing Table Tennis but he said I’d meet him later. On the tour he presented me with some presents !! CLOTHES!!!! (He’s deputy store manager for a shop that sells, among other things, clothes!) I was a bit shocked but have to say – loved them! Lol PLUS – I know they were a real bargain otherwise I wouldn’t/couldn’t have accepted them. There was a really lovely black blouse, precisely my style!, a smashing black jumper (great as I don’t have one that fits me any more!) and some crop trousers in my fave coral colour! I told him off and told him it freaked me out a bit and not to do it again – well, at least not without my choosing! Lol lol I think he realised after the weekend just how much I adore clothes and clothes shopping as I did go on about it quite a lot - so quite touching that he paid attention to my size and likes etc... lol

We set off for town in my car and walked around the town (managed to avoid the rain!) and he showed me all the shops, bars, restaurants etc… we walked for ages, the place is lovely – good job the shops were shut though or I would have been a nightmare! Lol They have very posh looking charity shops! Lol It’s definitely a place full of character and great shopping opportunities!

We ended up in a very nice pub/hotel – think it was called the 3 Swans.. pretty empty which was nice and we sat and talked for ages. His ex father-in-law turned up! Lol Thankfully they didn’t speak as I think there is no love lost there! Eventually we headed back to his place – by now his house mate was home (as was his son) and I have to say, first impressions were most unfavourable. He didn’t even acknowledge me, just sort of waved a dismissive hand in my direction! How rude!! So.. told Blueeyes that there is a reason why first impressions are called that! Lol He wasn’t happy either. As the son was sitting in the living room we had to sit up in his room!! THIS was NOT a good thing – and I told him so! I told him straight that it was bang out of order not being able to sit in there and that I was not comfortable with sitting in his room like a pair of kids avoiding parents!

He was most apologetic but to be fair, it was alright, he has chairs in there and it was already getting late so we weren’t there long. (and NO THAT did NOT happen!)

We talked about how things should be and I made it very clear that I have a busy life and like my own space and if we see each other too much then it may just burn out or I would just feel pressured. Told him I don’t want anyone living with me and that it would be years (if ever) before I did! We discussed how we see things possibly panning out (at least in the coming months)and agreed that we might be on to something pretty special as long as we are totally open with each other and if we have any concerns tell one another rather then bottle it up. We synchronized diaries so he knows what’s what.. lol and I know when he’s working and on hols etc… we’ve arranged to do a few special things in the next few weeks but nothing costing more than £15 each so it won’t break the bank if things go pear shaped… lol (that’s my thoughts, not something I expressed aloud!)

It was really good to talk straight with him and he with me, we both know exactly where we stand and how things are… let’s just see if we can both stick to the theory! Lol lol

I drove home around 11.30pm and have to say, although not far, it was a nasty drive as the spray on the A14 from the lorries was literally blinding – plus I was dead tired.

He rang and talked to me as I drove back and then we bade one another goodnight. I crawled into bed around 1am and slept with Paul McKenna , lol
Another novel....well, at least I'm consistent!

Wednesday August 15th

Damned dog woke me at 5!!! Grrrrr (that’s me not the dog!).. so, let him out and went back to Paul… lol… thought it wouldn’t hurt to hear him again as I never actually hear all of him anyway.. and still didn’t – was asleep in moments!

Blueeyes rang me to wake me up at 7 and I asked him to call again in an hour.. lol.. couldn’t bring myself to open me eyes! Lol Bless him, he just chuckled and did… lol So, another hour of kip was had! (By this time he had been at work an hour)… Got up and headed off to work.. list in hand of what to do today! This really is turning into a marathon week – I stopped in my town because, for some bizarre reason, I thought it was Friday and therefore Market day!! DOH!! Got to work and sat there wanting a kip, lol… did some work – not a lot and have actually brought some home to do in my ‘spare’ time! :rotflmao: not entirely sure when that will be though! Lol Did a few things and got some difficult stuff sorted out.

Texted Blueeyes to ask him to call me when he had chance.. he did and I was very honest with him, told him I loved the clothes (but one pair of crops was too small (a fricking 12 fer petes sake! Lol).. but again, not to give me any more at the moment! (like the ‘at the moment bit’ ??) but the most important thing I had to say was about seeing each other. I told him I was exhausted and that I didn’t want to go bowling tomorrow evening and if he didn’t mind, we would just have an early meal, watch a dvd then he would have to go around 10.30pm as I really need to sleep before my weekend arrives! We agreed that it was too much to see one another in the week (especially if so late as last night) and that he had overslept too this morning, so that was agreed. IF we do see each other on a weekday it is an early one!

I also told him that it was imperative that he didn’t think we would be seeing each other when I wasn’t doing other stuff as I need evenings/days to myself and so does he. He agreed and said he hadn’t thought we would anyway and it wasn’t a problem at all. So, although our diaries were synchronized it doesn’t mean that every spare second we will be in one another’s pockets – otherwise one of us might just call it a day! I felt heaps better after our chat, I also said how uncomfortable I felt at his place and that if I go there again I expect to be treated as anyone else he may have visit and sit in the damn living room! Lol (stroppy cow eh! Lol) He agreed and apologized for last night and promised next time (if there is one) it would be different. S’all good to me! Lol

Agreed a time for him to arrive tomorrow and that he’s going to bring a couple of dvds for us to choose from, I think that will be really nice but am so sure I’ll nod off! Lol

Hey ho! Lol Finished work and trawled off to the bank – on the way back to the car I spotted a fabby top in the window of the Help The Aged shop!!! Well – a while back I almost got into trouble for stripping their window dummy of her sarong (wanted it for me hols) and last week had a top from the window too… lol.. and so.. it was with some trepidation that I approached the suitably mature sales assistant! She gave me one of those ‘oh for goodness sake why can’t you choose something on a rail ‘ looks and said she wasn’t sure she could sell from the window so I told her I did it regularly and would help her get it off the dummy.. lol In the end she got it off for me and it is GORGEOUS!!! I love it! All feminine and floaty and simply NOT the old me at all! Lol I adore it – PLUS – bargain at only £3.99!!!! I know exactly what to wear it with too… my white skirt! OOoh, just a case of WHEN to wear it… lol.. am sure I think of something.. lol Was well chuffed at bagging yet another bargain (and mega bonus – it covers me saggy arms!)

Then it was off to Asda to completely strip their supplies of SugarFree Appleade.. which I did, well, almost… I had to climb up on their racking to reach it all and managed to get 24 bottles… hee hee.. (3 for a quid!!)… on my way round the store I spotted a very sweet nightshirt… and… as I now only have one pair of PJ’s that come near to fitting me.. well… it WAS a bargain… so I popped that into my trolley too… along with 6 pairs of knickers… lol.. well, I needed them!! I’ve only got me Bridget Jones white pants now and they are too big to wear under me linen trousers and white skirt… so.. well, at 3 pairs for a quid, you can’t go wrong! I swear, won’t buy any more until these are threadbare (or I go down another size – which is doubtful as they’re a 12-14 and a lovely fit)… I recall the days when I would wear me knickers ‘til they literally fell off!! Hated buying knickers in Evans – they were gargantuan, but then, look what they had to cover!! Even so, there were some that I felt sexy in even at a size 30… go figure! Lol

Also – there was a bit of an offer on paper wallets (stationary) so I popped them in too, in the remote hope that I can sort out the study this weekend (my mate is determined to do this! Lol) and have some sort of order to things! Lol

Spotted some ready cooked chicken things… really low calories and freezable… and on offer … so… bunged them in the trolley and headed for the till. A slightly incredulous cashier counted out the 24 bottles… lol… and asked if I needed a hand packing. LOL I love it, I have the weirdest combinations in my trolley – I also had a mixing bowl and a circular sealed plastic bowl (perfect for marinading)… more bargains… flipping heck… think I might bar meself from shopping at all on days with M,T and F in ‘em… that way I might just get a handle on things.. lo

I just can’t seem to help it when I see a ‘bargain’… lol

Time for home… singing along to a cd as I went I spotted a motorcycle shop in Higham and thought I might just have a peek at their leathers… lol… that’s all I did though! They are lush but I don’t need ‘em and in time, when my finances are all sorted (which I aim to get to within the next 6 months)… then I may have a wish list to save up for… they won’t be high on it… but they will make an appearance!

Blueeyes rang and I found myself asking if he’d like to call in on his way home from work!! (FFS Jennie!!!) lol He finished at 3… lol.. He was very clearly shocked (especially given our chat this morning) lol… but said he would love to, thanks. I said it would only be a brief visit as I’m out tonight and have lots to do… lol… (see – set the boundaries!) so it was agreed… lol

I got home during a horrendous rain storm to find the tent looking a tad misshapen…. It has been very windy and wet today – so… waited for a break in the nastiness and re-sited the guy ropes.. hope my mate will be ok in it! Fingers crossed the weather improves!

Had about an hour to do some bits and bobs in, so, new nightshirt and other pink things in the washing machine, I got stuck into salad prep for tomorrow – I LOVE preparing food! It’s all done, in bowls etc.. veggies marinating nicely in the new tub… all the other bits done so no need to worry about doing anything tomorrow when home from work - ah how cool will that be! Everything tidy and music playing, had a soup and muffin and the best part of a malt toffee bar – I am REALLY hungry today! Also had some chicken – about 200cals worth, not good but today for some reason I feel like I could eat a horse!!!

Hope it doesn’t do damage to weight loss so will have to SS Fri, Sat, Sun 100% again! ARGH! Still, will be worth it :) (Although I have this BBQ Sunday to go to… hmm… think I’ll have a soup and muffin JUST before leaving the house so less inclined to eat.)

My scales were kind this morning (11.9) but by this evening reading a gain of 5lbs since this am (12.0) – major reason NOT to scale hop eh! Lol MUST put them back under Sarah’s old bed and lock the door again! Have a feeling Zoe might confiscate them if I tell her …. Lol

Very pleased to be so organized for tomorrow and my mates arrival Friday too…… rang the lady who is in charge at the bike club to see if the run was on tonight – she said it depended on weather.. so I told her I’ll go and be prepared . (Any excuse to wear me leathers! Lol)

Blueeyes showed up around 4ish and we spent a very pleasant hour and a half together talking and showing him holiday pics and photies on the computer (he wanted to see the pics of me on my weight loss journey)… then I turfed him out, lol. Kissed goodbye and both agreed we were looking forward to tomorrow evening and that we were rubbish at this ‘let’s not live in each other’s pockets’ thing.. but I said it would improve., lol especially as I am so tired still and that it was just a spur of the moment thing when he was on the phone this afternoon….

Once he’d gone I got changed into my bike gear and sat waiting for the rain to stop… it didn’t, and, as I am so tired, I thought it would be wise to stop in tonight and just chill out…so texted the bike club lady and told her I’ll def be there next week, and have been chilling out… music channel on telly loud enough to hear in the study – VH1,

I’ve been writing me diary, reading emails, rang me sister and had a great natter with her., done a little bit of planning for work, another load of washing and all of it hanging on the airer, air bed about to be inflated and cleaned for J’s stay… and sitting in me leathers the entire time… lol Blueeyes texted to say thanks for asking him over today and he’s looking forward to tomorrow… awww, sweet innit! Lol Texted him back that I’m off to bed by 9.30pm tonight and didn’t go to club after all… so he rang and asked if its ok to ring me later – so I said I’ll text him later when I’m ready as I want to do some things and chill out.

Going to go upstairs and have a shower then off to bed with my new book – The Hindi Bindi Club – and a pint or two of water. Still want to eat my way through the universe and not entirely sure why – IS it the diet coke/coke Zero???? Hmmm…. Note to self – STOP drinking the damn stuff!! Lol I even contemplated having even MORE chicken tonight! Bah!!! Didn’t though – instead had a strawberry – yep, just the one… I think I am just going to have to really grit teeth again… tomorrow is a really important day (weigh in at Drs and hoping for magic figures!) so WTF am I doing eating!! Grrrr…

I love this diet and hate it too…although it isn’t the diet’s fault at all.. it flaming well works… it’s me!!! Lol I get really cross with myself too! I just SO want to eat again… today has been particularly bad though.. and I’ve lost track of TOTM so no idea if due soon or not… you’d think by now I would have got in the habit of writing it down! But no… each month the intention is there… lol Oh well… just done the vac’ing upstairs, lit my lovely relaxing candle in my bedroom and am sat here looking very fetching in my mega huge blue bathrobe… lol.. Got some lovely Dove ‘Pro-Age’ shower gel – smells good and feels great – don’t think it makes me any younger but it was 3 for 2 or something.. lol, and I do love Dove products… so off to make use of that in a mo… think I’ll visit the arcade for a while first...

So… there you have it.. at last my boring bletherings for the last 48 hours are done! Hee hee.. .and… if you managed to get through it all, then flaming well done you!!

More of the same inane diatribe tomorrow no doubt!! Off to wash in a mo and then go to sleep listening to my mater Paul again ;) lol

Pics are my posh frock for the wedding and the top I got today... each a bargain at only £3.99 a piece in my local charity shops!! Love it!!!:D:D:D


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gosh to be bought clothes & ones you like :eek: Ash has absolutly no idea what size i am o what i like. His & my tastes are SSSSSSSSSooo different.
can feel the attraction oozing thru my screen.
xx :)
Jen i forgot to say ealier but you are the IMAGE of your lovely dad!!!! Amazing resemblance!!!!!!
You think so? lol I never saw it, blimey :D Thanks Karen :D

Wow Jennie I am shattered just reading all that
I am so jealous, you are going to see UB40 wow you will have to let us know how it goes......I love them fab sound and soo good to sing along too.
I love UB40 soooo much :)

glad to hear that you are taking steps to have chill/me time.
i wouldn't want you to jepadise your relationship, but if he respects you he will understand, obviously its more benificial to him to have a 100% girlfriend than an emotional washed out wreck.
luv as allways
xx :)
You are so right my friend... and he does absolutely respect me (I think) and I really don't relish the thought of being that washed out wreck again ;)

I saw UB40 in concert and they were absolutely amazing. Had a fantastic time and was totally cream crackered at the end of it. Have a wonderful time too hun xx
Oh, I will :) I've seen them twice at Wembley - years ago, and they were the best! These tickets were such a good price and I am really looking forward to it - 2nd September will be here soon! :)

Your such an inspiration Jennie, i really hope that i can do as well as you have. I can't wait to be able to say i've made it to my goal. Won't be long now until your there and shouting it from the rooftops!!:D You look amazing, well done :clap:
Oh Ava, welcome and thank you so much, :eek: You will do great I'm sure :D

gosh to be bought clothes & ones you like :eek: Ash has absolutly no idea what size i am o what i like. His & my tastes are SSSSSSSSSooo different.
can feel the attraction oozing thru my screen.
xx :)
hee hee... he knew my size coz I was so hyped about the choice I have in the shops.. lol.. he was convinced I was a 12 though - that'll teach him to listen eh! lol I gave him back the 12's tonight.. hee hee... What was weird was his choice in the crops as they are my fave coral colour and he had no idea! (Twilight Zone music please!) He is soooo attractive...well, I think so :giggle; :giggle: am going to ask his permission to post a pic of the two of us (will need to get one taken Sunday at the BBQ) so you can see for yourselves... he asked me today (twice) for the link to my diary and I totally refused point blank.. only 2 people in my 'real' world have the link and there's a jolly good reason for that! lol ;)
lovin the top & dress, i never see anything in charity shop so stopped bothering now.
way to go on white, can't get my head around it 'sept fot t-shirts !!
xx :)