Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Night night xxx
crikey - I don't log in for 24 hours and have a book to read.

Glad you set the boundaries and not surprised you started to ignore them LOL

Its great to see you are still overflowing with energy and enthusiasm

keep smiling and having fun

Nervous, happy, energetic! :D

Good morning! :D

Amazing the difference a good night's sleep can make! Am all fired up for the day ahead! :)

Wake up bark from the darned mutt at 3, and again at 5, despite them I slept great - good ole Paul McKenna... lol was in that lovely snuggly warm dozy pre-waking up state when Blueeyes rang to say good morning ... nice way to start the day... and the weather looks almost bearable too! Result! Might just get away with the BBQ tonight! :D

Rang boss and asked if ok to work from home today and tomorrow but will call into office and sort out post etc too. :D

Since getting up I've done a teensy bit of washing (and its on the line now!) and brought downstairs more old clothes to sell on Ebay.. started to take pics of them and camera is playing up - hope its the memory card and not the camera!! Have decided to have a major sort out and do whatever I can to raise funds until business/job/miracle happens.. lol

Going to do a load of work all day to make up for lack of oomph last week or 2. THE weigh in this afternoon at 4.40pm and am so nervous - dead excited too as I really really think I've done it (according to their scales!)... I'm all of a fluster about it.. lol

So much so I have heaps of nervous energy and (since 8am) have cleared out my double wall cupboard in the utility room, whirled through some drawers and got all the expired tablets and medicines to return to chemist (as its next to Drs).. also got a bag of clothes for the charity shop all ready to go too... kitchen is immaculate.. upstairs too... flippin heck... lol... found 4 disposable cameras and a roll of film - so, will shove them in for developing but have no idea what's on them. lol I haven't done that in ages... last time cost me loads and they were like 8 years old! lol

Text from Blueeyes to say he's thinking of me and to check the post when it arrives! :eek: He's really positive about the weigh in today too and I have a feeling we will be celebrating this evening if I get to that magic figure!!

Might get him to help me build my bike tonight... then that will be another job done.. he's already volunteered to help me sort out the lofts (remember I bought all that flooring when the water poured through the ceiling in the utility room?) and we were talking about that kind of stuff yesterday and I told him I will do it all in my own time.. lol.. you know how it is... I have a mega list of things to do to the house... and I will do them!

He offered to help during his forthcoming holiday week in September but I crinkled me nose up, lol, he said he knows I am very independent but would like to think I would let him help me at times.. hee hee... I like his attitude! I could give him a list! But I won't, because.. it's my house and I want to be able to say when it's done... "I did that". Cutting my nose off to spite my face? Maybe,... but I just don't want anyone staking any kind of claim on my home either now or in the future... this is all I have in terms of financial security and I've worked hard to hang on to it.

Flippin heck... got all serious then! Honestly though, I've been thinking hard about what I want/need to do around the place and it helps me focus on my overall plans and also I know that it will be a never-ending process.. and, none of it is particularly urgent.. although the lofts floored would be fantastic as then I could store stuff in a really ordered way (am a great one for boxing and labelling).. sad cow! lol

I love the idea of a loft in good order ... downstairs one will have camping gear in ... and potential car boot selling stuff for next summer (not going to have time this year now but happy to get it all in place for a mega boot sale at Easter maybe... and how cool will it be to have a loft full of money-making stuff at the ready!)

Upstairs deffo the Christmas stuff... may need to put more flooring up there too though... will see how I get on with what I have for the downstairs one! Not actually sure what else really should go in a loft - I had a mega clear out last year and gave away loads and loads of stuff... I've got 'memory' boxes up there of things like the girls school stuff and paintings and artwork they did over the years... soppy but I couldn't bear to throw it away! Also have a 'memory' box of their dad... old photos, love letters he wrote me when I was in hospital after my bike crash... holiday bits.. you know the kind of thing... hmm... may have to get some archive boxes and put photo albums up there too...

LOL, how come, when I have one thought it spirals into a whole mish mash of others!!? I know I'm NOT going to store rubbish though, need to be brutal when sorting out and have a feeling that my mate J this weekend is going to make me do that in my sanctuary of a study... bit nervous about that.. lol... still... perhaps I can distract her into doing something else... especially if the weather's nice as it's the Balloon Festival this weekend in Northampton... :D

Right, just had a scrummy choc mint muffin and need to get on with some more work.

Oh, and did that ridiculous scale hopping thing again this morning and back to 11.9 ! Just goes to show how mad it is to jump on and off each day! lol NO logic... so... will TRY and put them away after this afternoons weigh is as I only started that malarky when the hospital gave the order to get to a sodding BMI of 27!

(Not going to go on again about what I think of that! lol)
hope you get a favourable number when you jump on the surgery scales hun,
will check in later for news.
thanks for your txt earlier
xx :)
hope you get a favourable number when you jump on the surgery scales hun,
will check in later for news.
thanks for your txt earlier
xx :)

Thanks Cheryl.. am SO delighted with your very good news.. :D

OMG, it's almost time! Another hour and a bit and I'll be nervously sitting in the waiting room! Wish I could go for a poo... lol ... sorry... but every little helps at this stage!!!! Already trying to work out which clothes weigh least... :giggle:

Well... a most productive morning indeed :D All vac'd and almost all polished.. everywhere sparkling clean, films and cameras in to be developed, old tablets and medicines disposed of at Chemists, clothes dropped off at charity shop in my town AND... well, I just HAD to have a browse whilst there.. and yes... I bought.. lol... 2 more skirts! One is lilac and really lovely the other is a denim one.. in a size 12!!!!!!! Total cost - £7.85 :) Jobs paper picked up, hairspray bought for Zoe (she hasn't asked but I reckon she's about due to run out!) lol

Checked the post - there is a very sweet card from Blueeyes!! It has a flock of sheep on the front left and on the right a sheep facing the rest of them... inside he has written...

" To Jennie
Hi, I saw this card and it made me think of ewe! Sorry !!!!!
Because you are one in a million! and you stand out from the crowd!

You are a very special lady who I am very pleased to know!!

You are my breath of fresh air... 'My Whirlwind'

S xx"

What can I say .... :D .... :character00100::character00100::character00100::character00100::character00100::character00100::character00100::character00100:

He's just finished work and is on his way here for the afternoon & evening. He's going to sit in the car outside the Drs and wait for me.. lol (I won't let him stay in my house without me here!)

I rang and thanked him and he told me that he posted it to me on Monday... :) I am really quite moved... :eek:

Will let you know how it goes at the Drs!! Can't believe how nervous I feel, belly having a right old rumble... I AM hungry though! lol Nothing since my muffin this morning... will have soup the second I get home or might pass out!! lol

Right - off to wash the kitchen floor and see if I can sort out this camera!! Blueeyes has said he's happy to help me get all the pics done so that's great!! :D

Blueeyes was waiting in the car park for me with a bunch of sunflowers!! :D :D :D So, celebrating this evening with a dvd and a lush salad and veggie kebabs :D NO booze though... as am going to keep going 'til I get to the 27 BMI on Ailsa's scales.

Regardless I am so happy!!!!!!!
WOW !! WELL DONE Jennie :D

AMAZING loss - an inspiration !

You goin for Slimmer of the Year ????

Debz xx
Well done .. u deserve to be so happy.
Magnificent - nuff said (nobody deserves it more)

Well actually there's a lot more to say

inspirational, unbelieveable, incredible, amazing, fantastic, superb, awesome, stupendous, at long last LOL, brilliant, magnificent (already said that but what the f***), jaw dropping, emotional, justified, living the dream, stunning, gob smacking (yuk), heart warming, award winning (geddit?), just deserts and most of all - yours
Hi Jennie,

I lurk on your thread everyday, but i just HAD to butt in and say congratulations on such a fantastic achievement!! I sure wish i had your motivation, i got my BMI down to 29 last xmas, felt great, got too confident, started eating and now my BMI is back in the 30's. :(

I really admire you for getting back on the wagon after your holiday, you are a better woman than most ssers on here!