Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Good Luck for tonight x x x
Good luck for tonight sweetz! Although I have no doubt you'll have done well, you have balls of steel honey!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
what a disappointment tonight's weigh in was... a pathetic 0.8lb loss... totally pi$$ed off with it... I've done nothing different this week... stuck to it 100%..

My TOTM is due Sat so am wondering if that may be something to do with it... also for the first time I weighed in in jeans... then weighed without the jeans and it made a 1.3lbs difference... still... if I wear the jeans every week from now on then it will be ok..

I have lost inches too, Ailsa measured me again and there are lots of inches going... especially from my waist!

I know I should be pleased because a loss is a loss whatever way you look at it, and the inches are going... and I know it will show next week as it hasn't this... I know all of that ... and yet.. I am utterly fed up about it.

Have come home and got on here... not in the mood to do my diary.. so will have big bubble bath and go to bed... Zoe put blanky on whilst I was on phone on way home.. so bed will be lovely and warm... must admit I cried when I told her how I did. She knows I've stuck to it 100% and told me not to worry, it's still a loss and that it will even out next week..

Got a lovely hug from her when I got in. "Eric" rang me too as I was driving home - he's got a rotten cough and cold.. we had a nice chat but you know.. I still have major doubts... how he could suggest what he did makes me wonder many things... when he's feeling a bit better I'll tackle him about it... not whilst I'm feeling so fed up though..

I have a horrible time ahead of me tomorrow night - it is my sleep study and darth vadar mask time in hospital (Leicester) and I just don't want to go. I know I have to, and I shall, but I DON'T WANT TO!! (imagine petulant foot-stomping-child-mode!) and that is playing on my mind something chronic!

Going to go and have a bath now and then bed... sorry.. not great company this evening.. night all xxx
Go chill out hun, our bodies are really wierd things, and if the inches are coming off then the weight will come off soon x
You have almost a pound off...and inches and I am sure next week you will have a few more pounds off so don't let this week's weigh in get you down as you have done brill every other week already!!!

Love Mini xxx
Don't be sad Jennie - your doing great......:D I've PM'd you about next weekend.....looking forward to seeing you again.....sorry no 'morning' Flares in Cov I'm afraid.....not even an 'evening' one either now:(

Just off to put my name on the WeMitt BHam meet in Feb/March.....

Big hugs and lots of love
You have done SO well Jennie, so please don't be disappointed. I'm sure you're cheesed off, but you have had some fantastic losses, and you can now look forward to next week when you'll loose tons!! Just keep looking at those old photos... that's what keeps me motivated and able to focus on the future, knowing i don't want to go back there again! Chin up gal! xx Julia xx Crazily busy up to xmas, but we must go for a drink in the new year!!!

Although Westhills gave me some great advice at the meet up. She told me t draw a graph and draw a straight line averaging 4Ibs per week. Then chart my own prgress against that, sometimes loss will be awful by comparison and brilliant by comparison, however overtime the loss will average out. That advice I KNOW will get me through the next few months. Think about the averages!

Also TOTM played absolute havoc with my weight this week - was awful. All the water you are retaining will go by the end of next week. keep your chin up.

You are still doing well.
You are still inspiring me.


It Could be the water - it could be constipation............You are still doing fantastically. To put it in perspective my huge black labrador weighs 49 lbs..........thats what you have lost todate. Take 2.5 huge big 10kg bags of potatoes........thats what you have lost !!!!! Its no easy thing to do and you should be proud !!!!! Cyber hugs and good luck with the sleep study thing. I will say a prayer for you tonight that it all goes smoothly and swiftly and easily.


Bettyboo !!!!!!
Ah Jenny - we all have weeks like that and it's sooo annoying but you'll probably have a brill loss next week. I guess you have to let your body do it's own thing - there's nothing more you can do when you stick to a vlcd 100%.

Someone said recently on here that when the scales don't co-operate, it's cos you're still burning fat but your body has hung on to it in the form of water (very likely due to TOTM) and it will shift - as you've seen in your inch loss. So try not to be downhearted - the process is working.

morning hun.. hope you are feeling better this morning.. you are doing absolutely fab and there is no way on this earth that after sticking to it 100% that you cannot lose so just chin up and next week you will have a great loss and will be sooooooo chuffed!!!

try look at alllllllllll the positives this diet has given to your life... ur out socialising feeling great, getting loads of compliments, getting sooo much stronger emotionally and not letting people walk over you, taking control totally of ur life and wearing lovely clothes happily :D :D :D

girl u are doing fab please chin up and next tuesday will fly around just you watch


Gen xxxx
Jennie hun pls dont feel dissapointed, we all know that especially womens bodies work in a very weird way. You know u have stuck to Ssing 100%.If u had weighed in your normal clothes and not your jeans then u would of had around a 2.5lb weight loss with Ttotm around the corner u def could be having water retention.
Just think about the masses of weight u have lost already and each day u r Ssing is another day nearere your goal weight even if it does not show on your scales this week,and the inches u have dropped this week and what a strong and determined lady you are.

Hope u have a good day 2day hun sending u lots of positive vibes and big hugz, take care xxx