Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary


thank you, all of you.. :D I'm so tired this evening... might grab a couple of hours sleep and then hop back on later to update from the weekend, before it gets to next weekend!!!:eek:

Mr K IS lovely:eek: - I just got off the phone to him :D He rang this morning too, and texted... he's missing me and I'm missing him.. silly isn't We're like a pair of lovesick kids! lol :rolleyes:

Ah well... only a week or so to wait until we can see one another again. :D Will just have to be patient.. and.. Punkass - as for sizzling times...:eek: :eek: :eek: I certainly hope so!!;) lol BUT.. that's a part of our relationship that will remain ours (his and mine) and not for public exhibition (if you know what I mean) lol (Mind you - if he doesn't come up to scratch I might let ya know!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :p ;) ;) LMAO)

Seriously though.. I'm not sure how I'm going to feel if we cross that line.. I hate my body so much :( :eek: and, as I think I may have said before.. have never understood how any man can fancy me:confused: .. lol.. so.. we shall have to wait and see what happens!!!:eek:

At least I know one thing - our relationship isn't based on the carnal side of life (even if that is simmering away nicely on the back burner!;) )
hey girl some thing need to stay private :eek:
just as long as he continues to treat you right thats good enough for me - oh & an invite to the wedding ;) LOL
Hi Jennie

Just playing catch-up on your latest date with Mr K, and I'm smiling like a goodun here! I'm so pleased it's all going so well .. he really does sound like a special man - but then he's got a special lady so that kinda makes sense :rolleyes:

Don't worry about the 'fireworks' and what he might/might not think of your body. I rather suspect he'll think you're gorgeous regardless of what you might think of yourself :)

Enjoy yourself in Portsmouth - and have a drink (of tap!) for me!

hey girl some thing need to stay private :eek: just as long as he continues to treat you right thats good enough for me - oh & an invite to the wedding ;) LOL xx:)

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

hee hee...

I need sleep - getting crabby, am freezing cold and have had all my packs for the day (gym today so had to have 2 by 1pm!).. just had the 3rd and am staring at a mountain of work, which, if I don't do it by tomorrow afternoon I am going to be in major doo-doos!!! What to do... stay up and do it.. or go to bed early (say, 9ish) and then get up really early and do it and then take it into the office..??? hmmm... really not sure. I need a clear head to do it (all financial mumbo jumbo)... my nose is cold.. (that means I am freezing!).. I've got layers and layers on.. the heating's on.. just had hot soup.... grrrrr... I want one of Zoes doughnuts!! Or some of the spag bol she made and never cleared up after!! (I just put a huge portion of it in a bowl in the fridge! (dinner for her for tomorrow - if she'll eat it!).

Dunno what's got into me tonight.. whatever it is I need to shake it off before my lovely Mr K comes online to chat on msn with me later :D
oh dear hun, go have a nice hot bubble bath that will warm you up & take you away from temptation, then you'll refreshed ready for your chat with Mr K
stay strong, you've done so well up to now
xx:) :)
'morning all. Just a quick post as have loads to do! I had a wonderful deep hot bubble bath (gotta love radox), and once all snuggly in jimmys, slippers and dressing gown (which I haven't been able to wear for years, but now fits easily and belts up lovely), and finally warmed up, it was a short time on msn with Mr K, then I went to bed (was only about 10) and slept like a log 'til 4am when the mutt decided he wanted to go out! I let him out and noticed the snow!!! We've got a fair bit of it here! So.. ummed and ahhed about whether to stay up or not, and decided not, lol, back to bed once the dog was back indoors.. and then fell sound asleep again until 5 when my alarm went off (intention to get up and do work),.. think I finally switched it off after the 10th snooze! Back asleep until 6.20 when I woke up and dashed around to be up, dressed and ready to take Zoe. Mr K rang at 6.30, :D, *sigh. lol.. sorry.. he just has that effect!

We chatted and then Zoe started nagging to tell me she wanted to leave early coz of the snow and could we take her car!! I told her no way! I don't know her car well enough to drive it in the snow! But promised to take it out when the snow melts this afternoon (ever the optimist!).. this appeased her. So, off we went.. our estate is very slippery and we had a bit of a slide on the way out of one of the roads (its a bit of a snail-shell kind of layout), lol, got her to her friend early for once and then promptly came home. I'm working from home until this afternoon when I shall go in and prepare the office for tonight's Finance meeting. I hate them, but, it's not very often, and I shall be glad to have it behind me. I only dislike them because I don't fully understand them, lol. So, I'm off to work up at my dining table and then come back into the study and put the info on the relevant spreadsheets and, ultimately, email them back to the office for this evening!

Might pop on and off here throughout the day, maybe set myself a time plan - 2 hours work, 15 mins on here.. and repeat that pattern.. mebbe.. lol

Oh, last night Ailsa sent me a lovely email entitled 'Jennie - Superstar', lol... she put in it my photos (I have lost the cd she did of them) taken each week since starting the diet. On a seperate word doc she put my 1st week photos and this weeks photos.. I thought that was a very thoughtful thing to do.

I'm so glad she's my CDC :D

Right - must go! See you later - hope you all have a great day! xxx
Getting an early morning call from Mr. K is as routine as waking up now hey?! :)

If I lived near AKB, I'd certainly have her as my CDC, she really does sound ace. The ones near me are .... undesirable. My CDC is good though, only problem I have is the fortnightly weighs, I really want to security (and discipline) of weekly weigh ins.


Me and you are gonna have a big hug on Saturday - your hugs are one of the things I enjoyed most about the Birmingham WeMITTS meet.
Then we're gonna have a chin-wag. OK?!!!!!!!!!! :D
Getting an early morning call from Mr. K is as routine as waking up now hey?! :)

hee hee - yep :D :D :D

If I lived near AKB, I'd certainly have her as my CDC, she really does sound ace. The ones near me are .... undesirable. My CDC is good though, only problem I have is the fortnightly weighs, I really want to security (and discipline) of weekly weigh ins.

She's ace, why not get a mate to weigh you each week, or ask at your GP's if one of the nurses there can do it (I get checked by mine every fortnight - you could arrange the weeks to suit!), got to be worth a try . I would never have managed with fortnightly weigh-ins!!


Me and you are gonna have a big hug on Saturday - your hugs are one of the things I enjoyed most about the Birmingham WeMITTS meet.
Then we're gonna have a chin-wag. OK?!!!!!!!!!! :D

LOL, okie dokie!! You've got my mobby number - I'll text you when I arrive at the Holiday wotsit hotel.

Sorry to be brief but typing up minutes and have to get them done in next 20 mins!! ARGH!!!
'morning all. Just a quick post as have loads to do! I had a wonderful deep hot bubble bath (gotta love radox), and once all snuggly in jimmys, slippers and dressing gown (which I haven't been able to wear for years, but now fits easily and belts up lovely),

Oh thats such a lovely feeling, the bath and jim jams etc, but the robe fitting when before it didn't WHOO HOOO!! double bonus

and finally warmed up, it was a short time on msn with Mr K, then I went to bed (was only about 10) and slept like a log 'til 4am when the mutt decided he wanted to go out! I let him out and noticed the snow!!! We've got a fair bit of it here! So.. ummed and ahhed about whether to stay up or not, and decided not, lol, back to bed once the dog was back indoors.. and then fell sound asleep again until 5 when my alarm went off (intention to get up and do work),.. think I finally switched it off after the 10th snooze! Back asleep until 6.20 when I woke up and dashed around to be up, dressed and ready to take Zoe. Mr K rang at 6.30, :D, *sigh. lol.. sorry.. he just has that effect!

Your so lucky to be able to go back to sleep like that, I woke around 4am this morning, but have been awake since, hoping to make up for it tonight....LOL,,,and of course I didn't have a lovely Mr K to talk to either, just had to drag myself up and out by myself LOL..

We chatted and then Zoe started nagging to tell me she wanted to leave early coz of the snow and could we take her car!! I told her no way! I don't know her car well enough to drive it in the snow! But promised to take it out when the snow melts this afternoon (ever the optimist!).. this appeased her. So, off we went.. our estate is very slippery and we had a bit of a slide on the way out of one of the roads (its a bit of a snail-shell kind of layout), lol, got her to her friend early for once and then promptly came home.

Saw all the snow on GMTV this morning, we didn't get snow here in Wicklow YET!! man I'm gonna have to check the forecast, cuz if its forecast, I'm turning off alarm..LOL...

I'm working from home until this afternoon when I shall go in and prepare the office for tonight's Finance meeting. I hate them, but, it's not very often, and I shall be glad to have it behind me. I only dislike them because I don't fully understand them, lol. So, I'm off to work up at my dining table and then come back into the study and put the info on the relevant spreadsheets and, ultimately, email them back to the office for this evening!

Might pop on and off here throughout the day, maybe set myself a time plan - 2 hours work, 15 mins on here.. and repeat that pattern.. mebbe.. lol

Did ya stick to your self imposed rule, I see our 11pm agreement is spreading thru the site, can I propose an extension to 11.30 please miss, can I , can I....

Oh, last night Ailsa sent me a lovely email entitled 'Jennie - Superstar', lol... she put in it my photos (I have lost the cd she did of them) taken each week since starting the diet. On a seperate word doc she put my 1st week photos and this weeks photos.. I thought that was a very thoughtful thing to do.

Your CDC sounds ace, its great when you have a good CDC, mine is great too, I end up chatting to her for ages when I go collect my stuff, last time I had a friend waiting in the car and I was meant to just run collect and out,,,,Ha mins later I appear thinking we'd been quick...Ha Ha..but ya gotta update your CDC LMAO:D

I'm so glad she's my CDC :D

Right - must go! See you later - hope you all have a great day! xxx

talk soon:p
Can't believe how bad I've been at diarising this week! last night was a nightmare! Worked on the accounts all day then went to the meeting and as soon as I got home I went to bed! Argh! How antisocial! Still.. the meeting was very good and it didn't matter that I hadn't quite got it all done! :D
I know I still haven't told you about my weekend last week - and it was SSOOOO good too! I promise I will try and do so.. umm.. not sure when :sigh: as I only just got on here (Zoe has been applying for jobs all evening)..

So, I'll just quickly blab about today! (as you got the gist of yesterday

So, today - Thursday Jan 25th 07 -

Mr K rang and woke me :D :D :D :D :D and I grinned all the way to work.. went to Asda to get some tops for Zoe and a few gifts for her friend who has just had a baby boy! Also, as I was going into Asda this chap told me about them selling DVD players for £9 !! So, I looked, couldn't see any, nor could he so he bought one for £18 instead - not me - I went to Customer Services and they got one out of the storeroom for me - LOL (prior to any going on the shelves! ) lololol.. I'm gonna give it to my sister for her birthday :D. Tightwad I know! ;) Anyway, got the tops and DVD thingy and went to work - boss rang - he's not feeling too well:( , so didn't come in but will be tomorrow. So I got stuck in:) ! Time flew by, I then remembered I have a heap of job applications to fill in and post by 5pm today:eek: ! I photocopied a couple and shoved them in a wallet to do later.. had 2 packs at work and then straight to the beauty place to be waxed! Got waxed (underarms, lowerlegs and eyebrows - not brave/stupid enough to get anything else done!!) lol Got changed there for the gym - dashed over there, did my workout and then had to dash home.. got home just as Mr K rang.. (phew) and spend about half an hour on the phone to him :D :D and then had to dash off to see the nurse for my regular weigh in and bp check. :D

Well, my BP is down again!:eek: I'm so chuffed!!:D 110/68 today AND my resting pulse is down too to 68 :D :D She was very pleased and her scales recorded a loss of 4kg in the last fortnight - but to be honest, I ignore her scales.. lol.. for a start they make me about a flippin stone lighter than Ailsa's, lol, so I only take notice of Ailsas :D (err on the side of caution ;) ). Regardless, I shall look forward to my weigh in on Monday :D Discussed excess skin and how bad things are already looking - she was encouraging me with my plans to appeal to health authority when appropriate.. but I have to say.. it really is getting pretty grim already! I hate to think how it will look when I get to target!! Even so - it isn't going to stop me carrying on!! :D I am too determined to allow that to happen!!!!:cool: ;) :eek:

I was a bit shocked when I looked in the mirror this morning (no smart comments!!! ;) lol) - I have 2 spots!!! I never get spots!!!! I mean, I know a lot of folks are telling me I look younger with the weight coming off, but spots!!! At my age!!! Puhleeasse!!!! :mad: :sigh:

Not sure what to do about them.. lol.. they are just red so can't squeeze em or owt.. so I guess I just have to hope they will go when TOTM arrives (supposedly Monday but knowing my luck it will arrive over the weekend whilst I'm away from me leccy blanky!!!! :( lol

Anyway, home from nurse, and Zoe jumps on t'internet, I sit and fill in one application that I can hand deliver in the morning - job as a PA/Committee Secretary. So - fingers crossed! Mind you - I firmly believe that I will end up in the right job so not setting my hopes too high on any of the ones I'm applying for.

Tried calling the place in London again for any news on that one and they are dreadful about getting back to me! :sigh: Perhaps I should give up - I've been chasing up about it for the best part of a month now! I mean, I know I am tenacious, but even so......

So this evening was spent filling in a lengthy app and now am on here! Tired but ok. Missing Mr K but looking forward to chatting to him again tomorrow (not first thing in morning though as I don't have to be up so early tomorrow :D and nor does he). I'd rather we both got some decent sleep! lol

and tomorrow? well... deliver job app, work., garage (car has developed a squeak!!), then home, load up car with everything for the weekend.. and off on my way!! (oh better do a route!)..

I haven't even started to pack yet! How bad is that!! I might just go up and do that now and then go to bed! I really am so tired tonight! (Perhaps I need to slow down just a tad .. lol..) NAH!!! ;) lololol

All I have to do Saturday is drive a little, then meet up with everyone and have a good time!! lol :D :D :D
Got waxed (underarms, lowerlegs and eyebrows - not brave/stupid enough to get anything else done!!)
i have thought about being sugared again, but thought i was too big, might re-think that :confused:
the weekend whilst I'm away from me leccy blanky!!!! :( lol
thought you'd be bringing it with you, knowing how atatched you r to it PMSL :cool:
I haven't even started to pack yet! How bad is that!! I might just go up and do that now and then go to bed! I really am so tired tonight! (Perhaps I need to slow down just a tad .. lol..) NAH!!! ;) lololol
pack, sorry whats that - oh yeah guess i ought to throw a few things in a bag !, prob end up doing it tom eve :eek:

All I have to do Saturday is drive a little, then meet up with everyone and have a good time!! lol :D :D :D

lets hope we have loads of fun with no inhibitions so we can dance & be merry !:eek: :eek:
WOW look at you with your fitted jumper..... you look fab Jennie.....:D :D :D Have a great weekend..... watch out for the sailors.....????? Well you are near the seaside....LMAO:rolleyes: ;) :D :D :eek:

take care, drive safe , text me.....!!!

Lots of love
hey Jennie you look fab, don't know if i can compete with all you lush girls on sat, just call me wallflower in the corner :rolleyes: