Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

I don't post much here because I am honestly lost for words as what to say, WELL DONE doesn't seem to cover what you have achieved. Spectacular comes to mind along with amazing and afew others. Keep the top its really suits you not only that but you can use it to tease the many male admirers you seem to have gathered:cupid: :giggle: . In a word you look absolutley FANTASTIC.

PS I still wanna be you hehehe
Hiya Jennie,
Wow, You look amazing, absolutly fantastic...
I agree with the others the top is great, not too revealing at all :D :D

Well done on your 9stone lost, and in such a short space of time... You truly are an inspiration :p

Go Jennie, Go Jennie, Go Jennie :D :) :p
Omg you have done amazingly nearly 9 stone gone you must feel so different....! I have about another 10 stone to go.....nearly at my 5 stone mark now.....!

I must say though since deciding to split from (ex) I have been 100 % on the diet.....and I am feeling bluddy great. Cal my 9 yr old was sobbing last night, he said he was sad dad was leaving but now we havent got a car.......ahhhh bless him, he is worrying cos we dont have transport.
I am dashing off in a mo but couldn't not respond to all your very lovely comments. I'll maybe give the top another airing when my girly mates arrive next month for a weekend! lol (will prob have to stitch a tad though, honest, when I sit down there is a great deal of flesh going on!)... lol

Busy day (are there any other types?) am taking the plunge tonight and deep breaths, going to Aqua fit with Trudy. I have to conquer the embarassment of revealing legs and arms in public otherwise holiday is going to be even harder.

Talking of which... it's getting so close now my sis is getting excited! lol The accommodation is for 8 where we are staying (2 double beds in each of the 2 bedrooms) the thing is, I don't want to share a room with her so we have to pay twice the price we would if sharing.. I feel a bit mean but to be honest., I need my privacy and I think 3 weeks of sharing a room with my sis would lead to sisacide (dunno the real terminology!) lol so there we have it. Only about 40 odd days to go... already looking at sun lotions.. lol.. suitcase may start getting packed and unpacked as soon as the festival has been and gone... looking forward to that too. Not looking forward to swimming and can't believe I'm going, but once in the water it shouldn't be so bad. Just had soup so as not in water for an hour that's ok. Will wreck me hair though!! Still... good shampoo and deep condition when I get home and off to bed for an early night should work wonders (should be back by 9!)

Right, must dash, have to drop stuff off at church en route! (whoops, should've done that 15 mins ago!! ) love to all, oh and Irish.. you SO do NOT want to be me!! YOU WANT TO BE YOU!!!! :D :D :D :D Hope to meet you in Dublin in July!
Omg you have done amazingly nearly 9 stone gone you must feel so different....! I have about another 10 stone to go.....nearly at my 5 stone mark now.....!

I must say though since deciding to split from (ex) I have been 100 % on the diet.....and I am feeling bluddy great. Cal my 9 yr old was sobbing last night, he said he was sad dad was leaving but now we havent got a car.......ahhhh bless him, he is worrying cos we dont have transport.
Thanks Sonkie.

Don't take this the wrong way, please.

I think your son will miss his daddy in lots of ways that you may never fully know about - I know my girls did and they held back on their feelings for a long time.

I am glad you are feeling great but cannot share any joy in your marriage ending. Sorry, it's very painful for me to read about it as when mine ended it almost destroyed me and has caused me a huge amount of emotional pain since.

I am glad you are happy with life at the moment and it's great that you are so positive on the diet too, just please try and understand that it can be upsetting for those of us who did not want to be single and had it thrust upon us so cruelly.

Thanks hon xx
I am dashing off in a mo but couldn't not respond to all your very lovely comments. I'll maybe give the top another airing when my girly mates arrive next month for a weekend! lol (will prob have to stitch a tad though, honest, when I sit down there is a great deal of flesh going on!)... lol

That top is gorg-e-ouso! I'm sure girlie mates will convince you to wear it ;). Unless it's too big by then of course, which is a possiblility at the rate you're going madam!

Well done on almost being the gnats do-dahs! Next week you'll be the do-dahs and the widgey-majigs too lol!

Enjoy Aquafit too hun, I used to do it (even when at my biggest) and loved it. The water hides everything (well almost) and everyone is just too concerned about themselves to notice other people.

I best pull my finger out too or I'll be fighting Cheryl for your old tops as well!
Jen, Just catching up, had to stop off and say
What a FAB loss, you are inspiring and amazing.

Go for it girl, that top is FAB!
I owe you an apology Sonkie - for being a moody, miserable, mare. I hate being on my own and I was crushed when my marriage ended and recently I have to get used to the idea of seeing my ex again and his new wife and it is, at times, unbearable.

I am genuinely pleased that you are happy, I just find it ever so hard to read about a marriage breaking up etc... so, sorry for being a moody mare..
right... as for the rest of this diary of mine.. .. :)
Seems like the top will have to get more outings then! lol

Aquafit was totally knackering! My boobs fell out so Trudy tied knots in the straps,. lol Have agreed to go every Tuesday so after a bit I might have to get another cozzy. I am shattered, but it was good fun and I 'felt' my muscles so either I was doing it very wrong or very right! Dropped off my old clothes to the church on the way home (6 sacks full of all my old stuff - no idea what sizes they all were as I just went mad and grabbed things out of my wardrobe and drawers that I knew was too big and shoved it all into sacks. So, Whitechapel is in for a shock when it gets half a ton of size 24+ flowery pants and humungous coats etc!! (Can't say I've noticed any moprbidly obese homeless women, but at least they could layer!!). So that's that lot gone, I also gave away all my size 26+ clothes that I had sorted out, to a local lady I know through the church and bumped into on Saturday afternoon. I knew she woudln't be offended by my offering and am glad because she will get loads of wear out of them all. So that leaves 1 skirt in a 22, and a sack full of size 24 stuff and I think a couple of smaller bits. So now my wardrobe is looking very healthy with all my new stuff and my friend Alison's old stuff, lol.

Once home and cozzy and towel on a 'refresh' wash, it's time now for me to chill out and go to bed, so I thought I would hop on and try to catch up on things.. so.. a 15 minute tootle around the site whilst chomping on my choc mint muffin and downing a couple of pints of appleade and water, and I shall hit the sack!

I think it might be Zoe's last day at college tomorrow, but as she's at her boyfriend's I've no way of knowing, lol.

Oh, on the way from dropping the clothes off I nipped into a couple of the pubs in town and asked them to put up festival posters and programmes and they, naturally, agreed, lol and I bumped into one of Zoes friends. It was hilarious. She had no idea who I was and when I told her she threw her arms around me time and again and just was lovely. lol I've known here since we moved in 6 years ago t'other week, and she and Zoe used to bunk school together.. :rotflmao: well, they tried to. This is such a small town, within 30 minutes of them not showing up at school (and the school ringing me to tell me!) I had tracked them down and frogmarched them in! lolol they did it twice and then gave up. lol She is doing fantastically now, she's almost completed her interior design course and is a wonderful young woman. It was lovely to see her again and to get such a warm reaction. :)
I owe you an apology Sonkie - for being a moody, miserable, mare. I hate being on my own and I was crushed when my marriage ended and recently I have to get used to the idea of seeing my ex again and his new wife and it is, at times, unbearable.

I am genuinely pleased that you are happy, I just find it ever so hard to read about a marriage breaking up etc... so, sorry for being a moody mare..

There is no need to apologise I know many marriages break up and there is a lot of animosity. You are not moody or miserable, you have been hurt badly by your ex.
I truly think you are amazing to have lost the amount of weight you have done after being through such a hard time.

Love and best wishes xx:D the escaping breasts ....omg funny....!
Good on you for going.....I am trying to get the confidence to drag my fat behind and start swimming again....Its so hard when you are big....!
'morning :)

Up too late again last night (despite best intentions!) Still, was asleep before midnight as Janice Long wasn't on the radio when I nodded off.

I mixed up my dates about seeing Doc. It's this morning at 11am. I'm going to talk to him about skin and skydiving. I've got the form ready for him to sign and am hoping and praying he will, then I get post that off this afternoon and wait for a date in July so I can give my sponsors a concrete timescale! I am excited and apprehensive. I think the Dr will be shocked when he sees me, it's been a long time since I went to see him, I see the nurse every fortnight and am in to see her right after the Doc. So, got to work early this morning, set up the things for the lunch that's taking place at midday (bought milk on the way in) and Zoe gave me a bag of rolls she baked at college - they look yummy so I've plated them up and covered them with napkins so I can't see them! They smell delicious! She finishes college tomorrow!! My baby is growing up! (she'll groan if she reads this!)

She also has the chance of a job interview in Hertfordshire but that means I have to take her (as she cannot drive alone yet) so, Sunday is no longer a 'free' day for me :( It's a live-in position as a pastry commis chef (her dream first job). I am faced with the reality now that I could end up all alone in my house as both my girls will have moved out, and no income from any earnings Zoe has.. so.. am seriously contemplating selling up. Can't afford to buy anywhere else and won't be able to afford to stay. What am I supposed to do - spend what equity I have on renting somewhere I suppose.:sigh: The other thing I am doing now is looking even harder for another job. One job, one place, don't care where in the country if it pays enough. With no-one at home there's nothing to keep me there I guess. God it's going to be lonely. The thing is, I love my house, I love living in it and I love it being mine. BUT it is, I suppose, only bricks and mortar. I have to do some serious maths and get onto some more job agencies, the problem is, they aren't open at weekends and I can't take time off work to go to interviews!! It's crap!

If I do sell, it will have to be before the home owners pack thing or that's going to sting me for £600 before I even start! I also need to do some (lots) of jobs in the house. I don't want to move. I don't want to leave my home. There must be another way. Will have to sit and think and pray about it.

Anyway- sorry, went off on a tangent there for a bit! My brain is all over the place at the moment! Yesterday my friend L rang me in the morning and told me her mobile was dead and she needed to get another sim card, I was sure our conversation ended with me saying that I would get one for her as I had to go to the bank (which is next door to shop that sells sims). So I did. Got in last night, rang her up, she'd gone and got one too!! I was so cheesed off. lol. She was right of course, in the end we HAD agreed that she would go get it in case I couldn't park close enough.

Ah well, I got here in time to nip to the shop and got my money back this morning, the chap was very understanding about it (and I got the milk for the lunch meeting too!).

I look rough as a dog this morning - old and tired. If you see me on here after 9.30pm tonight PLEASE nag me to sod off to bed! I was toying with the idea of going to my local branch of the bike club I belong to (Zoe keeps telling me to go out outside of our town) but I know if I go I shall be so tired. I think it best if I get home tonight, walk the dog (to get my 10k steps in) and then bed by 10pm. Its madness, I sit up on here or I go to my room and start sorting things out. I know how tired I am and that it gets worse as the week goes on, and still I do it!! Crazy.

Better get on now, as I got here by 8.15 and did loads before nipping online I feel it was ok to come on and post. I know what I want to achieve before I leave at 10.50am today (Dr at 11.10, nurse after and then, of course, job 2!)

Oh, job 2, the lady who retired and I got her job - her husband had a heart attack and she's looking for a job again! My bosses are thinking of asking her to work the mornings! Not sure how I feel about that, as she will be shocked by the changes and I won't know as much about what's occurring. This is another reason why I'm dead keen on finding a single full time job somewhere else. She can have her old job back (they need the money now as her hubby cannot work anymore). Also, job 1, I think they are getting set to tell me they can't afford me any more. Dunno why I feel this way, I just do. Am feeling very insecure in so many aspects of my life at the moment. It's not good.

Am secure in one thing though. Things will be ok in the long run. One way or another, whatever happens, they will be ok.

Must try and remember to tell you about Sarah and her biker friend (next time).

Sonkie - it's horribly hard to go swimming, I know, if you can go with a friend who will help you get the confidence to walk from changing rooms to water then do it. It'll make you feel good and will help overcome those nasty little voices that tell you the negative stuff about yourself and self-image. Last night no-one batted an eyelid when they saw me, my legs are like the back end of an elephant (you know the kind of thing, flaps of nasty skin overlapping and wrinkly) and my arms, well, I could've floated and had a dozen swimmers sit on my batwings, but no-one made any comments. It was good and my friend helped enormously. Wish we lived closer and you and I could go together. Perhaps there are other minimins on your neck of the woods who feel the same way and would go with you.
Aww you poor thing, how about contacting Citizens advice to see if there is anyway you could get help so you can stay in your house.....!
"RESPECT " for you to be going through all this and still losing weight......Im not sure if would have been as strong.

Karen and myself used to go swimming when we were heavier.....but the pool has now been bulldozed, hmmmmm hope I didnt bust the
We have been toying with the idea ......but ......well you know its getting round the fact of walking to the pool and back.

Hope you can get something sorted re: house.

Wednesday night... 7.30pm and sat down to chill out (shock horror!) lol

It's been a pretty good day all in all, work went ok, still have to do some stuff for some meetings this week, but not worried about that very much as I can do it in the morning. Job 2 flew by as fast as ever, must admit, I was so tired this afternoon it was a job to keep going! However, what made this a great day was that I went to see the Dr this morning AND he signed the consent form for my skydive :clap::clap::clap: and so now it's full steam ahead and I weigh almost a stone under their maximum weight , so, by the time I do it I shall be even lighter! Yippee!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D I was so chuffed, he was lovely. I talked to him about some other worries I had. Mainly - skin and boobs. I told him how I felt about it all and, bless him, he didn't even ask to look. (Which I'm glad about as he had a trainee doctor with him and I would have been embarassed). He said he is going to write to my pct and ask for permission to refer me to a plastic surgeon. I told him that if they can just do my arms and boobs I would be happy. I know my belly and inner thighs are in dire need but they can be hidden with trousers and skirts and long shorts.. but my arms and boobs are a whole different matter. I could have kissed him when he said he would write to them and ask, this is, of course, only the first step. They may well say no, sod off, and I need to prepare myself for that. I asked if there is a waiting time after getting to goal - ie a year at goal or whatever, and he said that he didn't know but would write straight away for me. He had me explain to him how many calories I was having a day and what the Cambridge Diet was and I told him it's about 450 cals a day and he said he thought it was 600 , so I got confused, lol, and said maybe if I was another 3 inches taller I coulda had the extra as that is another pack. I think I need to read all the blurb again! lol

Then I went to see the nurse and she took my BP and it was 119/74 and on her scales I weighed in at 89kg (but hers are way out compared to Ailsa's so I'm not bothering to work it out. lol) I do know that I used to weigh in (at my heaviest recorded weight) at 153kg so that's encouraging news!

I had to collect a prescription for hay fever stuff, which I've avoided taking so far but my throat is beginning to suffer so I thought it best to get them in as the rape seed is so high and the tree pollen breezing around. In the chemists is a lady I know from church called Pam, I haven't seen her in a while and she was a poppet. We chatted and I told her about the skydive and I'm taking my sponsorship sheet in there one day soon (no idea when as it's shut by the time I get home! lol) still.. maybe in a couple of weeks when I next get checked up. She has been very supportive, none of this 'oh you should stop now or you'll look ill' nonsense! lol

Got to job 2 late (due to Dr running very late and me crying about skin and other stuff - you know.. ex etc.. me not knowing who I am blah blah blah...) but only by 15mins so I stayed late to make it up.

Decided to send CV to Northampton job agencies, I need a single job in one place with lots of people. So, time to start looking! I also rang the tax credit people and told them about my hours changing and about Zoe finishing college... glad I remembered to do that, don't want to get into any trouble just coz memory is shot to bits!

Got home about 6.30 and took the dog out for a long walk (trying to get my 10k steps a day in!!!) called in at the pub to chat to landlady, she's great. Really get on well with her. She's another one who is a great encourager. Then came home and had second pack of the day (choc mint muffin) just as I sat down on here :D

Zoe's in a great mood - she has been contacted by an agency who saw her cv and want her to go for an interview at a big flashy place in Hertfordshire as a pastry commis chef!! She is over the moon, and so, Sunday is driving to Welwyn Garden City time!!! Flippin long way, but it is the job of her hearts desire so will be worth it if she gets it. It'll be live in though... still... I can redecorate her room if she moves out (albeit temporarily - or not!) and make it all lovely for her again... and I can set to sorting the rest of the house out too... and me and the dog will be ok... and I will fill the house with noise (music) and maybe some lodgers... with just me in it I could get 2 or 3 in! lol Or I could let the house and live in a feckin tent! lol Speaking to the tax people was helpful as I will still get some tax credits so it isn't as bad as I first thought, although I think I might need to get an evening job for a few nights a week as the maths just doesn't add up. If Zoe lives at home and works she would give me board and that would make a massive difference, but I want her to be happy and do what she wants with her life more than I want to stay here.

She is going to be the most fabulous pastry chef ever!! :D :D :D She wants to have her own patisserie one day and I will back her to the hilt!

Right, the muffin is working its way through my system and I need to do some festival stuff and I have to practice my melodeon AND I'm expecting a phone call from a lovely girlfriend at half 9 so am off to visit some diaries/threads and then sod off the site til the morning.

Sorry to drone on (yet again) lol.. my day has been a real uppy downy uppy one.. lol More uppy than downy though and that's cool :D

Oh, also, thought I might join a dating site but then not but then thought I would... and so the inner debate continues... think I'll leave it a while yet and see if I can get a job in Northampton so I will be more settled and have more energy too!!

Looking at the list for Birmingham meet up methinks I shall want to be a single girly that night!!! lol It's gonna be a good 'un! Loving the fact that everyone has something in mind for the evening , and, if I didn't love boogying so much I'd be off to see Cats too!!

Still... only so many evenings in a weekend and only so much energy! lol

T'ra fer now xxx
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Wow great news about dr signing your form....! So have you a date in mind for the jump.....? Will keep fingers crossed for you about the possible surgery.