Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hiya honey

So glad you found your rings, brilliant they weren't really lost, just hiding to give you a scare.

Another quiet weekend then! ;) How do you do it?

Lost my internet connection over the weekend so I've got a few thousand posts to catch up with, but wanted to come and say hello and so glad you've found your rings.

Take care, make sure you have that early night :)

Just a quickie as home in time to say a likkle before heading out to weigh in...

My sister rang to say mum is going ahead and taking ex to court for the money,so, I have to get my head prepared to see him again at some point. Hopefully it will be this year (no telling with the judicial system, and hopefully he will lose and I will never have to see him again).

Been an odd day - not really sure who I am anymore. Sounds nuts I know, but it's true. I look in the mirror and don't see me anymore. Others tell me I'm a whole new person - what was so damn wrong with the old one?? I don't understand it. All I've done is lose some weight. That's all that's changed - I'm still Jennie. I'm still me. Just less of me. Maybe it's because I am getting back to how I used to be when I was happier in life. Maybe that's what they mean? I know I have changed a bit, but not entirely new person - surely?? Not sure I like that. I dunno. Funny thing the mind. Bizarre thing to not be recognised in the street any more too. Even kids are coming up to me and asking if I've lost loads of weight.. lol.. weird.

Tiring day, so going to nap now for half an hour. Then weigh in. Am freezing cold and very tired. Think I might get changed into what I wore last night for my weigh in. Saves Zoe taking a pic as Ailsa takes them for me pretty regularly, and, IF I hit the 9 stone off mark tonight then it would be nice to have a pic I guess. Think I'll go to bed as soon as I come home (after posting on here how it's gone).

Work this morning was a waste of time - too tired. This afternoon flew by again but I'm delighted to say they took my ideas on board and have scrapped the old invoice-recording system and envelopes and started afresh today! Fab. Loads of time saved! Will make life heaps better for my boss too, he will be free to do other stuff as with the time saved I'll be able to do the invoicing for him. Put the banner up on their fence (its on a major road) and am chuffed to bits, it's great advertising for the festival and more ticket orders arrived in the post today. Am getting excited about the festival already. I love it. If any of you can get to it, drop me a pm and I'll send you all the info. The Saturday night will be a stomping night! lol High energy and high volume!! Can't wait! have to prep the house first as the sound engineers are staying here. That's on my list this weekend, and maybe do half hour each evening too so it spreads it out a bit.

Right off to nap. Thanks re the rings. I've been wearing my footprints one and put the other one away again. Not going to wear it anymore. Taking it to the jewellers to sell it I think. If I get £50 for it I'll be happy. lol

Laters xxxx
I'm so glad you've found your rings, how great to regain something precious.

I think other people need time to adjust to your new appearance, as much as you do. I'm sure they think of you as the same Jennie inside but just can't express it that way.

Have a good nap and good luck hunny for the weigh in. Looking forward to the results.
Back from weigh in - lost another 2.7lbs which makes 8stone 13.1lbs gone.... a gnats wotsit from the 9 stone mark. Ailsa took pics tonight for me too. I've attached them to the bottom of the post. Going to bed now. Night night xxx


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WOWEE - you look fantastic, I can't believe the difference since i say you 4 weeks ago in Brum, amazing Jennie, you look bluddy gorgeous and I absolutely love your top too.

You sexy thang you :D
Well done hun..... you are looking great.... different every time I 'see' you.....:D

btw - the not recognising yourself - I had that last year... you do eventually get your head round it..... lol:D

Would ya believe me if I told you I've just finished Day 3 of 100% SSing (apart from a v slight slip up earlier!)....:eek:

Speak soon.....

Well done Jenny. You are looking fab. I love the hairstyle and colour.
Love Pam

WOWEE - you look fantastic, I can't believe the difference since i say you 4 weeks ago in Brum, amazing Jennie, you look bluddy gorgeous and I absolutely love your top too.

You sexy thang you :D

thank you.. the top is WAY too revealing and I didn't realise until it was too late last night, so prob not going to wear it again unless I stitch the front up a bit! Glad you like the hair Pam, I'm pleased with it, and that makes a difference to how I feel generally - funny isn't it... how your hair can help determine your mood!

Right, am DEFINITELY off to bed, its almost 11 !!! Argh!
thank you.. the top is WAY too revealing and I didn't realise until it was too late last night, so prob not going to wear it again unless I stitch the front up a bit! Glad you like the hair Pam, I'm pleased with it, and that makes a difference to how I feel generally - funny isn't it... how your hair can help determine your mood!

Right, am DEFINITELY off to bed, its almost 11 !!! Argh!

Don't feel the need to do any stitchin on accounts of us - :D

If you can't reveal amongst friends when can you :whistle:

Mega congrats on what you are achievin and the way you are looking - can see what all that running around is doing !!!
You look absolutely fantastic- well done!!

It'll still take a while to get your head round it- people tell me I'm "a different person" still after three stone, never mind nine...but I've really got used to it now (almost blase).

You're an absolute inspiration.
Jen - you actually look like a slim person in those pics!!! When i lost most of my weight my cousin said to me if she was to see me in the street she wouldn't think i was a fat person anymore.... i know it's a strange compliment but it was the first realisation that i could actually be slim when she said it!! So i'm saying it to you.... you are now a very slim looking young lady!!

Loving it! and i love the top and you should wear it loads!!!!
Oh Jennie,What a week.

Rings found

9st loss (we don't count doo-dah's here)

And you silly-billy... I TOTALLY agree with the previous caller =Karen. The top is fab,really suits you & is not too revealing. There's a whole world of difference between the faintest hint of a pretty cleavage-ette in your decolatage & the full frontal smothering Bar-maid-of-the-Rovers-Return look.

So There.

you have done amazingly well
i`m on my 1st week of ss
i hope to do aswell as you
you look fab


kaz xxx
Jen - you actually look like a slim person in those pics!!! When i lost most of my weight my cousin said to me if she was to see me in the street she wouldn't think i was a fat person anymore.... i know it's a strange compliment but it was the first realisation that i could actually be slim when she said it!! So i'm saying it to you.... you are now a very slim looking young lady!!

Loving it! and i love the top and you should wear it loads!!!!

Jenny - I totally agree with Karen!

I don't think you realise just how much weight you've lost, darling.

You look 'normal' - honestly, you do. You look like you've never been overweight. I'm quite stunned by the difference in you since I last saw your pics!!!!

I know I see transformations like yours all the time, but it's still amazing nonetheless.

Now it'll take a while for your brain to adjust to the new skinny you, but it will and I hope it gives you just that little boost of confidence to put a spring in your step!

Jennie, hun,
believe us all when we say how georgeous you look. I agree with Karen, you look like a "never-been-fat-slim-person"
the top is lush & if you think it's too revealing i know someone who could take it of your hands for you !! LOL
Now i have no-one to pass my clothes onto, in fact at this rate you'll be passing them to me hehehe