Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Ah darling, you feel free to pop in for a minimins fix if you fancy!!! After all you'll have PLENTY of time on your hands!!!

Hope the rain stops soon babes, i could do with a nice tan myself actually... need to get out of my pyjamas and into the garden then eh? doh!

BOGOFF and enjoy....Tobago style!!! :D:D:D

See you in Dubbers!! :)
hope that today is one of crisping off rather than rusting on the Beach.

Wonder what the average time to bed is for this party girl?

I reckon 3-4am on average

She'll be more tired when she gets home - but well thinner with all the dancing
hee hee hee

well... so far average 'go to bed' time is 4am! lol

having the BEST time!

baking hot, getting tanned (well, nice shade of crimson today!)., lol this place is AMAZING!

sitting in the internet cafe as its air con and outside is scorchio! lol

am totally chilled out - been snorkelling and seen some incredible sights... pelicans... angel fish... coral reef... rainforest... and as for the blokes! :rotflmao: it is hilarious! can't go anywhere without being hit on! SOOOOO funny! lol

been out dancing EVERY night til ridiculous o'clock then waking at 8 and hitting the beach!

am going on a beach barbeque tomorrow... been having my 3 packs a day and a bit of chicken and salad... have also tried mouthfuls of curried goat roti, curried mango, rabbit in a sauce that quite frankly tasted like the smell of poo!, bbq chicken with pock choi salad.. tangerine and coconut icecream... all these are literally a spoonful taster. One young man has offered to cook dinner for us tomorrow evening - fish that was caught today 'jackfish' ... lol... I've taken loads of pics so far and can't wait to show them! lol

the caribbean sea is soooooooo lush!

met load of my sisters friends and just having a fabby time PLUS.. S is still texting.. lol but sis has confiscated mobby so I'm not obsessing.. :rotflmao: hee hee hee

right, this was only a brief trip in to say 'yeah man' lol as sis wanted to msn her mate in Germany.

catch up another day... am keeping a handwritten journal which will make me chuckle in years to come I'm sure...

I just have to say - I don't think I shall EVER be able to dance as they do here! LMAO!!!

byeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wayhayy honey, so glad you're having such a fantastic time (you know I'm sure you could have slipped me into your case ;)).

Keep chillin' baby :D
hee hee hee

well... so far average 'go to bed' time is 4am! lol

having the BEST time!

baking hot, getting tanned (well, nice shade of crimson today!)., lol this place is AMAZING!

sitting in the internet cafe as its air con and outside is scorchio! lol

am totally chilled out - been snorkelling and seen some incredible sights... pelicans... angel fish... coral reef... rainforest... and as for the blokes! :rotflmao: it is hilarious! can't go anywhere without being hit on! SOOOOO funny! lol

been out dancing EVERY night til ridiculous o'clock then waking at 8 and hitting the beach!

am going on a beach barbeque tomorrow... been having my 3 packs a day and a bit of chicken and salad... have also tried mouthfuls of curried goat roti, curried mango, rabbit in a sauce that quite frankly tasted like the smell of poo!, bbq chicken with pock choi salad.. tangerine and coconut icecream... all these are literally a spoonful taster. One young man has offered to cook dinner for us tomorrow evening - fish that was caught today 'jackfish' ... lol... I've taken loads of pics so far and can't wait to show them! lol

the caribbean sea is soooooooo lush!

met load of my sisters friends and just having a fabby time PLUS.. S is still texting.. lol but sis has confiscated mobby so I'm not obsessing.. :rotflmao: hee hee hee

right, this was only a brief trip in to say 'yeah man' lol as sis wanted to msn her mate in Germany.

catch up another day... am keeping a handwritten journal which will make me chuckle in years to come I'm sure...

I just have to say - I don't think I shall EVER be able to dance as they do here! LMAO!!!

byeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxx

Jammy jammy jammy.......

Well done you for resisting the lovely food! (although the poo stew is a lucky escape!)

Please enjoy your holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
hey hun !
looking forwrd to seeing all those photos, you'll have to bring them down in July, even if only on disc & we'll run them thru the computer !
you know, actually you might just be too brown to be seen with :giggle:
luv ya
So hols are even better than anticipated then? excellent
Day something or other - lol no idea!!

Day something or other here in Tobago and things just get better and better.. lol

Weather is changable but always hot which I love. Yesterday was totally brilliant - we went on a boat trip and BBQ, more snorkelling - saw a massive ray and puffer fish and all sorts of others!

The coral reef is stunning and so full of life.. I got a bit burnt the other day so have covered up for 2 days, tan still progressing albeit slowly - been lunch dinner and supper for the mozzies, lol, so resisting incredible urge to scratch! lol I ate food yesterday that was SO delish! At the beach bbq we had barracuda - wow! The flavour was wonderful, had some kind of pea thing and some salad, a small amount of rice, a couple of bits of fresh pineapple and watermelon too. It took me ages to eat, oh, and a piece of BBQ chicken :) I have to say, I'm not hungry and the heat also helps to reduce appetite I think, but I really enjoyed the lunch. I tried a small cup of rum punch, which went straight to my head so it was right back onto water again! lol I barely had half a cup of the stuff! lol

There was limbo and a conga line and singing and dancing on the white sands... the pelicans were fishing and the fish were swimming around our ankles every time we paddled... I have taken some incredible photos... the place is breathtaking!

Last night I was at Pigeon Point for the evening with one of my sisters friends, playing pool. lol Tomorrow he's teaching me to scuba dive and on whatever the next day is, he's taking me on a dive from the beach... fabby! In my pre-cambridge days there's no way I could have contemplated it! I am SO glad I did this diet!!!!

I am really tired today - yesterday was hot hot hot and fresh sea air and swimming and snorkelling from 10am to 5pm... plus the walking last night too. Am sure that this is doing me the world of good and I love it.

Sis wants me to come back with her in February for the Trinidad carnival and I have to say - right now, if money was no object I would do it! lol But I need to not be swept away with the paradise-like qualities of here, I have to be sensible about life at home too ... so... when I get back and have sorted things out with work etc... THEN I shall make the decision...

I think I can guess what it will be though! :rotflmao:

We went to a Batik shop today and I fell in love with some of the clothes - I have a sneaking suspicion that I shall be struggling to get a few items in the case for home!! lol

Got a few prezzies too so far - a very special one for a friend who has a significant birthday fast approaching! Plus a bracelet for my Sarah and some jewellery for me.

Haven't got any postcards yet - it's in my head as a to do! lol Need to sit and write them whilst on the beach methinks!

Right - have come in here to avoid the downpour, lol, and it's finished so time to skedaddle and get back into me bikini and hit the beach for a kip! lol

This holiday is SO what I needed! :) xxxxxxxxxx

As some here would say when parting ...

"Blessings. Heart of love"

Wow Jennie - it sounds absolutely amazing, I'm very envious but so glad you're having such a wonderful time.

Take care & watch that sunburn :)

So Happy for you Jenny. Enjoy the rest of the hols!
another changeable weather day here on the island - so a quick wander up to the internet cafe... sis has spent the day on the other side of the island visiting friends and I've been sitting on the beach and writing my diary and even managed a couple of postcards. lol

Got some pics done on cd (226 to be precise) lol... last night was a scream, we went to the Tobagoan version of opportunity knocks/x factor. The compere was a cross between Tom Jones and Lenny Henry's character Theodopilus P Wildebeat (apologies if name wrong, but you get the idea! lol)... totally mental! He wore a baby blue outfit in that dimpled kind of cotten and loads of huge medallions! The contestants were great sports... one act was a fab African dance troupe and band - incredible! The whole show was filmed for Tobago & Trinidad TV... lol.. at one point they asked for anyone from outside the area so I went up! lol Got 18 bottles of beer!! lol So, as neither sis nor I drink, we gave some away and then stashed the rest in the apartment fridge for guests to enjoy. We are only really spending night time in the apartment and the occassional meal. I took sis out for dinner last night - she had a scrummy rack of ribs and I had chicken salad - again.. lol

We went to the talent show after dinner and then when that finished there was dancing inside. THAT was fantastic! Her friend came and danced with us and ended up walking me back at 3.30am! lol I was all danced out, sis had gone on ahead of me as she had an early start today.

Weather too grey to dive today but have rented the gear and going first thing in the morning. Must go and buy an underwater disposable camera - can't imagine I'm going to get chance to do this again in a hurry!

I've attached some pics to give you an idea of the place thus far.. and of sis and her friend who has taken me under his wing (more like a babysitter really - lol - but hey, I'm not complaining! He's well fit :rotflmao: and only 26 and is a very spiritual person (Rastafarian) so it's all good! She trusts him and that's good enough for me.)

Tigger and Dinky are having a great time too !

NOT going to be another 4am bedtime tonight - as up early for diving. Am knackered but feeling great! Eating more than I planned but all healthy stuff and still drinking my packs/making a muffin each day.

Missing home - Zoe has been in hospital with asthma and although they didn't keep her in I'm worried... S has been texting every day, Sarah had a great birthday and mum rang so family are, on the whole, doing well.

Had a bit of a wobbly moment on the beach - very reflective place to be you know... few tears but nothing major. Whilst wondering about the outcome with S am not allowing it to spoil or cloud my holiday.

Roll on tomorrow when I do another 'first' - scuba and wear a wet suit!!!! Thank GOD for this diet!!!!!!!!! (and my lovely Ailsa who is 40 today!!!!!)

Pics are:
Me at Gatwick - dead excited!
Tigger's view from my beach lounger
Sis and me on the Atlantic side of the Island
A pic I took on No Man's Land beach on the BBQ Boat trip
Sis and my babysitter!


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Wow babes you are looking amazing!! Especially in the pic with your sis!!! This diet is miraculous innit?!?!?!