Blonde Logic: An Adventure in Management

Oooh I am jealous of the Mahi-Mahi, I haven't found it again since my first week.
As for the fennel I did the same thing and it was yuck I hope you like it.

I am going for a back to basics dinner tonight baked salmon with loads of cabbage. I cook the cabbage in alittle stock and then when that has evaporated I add some sweet chilli sauce makes it lovely and sweet and sticky delish. I may even have alittle mash with that.
I find myself eating very much like week four these days.

That sounds nice tange - particularly the cabbage - will try that in a few weeks! Looking forward to cooked veg. :)
That sounds nice tange - particularly the cabbage - will try that in a few weeks! Looking forward to cooked veg. :)

Have you noticed how quickly time is going by. My first 5 weeks flew by and I would start planning my shopping on a Friday for the next week. Loved it.
Thanks for that LS that's brilliant. Going to have lots of fun. I never used to like peppers and now I do. Isn't it strange! Tange - can't believe how the time is flying to be honest!! Off to my first RTM class and hoping I can move the ticker in a positive way on my return...but worried about it! I had a good look at nutracheck too, it is good for me regarding portions. Trying to ignore calories for now. Thanks for that also x
Thanks for that LS that's brilliant. Going to have lots of fun. I never used to like peppers and now I do. Isn't it strange! Tange - can't believe how the time is flying to be honest!! Off to my first RTM class and hoping I can move the ticker in a positive way on my return...but worried about it! I had a good look at nutracheck too, it is good for me regarding portions. Trying to ignore calories for now. Thanks for that also x
I find that its my stop or go button. When alcohol was introduced I nearly had heart failure when I saw the calories eeeeeek.
I stick to +- 1500 cals a day from Monday through Friday and then at the weekend I am allowed to be alittle naughty or have a glass of wine or 2.
That sounds like very sensible planning! I think this pure fear of putting weight on is healthy, but at the same time I hate it! 1500 cals sounds like LOADS!! But I guess it's not really x
Have you noticed how quickly time is going by. My first 5 weeks flew by and I would start planning my shopping on a Friday for the next week. Loved it.

Sod the shopping - Tange - you are GORGEOUS!!!!

Lovin the new Avatar!!!! :D :D

Now - yes - about the shopping!

I find I have to go back after making my list and cross things off. lol. ITs only me after all - hubby doesn't eat veg. Yet. :D But I find I want everything we are allowed so make a huge list. Then whittle it down to a fwe things. :D

Just loving the ve and salad so so much. :)
LOL - bless you LS - I will pass on the soup, but thanks for your thoughtfulness!!

Ya know, I have been amazed at how un-excited this i, really, in one way. I don;t know if its I got so used to uber-convenience - a jug, water and blender - no dishes, etc., or if it is something to do with losing the obsession.

I was reflecting on that very thing earlier. All along, I was worried that week one of RTM would have been like throwing a rabbit in frount of a grey hound - I'd be out the gate - and no stopping me. I thought tsting one thing would make wnat to taste another - then another - then another.....and for me, its so not been like that!!

I am confused why. Its not ME at all.

I am ENJOYING everything - but I am not finding it to be like fireworks going off. But- it is still early days - quite a limited pallette - and those feelings may change as we start to broaden our horizons.

SO for now, I am enjoying feeling very calm about food.

I have found myself sometimes thinking 'oh, I wil just go grab a piece of celery' - and then I think 'now, wait a minute. Are you realy hungry? Or is it just cause you can.' The answer has been on yes on oth cases. SOmetimes hunger - sometimes, just cause. But I am noticing that, and listening to that and catching myself in my own awareness - so - there is hope.

Its just a very weird week and not how I expected it to be at all!!!

But it is GREAT> don't misunderstand. :)

Does that make ANY sense at all??

Thank you for the compliment.

I was exactly the same as you, it was exciting in a way but not to the point where I was tempted to want anything more. THe more complex the tastes become and of course the minute those dreaded carbs are back on the scene things change. I once or twice fell off the wagon and had choclate as I was craving something sweet so badly. Then I discovered dried apricots and they are now my choclate I have 2 or 3 of those at 3pm when the sugar craving hits and it sorts it all out.
Remember this feeling and keep working at asking yourself if you really want it.
It changes and be ready for it.
Sorry I don't mean to put a downer on you just want you to be prepared.
Your first 6-8 weeks will be easy, then your brian will start to mess with you.

Oh I also meant to say its great to see you such high spirits you have made me smile today :p
Oh I feel positively daft surrounded by such a grounded, sensible, gorgeous girlies!!! You are so helpful, thank you x

Back from meeting tonight...a bit of a non-eventer really. I was the only one there apart from two RTM graduates picking up some packs (cos they still enjoy the bars and one returning from holiday to lose the gained four pounds!). My LLC is still away so I just chatted with the locum and the graduated ladies. It wasn't what I had planned, but even so it was useful to talk to some people who have come out the other side, alive, well and slim! :D Oh and I lost 1.5lbs, so I was pleased with that :) xx
Well Done Kaalin... good going :)

Feeling very down and sad today as my uncle of 54 was found dead this morning. In the scheme of things it made my dieting seem a little unimportant but I haven't strayed off the plan, although I have eaten far too much jelly today as I craved sweet food... I'm guessing that's what I go for when I'm emotionally stressed. Suppose it's good that I went for the sugar free jelly with a spoonful of yogurt instead of my usual chocolate bar etc!! It's a learning curve. Let's hope tomorrow is a brighter day :cry:
Hi LS.

I will let you know about hte 'pudding'. Maybe I will have tht for brekkie! :D

As for the Fennel - hmmm - not paqrticulary as a salad made, at least made without lusk olice oil, etc., lol. But - I did KIND of like th flavour and texture. I will try i once again roasted. It was OK - def won;t be on my "every week" list though! :)
Well - I had the "Blanc Mange". And, while it wasn't necisarily GOOD, it wasn't too BAD. But - I don;t think it will become a staple in my daily plan ;) :D

Might try it one more time - maybe with chocolate - It was made this time with Black CUrrent Jelly - and it was EXACTLy the same colour of a tongue, and every spoonfull or scoop wobbled and looked like I was about to put a tongue in my mouth! :D :rotflmao: Was a sily meal, I will say that! :)
Well - had an Apple today!! WOOOOO! Now - THAT, was nice. :)

I am anxious to go for weigh in tonight. I did not get an accurate feel last week for how I am doing due to days of constipation. Ahem. So tonight will give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down if I am doing this right or not.

I did return to work today after a 2 week absence, and several said I lost more. And a belt I wore just two weeks ago had to have another hole punched in it about 1.5 inches in!!! But, I don't really feel as if I have lost anything - course that oculd be nerves for having food in my stomach.

You guys finding that - that you can "feel" the food in your tummy. FIrst few days I notced it and immediately felt guilty! lol - then rememeberd it was OK> :D

Anyway - will post when I get back how I did - fingers crossed I am on the right track.

BL I am totally convinced you have lost more, I think you're probably in for a good loss tonight! I too am very constipated. My tum feels enormous :(

I'm looking forward to starting week 3. Have got the cherry tomatoes and blueberries at the ready :) Tange is so right, the time is flying!! xxx