Born obese , Tomorrow is my New Dawn

I'm intending on doing some crunches later ,

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I'm intending on doing some crunches later ,

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Yay ! go super von ! :D I just replied back hun xx
I have an upgrade due at the end of the month on my phone so I may get an iPhone so I can get plant nanny as it is not available on android. Mind you I like my Samsung phones so decisions decisions decisions.
Vonnie, I just done 2.5Litres on plant nanny, yippee ! :D xx

I'm still on 300, ml
Not moved since I came bk u need to go and fill my bottle up and get drinking, my cabbage keeps squeaking lol

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I have an upgrade due at the end of the month on my phone so I may get an iPhone so I can get plant nanny as it is not available on android. Mind you I like my Samsung phones so decisions decisions decisions.

It's so hard choosing a new phone,

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Vonnie I just sent u a pm hun, going for my meds and food now, its been great chatting :D, see u after your crunches and get drinking Vonnie ! your poor cabbage lol. Speak soon lovely :):) xx
It's so hard choosing a new phone,

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I know and the fact I work for a phone insurance company makes it even harder as we hear all the problems people have with them !
Vonnie I just sent u a pm hun, going for my meds and food now, its been great chatting :D, see u after your crunches and get drinking Vonnie ! your poor cabbage lol. Speak soon lovely :):) xx

Ok Hun , catch you later xxx

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Vonnie I just sent u a pm hun, going for my meds and food now, its been great chatting :D, see u after your crunches and get drinking Vonnie ! your poor cabbage lol. Speak soon lovely :):) xx

I've sent one bk Hun xxx

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At 2L now , many trips to the loo going on :)

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Yay ! Well done Vonnie, I'm back and forth to the loo too :giggle: hehe. I just replied to your pm xx
Living in the loo ,
I'm on 3.2L
Plant nanny says my limit is 3.5

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Yay to 3.5, that's Super Vonic level ! :D make sure your spacing them out hun, I sometimes get the warning sign on plant nanny, do u get that ? xx