Bring it on.....

Hi Cookie

Just been reading your diary and having a good laugh at your description of the morning palaver with the scales ... I was then amazed at how many said they do the same thing.

Thank you all ladies - this means I am "normal" after all - at least sort of :) :)

PS I am also trying to keep off the scales (with varying success)
Thanks for the support folks - it means a lot!
Hey honey. I'm going to feel a bit like you tomorrow too :( my nan died on January 11th so my mum will be struggling tomorrow too, I live a few doors away from my mum though so I'm making pretty cup cakes with the boys and taking them down for her xxx big hugs, I'll be thinking of you xxx

:hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
Hi Cookie

Just been reading your diary and having a good laugh at your description of the morning palaver with the scales ... I was then amazed at how many said they do the same thing.

Thank you all ladies - this means I am "normal" after all - at least sort of :) :)

PS I am also trying to keep off the scales (with varying success)

lol.....we are all 'normal' on here luv!! ;)

Good luck with keeping off the's a tough one

Got through Sunday with only a minor wobble dietwise - we had two lots of visitors, one set expected the others unexpected - it kept me busy, but I did have a very small nibble, but got straight back onto it afterwards though.

Today is the first day of a pretty busy week - been out since pretty early and can only catch up on here when I have snippets of reception on the commute. Appologies in advance that it might take me a little but of time to catch up on threads over the next few days.

Lots of luv and thanks again for all the support
TheCookieMonster said:
Got through Sunday with only a minor wobble dietwise - we had two lots of visitors, one set expected the others unexpected - it kept me busy, but I did have a very small nibble, but got straight back onto it afterwards though.

Today is the first day of a pretty busy week - been out since pretty early and can only catch up on here when I have snippets of reception on the commute. Appologies in advance that it might take me a little but of time to catch up on threads over the next few days.

Lots of luv and thanks again for all the support

Glad Sunday wasn't too bad for you honey. X
Well done for resisting! Have fun on your busy week lol xx

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Got home at last. I've just got son to bed and had a nice soak in the bath and am REALLY ready for bed!

Hope everyone has a good night and day tom
So much for getting to bed - over an hour later and I'm still on here and I still haven't got through all the diaries I want to....It is amazing just how much the exante forum has grown recently!

Anyway, I really am off to bed now - sweet dreams!

Am on a ten min break, thought I would pop in here for a mo.

Good day so far - am way too busy really think about food. Had a hot mint 'aero' shake on the commute and a BL choc crunch bar for lunch. One good thing about being chained to a desk for a few days is that I end up drinking loads of water - only down side is the constant bobbing off to the loo!

I'm not in the least bit hungry but my tum keeps making the most bizare gurgaling growling noises...don't know what the people sat near me are thinking - I daren't look up whenever it happens - pretend to be very busy and involvedin my work!!

Anyway hope everyones having a good day and hope to catch up more later.
I have the noisy tummy issues as well Cookie. People keep thinking I'm starving and telling me to eat lol.
I've got a tiny pocket of recption on the train so thought I would pop in for acquick update...
Sorry I've not managed to be on here much - Ive been leaving home at 6am ish and not getting back till 9pm the last couple of days.

Again alls well dietwise and lifes a tad on the hectic side, but will have more time to catch up from Sunday onwards (I hope!!)

hope everyones ok - sending lots of Happy exante vibes and cookie luv everyones way
You too Cookie have a brilliant one, check in when you can! Hugs :)

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I hope everyone is well. I am now across the other side of the country and I have 3-4 slightly calmer days before it all kicks off again!

Sorry not to be around much but I just have not had the breathing space - I hope to catch up on how everyone is getting on over the next day or so - I hope it is going reasonably well for everyone.

Dietwise things have been going sort of ok - to be honest i have just been so busy and out of the house so much that there hasn't been much time to think about food and at times I felt that I had to force the packs down. I did have one day off plan, but there was nothing I could do about it - was hosting a large dinner and you know how it gets....but I found myself so bloated and yucky feeling afterwards that I couldn't wait to get back onto the diet. I am doing a sort of working solution mash up at the mo - I split 2 packs or an asda measure up shake (powder) throughout the day and then have one or two low carb snacky meals in between - usually tuna and sweetcorn or mackeral, or sliced nuttolene or an egg or some kind salad.

I am trying to push myself on the water front and as of this morning have started some gentle exercise. I think starting slowly and working my way up is the key.

Oh yeah - I am really annoyed with Asda the BL bars have gone up from 1.50 to 2.73 - grrrrrr! Talk about reeling you in!

Anyway, all the best people!
Oh yeah - I am really annoyed with Asda the BL bars have gone up from 1.50 to 2.73 - grrrrrr! Talk about reeling you in!

Anyway, all the best people!

I noticed that too!!!!!!

Well done on staying on the straight and narrow - esp when you're so busy and hosting meals etc
