Buddy up? New this wk.

Hi all! Had a massively awful weekend away, bbq wine lager ice cream... don't even want to think about it!!! My thinking was that knowing England two days of sun might b the total for summer so I made the most if it...excuses of a fat lady... Back on plan today, 100%. Had fruit for brekkie, tuna salad, fish and veg for tea.

How is everyone else doing??
We went to centre for the weekend without my daughter for a parents' escape weekend with good intentions. Hmm. Not great results!! Whoops! Back on the wagon now though. It's so hard not to give in to cider and ice cream in this weather isn't it?! Oh well, as long as it's a slip up rather than abandoning the diet then it's all reversible!
Omg!! A weekend with no kids!! I am greeeeen!!! I'd be at least half a stone heavier!!

im not abandoning the plan ever, even if I fall off regularly, i know I've only failed on the past when I've given up completely!

Kids all better from pox now so routine back and sw head back on girlies! I promise!!
Haha, meant to say centre parcs and I just realised that that sounds terrible - my daughter was being looked after very well by her lovely grandparents!! We didn't just abandon her! It was amazing though and I don't regret a thing :)
Hi! How is everyone doing! All gone quiet!
Got a new yum dessert, mix a Cadbury highlight into plain yoghurt and leave In fridge. Goes like a mousse, really rich, I used an empty muller tub and couldn't finish it, choc fudge was gorge!
Hi! How is everyone doing! All gone quiet!
Got a new yum dessert, mix a Cadbury highlight into plain yoghurt and leave In fridge. Goes like a mousse, really rich, I used an empty muller tub and couldn't finish it, choc fudge was gorge!

sounds nice, off to give it a go. Will have after my Three Bean & Roasted Aubergine Moussaka later and think of you ;) Can't believe I've had heating on all day and just off to light a log fire as I am so cold. Awful weather. Very depressing for a Leo who loves the sun :cry:chips
Just licked the spoon of the yogurty dessert. Lavley :eat: Thank you for that Stevie. Chips being a bit of a Hyacynth Bouquet sort of person, wouldn't think of using an empty Muller tub but plonked it into one of my best Beijing crystal stemmed glasses. I plan to crumble half a meringue nest on top it and finish with a squirt of low fat squirty cream. It is now languishing in my pink Smeg. Might try it on the vicar if he ever pops round again after what happened last time. chips xx
Haha! I did wash it out first!! The waterford was at the polishers. I'm not asking about the vicar...I'm trying not to think about the squirty cream!! X
Haha! I did wash it out first!! The waterford was at the polishers. I'm not asking about the vicar...I'm trying not to think about the squirty cream!! X
Morning stevie, enjoyed your pud very much. Added a tiny bit of fresh ginger which was lovely with the yogurt and chocolate. will do that again. Be good - chips xx
Oooohhhh, I've had one of those days were everything i touch I nibble at, I've had dry breakfast cereal by the handful, I've had bits of choccie, a few quavers, smack a jacks, quarter of a blueberry muffin....feel absolutely sick. I had no real brekkie and that's the whole reason why, I wasn't marvellous Over the weekend and haven't been tracking properly , tbh have just let things sliiiiiide. No planning, no filling up on free foods (got to the point where I wud scream at another lettuce leaf!)

i need a mental smack about the chops, an early night and a menu plan! So cross with myself, if my belly is full I don't reach for crap!!! I'm my own worst enemy! Grrr!
Feel better now, what have u guys ate today, I'm going to steal all ur ideas, mwahaha!
