Bye Bye Izzy.....

Janey, hugs to you for Floyd. (((((((((( )))))))))) I can understand how much you loved him just by your reply hun, and that you still miss him terribly. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a pet, they're so much a part of our lives aren't they? I know that might sound terrible because I'm a mum and, obviously, my kids are my entire world and always will be, but a family pet brings something 'different' to the home. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly, I suppose it's a different kind of love to the love we have for family and friends isn't it?
Sorry to hear you have lost Izzy poor old puss.

You did the best you could for him and released him from his pain. 18 years is a good life for a cat and 18 years of love is something to be cherished with memories.