Can I just say..........

Let me tell you how much I have been stressing after I posted because it sounded so mean and negative!!! Sometimes I just dont express myself well.:eek: Thanks for a very gracious response.:D

To my mind everyone has and is entitled to their opinion and beliefs and that is exactly what you were expressing.

Please don't ever stress about that when you are replying to something I have posted... I'm a lover not a fighter :D :D :D

Hope you have a lovely weekend


Gen xx
We all struggle to express sometimes, but I do see where you are coming from.

Mine is the opposite, by the time xmas comes I will be on CD 1200 and I am so scared I will blow it, because I can, if you know what I mean.

I think though, that its ok to be scared as it might stop myself from making a big mess of it on the day, have already asked my mum not to cook too much food lol!

Having read Icemooses blog I had already made the decision not to break it. Some people are horrified.......most are supportive.....I don't give a damn its my mouth, my shakes, my body and my big butt if I don't stick to it.........LOL

I have discussed it at length with my pharmacist and am going the 2oz turkey and some sprouts route on Christmas Day. My sister has invited the whole family to dinner.........18 in total including kids and we have accepted - I won't be cooking or feeding other people and my DH will be able to stuff his face !!! if he wants ( he is a mountain runner so he can - the irony)

Bettyboo (If I can you can too) :)

Having read Icemooses blog I had already made the decision not to break it. Some people are horrified.......most are supportive.....I don't give a damn its my mouth, my shakes, my body and my big butt if I don't stick to it.........LOL

I have discussed it at length with my pharmacist and am going the 2oz turkey and some sprouts route on Christmas Day. My sister has invited the whole family to dinner.........18 in total including kids and we have accepted - I won't be cooking or feeding other people and my DH will be able to stuff his face !!! if he wants ( he is a mountain runner so he can - the irony)

Bettyboo (If I can you can too) :)

u my dear girl are in the ZONE... i can feel the determination through the pc!!! well done you are doing fab!!!


Gen xxx
Gen BRILLIANT POST,I couldnn't agree more. There is no way given my efforts take a break over Christmas. My intention is to SS and have some chicken and veg in the evening. I IKNOW it will be really hard for me to get back on track. I've been trying to SS since February 2006 this has resulted in me being 2 stones heavier than I was this time last year. Luckily I'm a few pounds shy of my Dec 2005 weight and I feel I can't back track now.So to all people in the first flush of SS - don't break over Christmas. Try and tailor the day as best you can.Here's to a healthier lighter New Year!
Gen my darling - tis why you have 15 reputation points!

I agree with all...i am easy going with peoples choices...i certainly even as a CDC wouldnt push someone into not taking a higher plan if they certainly couldnt SS over the festive seasons...i can advise...naturally...but never push...its their bodies, their decision, i am not a guru (god i love that word) simply an advisor

but Gen...i WILL be looking with binocculars through your windows over Xmas in the cold...rain...sub zero temps...and make sure your guggling them shakes... :)

Feel free to reputation point me up! Enough is never enough!


Totally agree!!!! Originally did LL in 2005 and thought I'd tackled the whole food issues and left after a few weeks. Moved over to CD and for the last yr have been on off on off losing an regaiing the same 2 1/2 stones! it's sickening, as I could have been at goal... and some!.. by now!!
I agree that sensible choices can be made and thats brilliant, but for the majority of us food has been an addiction - and speaking from personal experience, its been better not to have any rather than "just one" which for me never ends up at just one!!
Please be honest with urself - only u know from past experiences whether or not u will be able to get back on track.

Have a great Chrimbo all!!

Much love, chelle xx