Canadian's Weight Loss Diary

You're right. I haven't taken my measurements, though I should. The other day I was able to wear a pair of jeans that had been too tight, so I am making progress. I'm also feeling better now that I'm not as sedentary - before JUDDD I was feeling pretty out of control with my eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle and weight.

I've been having a rough few days with family issues and am feeling rather betrayed by a couple of so-called friends (I thought I was too old for this high schoolish drama?!) so I suppose it's easy to be down on myself about the weight right now. When I think about it, I'm getting to eat exactly what I want every second day and instead of gaining weight am losing which is pretty great! It's liberating to just be able to enjoy food without feeling guilty on UDs. Even if the weight is coming off at a snail's pace, I've found something that works for me.

Sorry for all my venting in here...just needed to let off some steam!
Vent away hun. That's what we are here for :)

I know what you mean about high school drama. Doesn't seem to matter how old people are they can still act stupid and childish at times. This way of eating isn't easy at the best of times so its bound to be a struggle when there's other things going on for you.

IF is a funny way of eating. I did Fast 5 for about 3 weeks. Didn't lose an ounce or an inch but i felt slimmer..... And my partner said my stomach looked slimmer, but my backside and hips didn't agree! I really need to start some exercise again!
Thanks carrot_tit!

Do you have a particular workout regimen when you're exercising? I keep promising myself to take up jogging but I've yet to complete C25K - I keep starting it and then forgetting to do it or putting it off. I'm doing other things but I should be pushing myself harder than I am. I even managed to pick up a cute pair of trainers on sale the other day, so now I have even more reason to do it and break them in!
Ok I can't ignore it any longer: I'm getting run down. I blame it on the sudden cold snap we've had here. I've upped my vitamins but I can still feel I'm getting sick, so I'm taking a hiatus from JUDDD until I'm feeling 100% again. Hopefully it won't take long! That seems to be my trend - one month on and one month off LOL. (Let's hope it doesn't take a whole month for this to pass!) Fingers crossed I don't regain anything I've lost!
That seems a very sensible idea. I hope you feel better soon.

Hmmm in terms of exercise i can really only comment for today. I used to walk at least 5 miles every day but then i lost my job and got a job that realistically i could only drive to as its 30miles away! Just can't seem to get into the swing of walking again and i've also started couch to 5k numerous times and fallen off the wagon. Today i started with a beginners running plan i found in this months issues of Women's Running and i also did 3 x 10min bursts of very brisk walking on my treadmill. Now i wonder how long i can keep it up for!
That sounds like a great workout today! :) And yes, I don't know why I don't stick with C25K. I don't mind it at all...I really should restart it soon.
I haven't been off JUDDD for long but I'm already feeling anxious about gaining weight back. I haven't been eating very well these past few days...I eat good healthy food but too much of it...and extras. I haven't gone near the scale because I'm nervous about what it will say.

The sore throat seems to be going away but I've got a strange, painful infection in my armpit, probably from shaving. It's been progressively getting worse for a month and right now I can't even wear a bra comfortably so jogging is out of the question. Actually it even hurts just to take a deep breath. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see the doctor about it but it's looking like that's my only choice. Today I even resorted to not wearing deodorant! I tried lemon juice instead...not sure what I think of that! I must have spent the whole day subtly sniffing my armpits to make sure I didn't smell LOL.
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Happy to report I'm back on JUDDD today. Also happy to report I've resumed wearing deodorant LOL. Although I have to say, lemon juice works surprisingly well! Still have the infection but it seems to have settled down so I'm going to try a workout today. I've been feeling a lot of anxiety lately, both about regaining weight and just in general. I haven't felt that way since last year, back when life was a lot more stressful so it's strange. I wonder if it might have something to do with feeling out of control once I went off JUDDD. Maybe it could also have something to do with not exercising although I didn't do it so regularly that I got much benefit from endorphins. I'm not sure, mind you - I'm just thinking aloud. I know it sounds silly but even just waking up in the morning and deciding "today will be a DD" makes me feel like I'm in control and am doing something good for myself. It also makes me feel thinner...oh, the brain is a funny thing! But I'm not complaining! :D
I'm glad to hear it helped you, Derbynanny. Thanks and good luck to you too!

I haven't checked in for a few days because I've fallen off the wagon. I've just been in eating mode lately. I need to get it under control...losing the little bit of weight I have was quite the struggle and I don't want it all to be for nothing. I've tried a couple DDs lately and I keep giving up by mid afternoon. I just have no willpower right now. This has been a very unusual month in terms of my living situation. I expect things should go back to normal soon so hopefully that will help me finally get back on track.

I'm still being plagued by the mystery pain under my arm so am off to the doctor first thing tomorrow. Hopefully it's just an infection and a round of antibiotics will clear it up. I keep searching on Google and of course every second result I see says "BREAST CANCER!" and it's got me a bit nervous so it will be good to get an answer about what's going on and finally have peace of mind.

I'm eager to restart C25K for, millionth time? My goal is to finally get through it from start to finish this winter. I have no good reason for stopping. I do it a few times and then just quit. But I'd better not do that anymore because I'm getting very tired of listening to the first few podcasts, LOL.
I thought today's visit to the doctor would be a simple prescription for antibiotics and then I'd be on my way. Instead he asked about my family history of breast cancer, sent me to the hospital for tests and had me scheduled for a mammogram. It's probably nothing and he's just being cautious which I appreciate, but I'm a bit surprised.

I've made up a schedule for tomorrow onward that includes plenty of exercise and the types of foods I should be eating. Isn't it kind of funny how a person tries to be "good" when there are medical tests looming? It's kind of how I floss my teeth extra carefully before a dental cleaning, as though I think I'm going to be fooling them. Is it just me who does things like that? Please tell me it isn't, LOL.
I'm sure its nothing to worry about hun. I went to the doctors 2 weeks ago because i had a strange red mark on my breast and it felt like it was burning. Like you i did an internet search and it came up with breast cancer! Went to Doc's and got some antibiotics. Have to go back next Tuesday. The mark is gone but it just didn't feel right.... But i'm sure its nothing at all to worry about and yours won't be either. Doc's are just be cautious.

Glad you're back on the wagon. Exercise and JUDDD will help keep your mind off all the doctors stuff.
I hope you're okay and thanks for the kind words. I agree it's probably nothing serious. I've never had a mammogram and didn't expect to need one at my age...damn family history!
Today is my first DD in way too long. I haven't stepped on the scale in well over a month and I'm sure my weight has crept back up some. All I can do now is move forward. I still have the mystery pain under my arm but after lots of tests my doctor ruled out serious causes - a huge relief! Since not exercising hasn't gotten rid of the pain, I've started C25K yet again. I'm determined to see it through to the end even if I have to restart it a million times!!!
I'm still going strong with C25K. My goal is to finish it by the end of 2013! Tomorrow will be my first DD in ages...I'm so ready for it!
Now that life has calmed down again, it feels so good to be back on track with the diet and exercise! I was aiming for a zero calorie DD but I got a headache from not eating so did have dinner this evening. I'm still on track as far as calories go - and the headache is gone, thank goodness. I already feel more in control after just one day of being back on JUDDD.

I'm about halfway through C25K. In the beginning I was pushing myself really hard so I'd always be red-faced, sweaty and out of breath at the end of a session. The past few workouts my knees have been hurting so I've had to scale it back some. I was worried I wasn't getting the full benefit of the workouts anymore but tonight I've got that good ache in my legs that tells me the workout was effective!

I haven't gotten on the scale and may not for a while. I think I'll be too discouraged if I see how far I backslid these past few months (stress eating). I'm just going to focus on doing what I need to and will check on my progress when it feels like it's time.
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Another DD today. So far I've had a bottle of water, two big mugs of hot tea and a small salad with spinach, cucumbers, onion and olives. Will have a little something else to eat before calling it a night but have yet to decide what I want. I try to know before I ever open the fridge or cupboard - otherwise it's too easy to make a split second bad decision! Maybe it will be soup.

I did another run today and found a few new C25K podcasts to use going forward. I was finding I didn't like the music choices on the old podcasts. I'm excited because I'm just finishing up week 4, and weeks 5 and 6 each have three different intervals. That will be a nice change because I've gotten so tired of listening to the same podcast 3 days per week! :p
Tonight I ended up not eating anything else - I got busy with a project and then later I just wasn't hungry. So that worked out well! I should probably find projects to keep myself busy every DD LOL! I'm a little tempted to hop on the scale tomorrow morning to see where I'm at. I know I've gained some weight back these past few months but wonder if knowing the amount will help or hurt! My guess is I'm back around 210lbs.
I was supposed to do C25K today but I woke up with a migraine. I hate when that happens...the migraines always make me want to eat bad stuff, too. So far I've only had a bit of veggie soup so at least JUDDD is still on track. If I feel better I'll do my run tonight.
:( I've waited 2 hours for my migraine meds to kick in but they haven't. I'm just going to do my JUDDD and C25K tomorrow instead. Right now all I want is caffeine and sugar. Blech.