Can't eat pasta due to bloating


Full Member
It's a genuine problem. I avoid pasta as it makes me bloat, but have tried it this last week because of joining SW. Had three bean pasta salad for tea (small/medium portion) and within an hour I looked heavily pregnant. It's bizarre! Has always been the same with bread and rice too so I avoid them. Anyone else have this problem? Any advice?
Have you tried different types of pasta, wholemeal, egg, etc? If it happens with bread and rice too, could be a possible gluten intolerance? Worth asking your GP for advice maybe - and sticking to more potatoey type stuff?
The only possible advice is to say just don't eat it. There are so many choices on SW, there's no need to persist with something that disagrees with you.
I will try gluten free this week as suggested above. Maybe rice is not a problem - maybe I've had it on the same day as wheat and assumed it was the rice.

SO, when I went to bed last night I weighed 10st 10pounds. This morning I weighed 10st 3pounds. My stomach was flat. Incidentally every night since starting SW I am getting up to pee at least 4 times a night! So yesterday I didn't drink anything after 1pm. But the amount I pee'd last night was loads! Must be water retention? Does bloating caused by wheat cause water retention like that?

I wish my weigh was in the mornings!! Ha ha!!!!
I get this really bad!! Pasta and bread do it for me and it takes about 48hours to subside.

I then will go without both and feel 100% better for it.
Madamelaminx- If I can't control it by avoiding gluten then I'll go to GP, thanks for advice!

Anna - yes, I guess being new I've focused on the main staples, but there are other options such as pulses, sweet potato etc. thanks for your advice

Nikki - it's crazy isn't it! What gets me is the amount my stomach swells like I'm almost full term pregnant. It's astonishing!
sophieann said:
Nikki - it's crazy isn't it! What gets me is the amount my stomach swells like I'm almost full term pregnant. It's astonishing!

It's awful isn't it, especially of you go out for dinner and the healthiest SW friendly thing is a tomato pasta dish!
sophieann said:
@nikki True! Wonder whether to avoid Hifi bars too :-( I love them!!

It's such a shame isn't it :-( I think im going to buy some gluten free pasta and see if that makes any difference
I get this from Pasta too and white bread. Wholemeal is ok though for some reason