Step 1 Sole Source + Carb Junkie Going Cold Turkey

I have no idea why but this weekend was really difficult. I had a chance to have some lovely naughty food on Friday night with Nic but I passed it up and had a tin of meatballs in tomato sauce instead but after that point I just really missed food constantly. I found there was little else I could think about and my stomach was growling quite a lot. This was worse than any inital three days I have experienced so far on the diet!!

Nic was craving food yesterday evening as well and it made us both pretty fed up, to the point where we were seriously debating going to Nandos for the chips and garlic bread. We both knew the way it was going and were kind of trying to hold out as much as we could but then we somehow managed to decide to have a step 2 meal instead.

We made the lentil soup from the book and it was actually really nice! I expected it to need salt but it was fine the way it was. We also had some home made hummus as well so we ended up having 1.5 x a step 2 meal but the way I look at it was that I am meant to be on step 2 at the moment anyway (as this is week 13) and that extra protien was a better option than the carbs/fat I would have had at Nandos. It might be more like 2 x a step 2 meal as I miss-read the servings and when I split the amounts into 4 I think the last one for this evening as much less than the others.

Nic's consultant hasn't said she should go to step 2 for a week like mine did. I am going in the middle and having an occassional step 2 meal this week but mostly doing SS+. I wonder which one I should ultimately listen to????
You need a week off from the ketosis or from what I've read you will just be a fat storing machine I'd follow you're CDC advice
Again it's another day at the office and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate so I am looking back on my diary and wondering what happened to all the long in depth posts I started out with??? Some of them were interesting (ish) and I occassionally have a waffle to who ever is listening on here but I guess I have settled into the diet routine and there haven't been many big dramatic revelations where I have realized the meaning of dieting and making lifestyle changes in a while.

So I guess I am wondering what interesting diet related topics do I have left to talk about? I can check in if I have a bad/good day or to see what other people are up to but I want something a little meatier to work with. So my topic for the day is: Becomming a Consultant.

During my last meeting with my consultant she made an interesting comment about how when I reach a BMI of 28 or less I could think about being a Cambridge consultant. My consultant manages other consultants and has a full time clinic over in West London but she was saying she doesn't yet have anyone on her staff in the area I live in and if we were a "couple" consultants it would be more appealing as well as allowing corss over if one of us is busy. I was thinking it might be a good idea as we could do with a little extra cash and I rarely take my lunch break (at all) and if I scheduled appointements during those hours or after work it would force me to take them more often.

For those who don't know my wife and I are planning a 9 month - 1 year epic backpacking adventure (including Russia, Mongolia, China (inc. Tibet), Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, East Timor, Singapore, Malaysia, Mayanmar, Tailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam) so the extra income would be really helpful with that!!

We are planning a rough route that still has a lot of flexibility but passing through areas when some of the interesting looking festivals are (festival of lanterns in Tailand, ice festival in China etc.).

I worked it out and I am 20lb away from having a BMI of 28 and I am am not convinced I would want to be one until I maybe reach a BMI of 25 because although I can tell I have lost weight I want to be a few sizes smaller yet.

I might put up my 3 stone loss photos up on here at some point. I think it's most noticable on my face as it's much less round and more head shaped...

Ramble over...FOR NOW!!!
Get those pictures up!!!! The backpacking trip sounds amazing :) I think if you do decide to go the consultant route it would be a positive step and more motivation to make sure it stays off and the feel good factor from helping other people is always fabulous! One of the positives of cambridge is the consultants have been through it know how you feel and what you are gong through! I think you'd be good at it you should do it and if it forces you to take you're hard earned brakes even better :D you're doing so well.
Get those pictures up!!!! The backpacking trip sounds amazing :) I think if you do decide to go the consultant route it would be a positive step and more motivation to make sure it stays off and the feel good factor from helping other people is always fabulous! One of the positives of cambridge is the consultants have been through it know how you feel and what you are gong through! I think you'd be good at it you should do it and if it forces you to take you're hard earned brakes even better :D you're doing so well.

Thanks :) I will put the pic's up after the next weigh in as my consultant is letting me move to better fitting clothes now :p
Really fed up :-(

We waited around for hours for our Asda delivery then ages on hold to find it wasn't coming so we ended up with no food in the flat. We had been waiting for the delivery to cook as we had nothing in so we are hungry and grumpy!

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oh no, hungry and grumpy is my worst nightmare lol!
oh no, hungry and grumpy is my worst nightmare lol!

The worst thing is that when I feel hungry when I am grumpy I just want to eat comforting rubbish. It's not often I get grumpy about anything but that day was really tough to get through. I managed to find some quorn chicken pieces in the back of the freezer that gave us almost enough for a SS+ meal.

Our delivery finally arrived yesterday with no good reason given why I wasn't contacted about the cancellation which left us waiting for hours. I had intentionally not gone to the shops as I knew food was coming....!

Nic is having real difficulties this week with the diet and motivation. It's been tough keeping us both on track but I am glad I have just about managed to. The exception was the extra protien we ate on Sunday in the form of chickpeas but we really needed something comforting and home made hummus fit the bill!! I am finding it very difficult to be motivated for the two of us. I keep reminding both of us that we have just reached 3 stone each and that we are doing so well etc. It's a strange feeling to be so determined yet completely lackluster about it at the same time.

I don't think I am going to make it into the 13's this week but hopefully I will have next week. Just feeling....tired of everything....
I have hardly had any water yet today and not had my second shake either. Feeling so rubbish. I have really bad cramps, the kind where you want to just curl up on the bathroom floor (for the cold soothing tiles) and stay there for a while.....the kind that makes you feel like you want to be sick....

Pro about being 3 stone heavier than I am today: I missed most of my cycles!!!

Oh...and it's weigh in day so not even worth going home as will ahve to go out again after an hour anyway!
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It's your TOTM Fay,
Most women tend to not lose any weight at all during that week, small loss is better than no loss or gain !! X

Thanks for the support. Feeling a bit better than yesterday. I am wearing a pair of shorts that are 2 sizes smaller than when I started. I also have a photo taken almost 2 years ago to the day in the t-shirt I have on now and it was tightish then and it's a good fit now. :)

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