CarlyLanky140 - 2 Stone 0lb down - 9 Stone 1lb left!

I am also worried about loose skin, unfortunately you can't help getting it. I really thought exercise would help but I have read that people have worked out a lot while dieting and still ended up with it, they also say the younger you are the less chance you will get it but my mum was in her early 20s when she lost a lot of weight and has really bad loose skin but she says it's also because she had me and my brother. I have lost 3st 8.5lbs so far and have had no signs of any saggy skin but I am not sure if it's too early to be able to tell, I have another 6stone 11lbs to go! I am over a third of the way.. xx
Well done u :) that's brill! Well all we can do is see what happens :) c
Hi, just wanted to say well done for getting back on track. Heard somewhere that you have only failed when you stop trying. You sound really positive and the thing s you have written down sound very sensible. So good luck for the coming weeks. X

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Awww thanks :) - I like that!! I'm gonna put it in my signature :) x
It's my new quote - I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! x
I lost 1.5lbs :D x
Hi Carly! Just wanted to pop and say hi! I've been on the site forever but normally just lurk.. Thought now was the time to start talking to people!

I've got a bit over 6 stone to lose but I'm going to see when I get there if I want to lose more.

Well done on your loss! You must be over the moon! Keep it up :)

I seem to be messing around last few weeks, must sort it out!
Hi and welcome :) what diet are u doing? How u doing with it? I seem to have been messing about for months lol but I will get to it :)

I'm calorie counting. Have done ww and sw in the past but this is working for me at the mo.

it had been going really well! I've lost 2 stone (was afew lbs more but have gained 3 back :-/) so right now I'm 17.5 just for some reason I'm letting a few more naughty days creep in and I don't like it!

I go on holiday on Saturday and wanted to lose as much as poss by then as know I'll gain when I'm there but it went a bit pear shaped last week! Ah well, can't change the past can we? Got a freezer stocked with ww meals to try and get my on track this week! Lol x
Well done on the loss! You go girl xx
Carly have obviously seen you in Jen's diary
and I do believe you are on my BookFace friends list lol
But I honestly didn't know you had a diary as I don't usually
venture into these parts how remiss of me
So hello to you
Good luck large lump (sorry I don't kno what else to call u!) - glad ur fridge is stocked :)

Thanks pipa :)

Welcome Mumma K - I have indeed seen u around and on the book :) x
Hi Carly how you doing today?? I was really good yesterday. Today I'm about 100 cals over but hoping I burnt some of that off running around a soft play with the boy I look after! Lol

You can call me liv/livi btw.. I realise lots of people don't like large lump! X
Livi, your avatar had me in hysterics :8855:
Lol I love it. Was perfect for how I was feeling when I signed up to this site! Might print it off and put it on the fridge lol
Might print it off and put it on the fridge lol

Good idea, then throw darts at it when you are in one of those moods instead of turning to food!

How are you getting along Carly? x
I can't see the avatar properly on phone - all I can see is "you're fat" - think I need it on my fridge!!

Hope ur well Liv!

Sorry for being AWOL!! Will hopefully catch up properly this week x
It's pissing down... My feet are soaking.... I'm juggling a brolly, my phone and my lunch bag... I'm too hot and bothered...but I'm still walking to work!!! Off to ww later to see the damage and then to the gym to get back on track with "mission slim down" xx
Good on you :) I haven't been very good recently but have managed to hover around the same weight thankfully. Back to the gym for me too today, I have the week off so I can throw some time at it.

Good to see you back! Hope ww goes ok :) xx