Step2 810kcal Carrie's step 2 68kg

You can take a maximum of 8 in a day (depending on the brand - check the instructions), but I tend to only have one at a time (with food/packs/drinks) so it tends to end up as about 4 a day roughly, and since taking them life has been easy :)
you might need suppository :sick0019: poor you - I really couldn't do a vlcd without psyllium husk - it just stops it from ever becoming an issue - hugs xxxxx
I remember using the husks last time round. I struggled with going to the loo a couple of weeks back and my cc told me to do senokot, but blimey, half way through the nite I had excruciating tummy pains and pretty much stuck 2 the toilet, so only use those when I'm desperate. Give it a few more hours and it'll work!!
Think I'll get some husks tomorrow aswell. Thanks!!
Oh dear, what are we like? I put the husks as recommended, nothing happening yet, took them yesterday and today!!!
Hang in there, you're going great foofighter
I'm feeling your pain foofighter. Can't seem to get with it this week. Think there will be another gain for me tomorrow!!! :rant:
bless you both - I never would have thought a diagnosis of liver disease could possibly be a good thing, but it certainly keeps me focused!
I have a psyllium husk capsule with water each time I think about having a pack - n theory I can have a maximum of 8 capsules a day, but one or two a day keep me regular

It sounds like you have an actual blockage - psyllium is a great preventative, but it doesn't clear anything that's already compacted :( poor you - I think suppositories might be the only solution - sounds like you need to visit your GP xxxx hugs - it's so sore - do keep taking the psyllium husk capsules as a preventative though :) you wont have this problem again xxxx
Liver disease, wow Enough that sounds pretty serious. I'm trying to loose weight for my health but not at the stage where it's an issue yet. Feeling motivated now xxx
yep - all those times I thought it didn't matter, the odd biscuit, the odd pack of crisps.. they have damaged my liver.. here's hoping I can reverse it.. My little girl needs her Mummy :)
Well you are doing brilliantly! 3 1/2 stone already! Thats over half way! I don't want to be skinny just healthy and a size 12 would be nice but I'd rather just be fit :D
yeah I'm not fussed about how I'll look - I just need to get healthy - Which is great because I'm not making unhelpful comparisons this time round, because it's about my insides and not about anything else :)
Just been weighed ... :( 4lb less than I was a month ago :oops:. I have been exercising but my cc reckons not enough for the slow weight loss to be down to muscle gain.
Fancy smancy weighing machine disagrees though says I've lost 10lb of fat and gained 6lb of muscle? But I'm not sure how accurate that is? Inch lost off hips and an inch off each thigh. Over all pretty peeved and desperate for something to eat .... but mustn't use food as a crutch. Will go clean something instead :oops:
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Fooy, 4lb loss is absolutely fine! Done let a lapse turn into a collapse! Cleaning sounds like a great plan - and may be a walk or a swim or ANYTHING while you get the hormones through your system. I'm an emotional eater too.. it's like being alcoholic.. Every time you DON'T turn to your unhealthy behaviour, you get a bit stronger against the old habit... Hugs xxxxx
I know it seems slow foofighter but it's still a loss, 1lb a week is healthy and more likely to stay off. And remember you have been on holiday aswell. Hope your feeling more positive today!
So ... feeling rebellious I decided to ignore my CC and go for a sneaky 2.5 mile jog/run. First time in ages, wow what a difference the weight loss made! I was like the preverbial spring lamb skipping away. Feel much better now ;)
Foo - sounds great! Ive just bought some trainers so I'll be joining in soon!

Lucy i hope things are going a bit better for you

Hopeless (i think you need a more positive name so I'll call you HD :D hope you've finally cleared!

Carry - this is your thread - I hope you're ok! How are you doing??