Cas's weightloss diary x

Hi cas

aw what a cute bunny. Paige asked me the other day xould we trade our dog manney in for a bunny!! Funny the things kids say. Its always worrying with pets you want your kuds to experience the love and responsability of a pet but not the saddness. Weve had manney 7 years so hes getting older now.

Well done on your losses they are fab. Ive been terrible this week and cant find my scales to see the damage so will weigh next sat as planned and have a 100% next 5 days lol.

How is your hubby doing now? Have you been on the acas page as it gives good advice.

Sarah xx

Been terrible too, I give up! Having a hungry day!! Thanks for advice I will have a look, his got a union so his just forward his grievances so we see what happens, maybe the stress of it is making me hungry and my body seems to be all over the place at moment!

ahh a dog is a lovely pet my little girl would love a dog but its just not practical at the moment so that's why we went for a bunny but its driving me mad not the bunny she's gorgeous just maisie won't leave her alone she wants to pick her up all the time and get her out of her hutch x
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Oh no, hope you feel better soon :(. x
Have a nice warm bath and relax for 5. hope your ok.

Sarah xx
Glad you had a nice evening Chinese sounds lovely I am saving my next treat meal for day of surgery so I can have anything I feel like after the anesetic and then the next one will be 30th July I will be the grand age of 31 sob sob sob honk I am going to stop birthdays after this year, are you ok do you know why you keep feeling dizzy and sick Hun
Cas i get dizzy and sick when im really stressed it feels like your dtunk the room spins!! Maybe this could be it.

Sarah xx
Hey Cas, hope you start to feel better soon. It could be a virus? I had one when I was 20 that made me feel really sick and dizzy, forget the name of it though. It was an inner ear one but it DID pass! x
Sounds like a plan , hope you feel back to your self soon you haven't been right for a whole now have you , have you had a check at the docs for thyroid levels and sugars and stuff