CD Returner Returning Diary

with the bar its ok , sure all will be fine . Have you got some K sticks ?
Once you get into CD and start seeing that stick go dark pink will give you a boost ...
wow hubby eating cheeseburger , don't you mean cheesebugger lol
Yes I can see what your saying about the Races everyone dresed up and inside you don't feel good enough in what your wearing mostly because your not happy with you on the outside ...
Thats all going to change your putting in the work and changing that fact .
Sweating Friday ho yes it was awful my feet were sweating big time , also hurting too , and you think its the weight , I'd be ok if it was not for this extra weight ...
How are you feeling now , you said you felt rubbish ?
I want to lose at least 70 pounds ... yes that much .
Day 3 here , with a few slight falls like ham chicken , only down 3 pounds so far ..
Hi Karen
not seen you posting , hope all is ok .
another hot day for the diet , least we won't want to eat , how did the weekend go ? you said you was cleaning out cupboards , to keep you busy , let us know how your doing ok
Day 8 100% SS
Week 2

What a weekend that was.

After feeling really crap on Friday night i got up feeling fine on Sat morning. Drank 5L water that day and had my shakes. Sat night was really bad, unfortunatley had a massive bust up with my OH which really upset me (alcohol and sun never mix). Sunday we went for a walk on the beach close to where we live to blow out the cobwebs, drank 4L water and had my shakes. Then i got up yesterday morning and felt really sick, came to work but had to go home because i felt so bad. I just had 3L water and a shake in the morning and a bar at night. Haven't slept at all, starting to think could be too much sun on Sunday, cos it certainly isn't anything i have eaten - 100% all the way through.

It didn't dawn on me until Sunday morning that with all the upset on Saturday night i never thought about food once? That is an achievement i suppose. My OH bought me a new dress on Sat afternoon and some jewellery so i wore that to the beach and actually felt nice, i can't remember the last time that happened.

I made a concious effort last week to get up every morning and do my hair (even though i have to wear a hair net for work and we can't wear make up), and i must admit that in itself made me feel better!

This week i have decided to keep that up and start applying the tinted moisturiser ready for my hols (13 weeks to go).

What with all the who har i didn't managed to clean any cupboards out (boo hoo) so they are there to look forward to next weekend.

I do feel better, i have more energy and my skin feels nice and soft.

It was weigh in this morning, lost 10.5 lbs, so all the effort was worth it.

Today is a new day of a new week so i am going to concentrate on this one now.

Shanny / Toots - thanks for posting it is nice to know that other people are experiencing the same thing.

Jackie - how you doing, weigh day tomorrow are you excited. Are you thinking about doing any excercise yet? How was your weekend?
Hi karen , Thats why you've not been around , good that you and hubby are sorted now . But hey congrats on your weight loss 10.5 thats really worth you hard work !
Hey not thinking about food is good will make it easier .
Yes weigh in Wednesday , its totm so not expecting a big loss but will see ... found it hard today , thinking , can I do this , and the same answer keeps coming back ... I have to do this . For many reason , i need to get new clothes as i'm busting out of everything and there is no way i will be the next size , also I want my bum to sit nice in the plane seat and my seat belt to fit rather than it be at the limit ... cos it will be blush lol
also I want some nice knickers and bras too so all worth the pain hey ...For the weekend I went to watch Mia horse ride , then I took my sisters dog out in some woods and he went in a smelly lake eww , but I will say once on this diet things get to you more ...So your also on a count down till your holiday 13 weeks to go , mines under 17 but will stop a week before I go . Ready for another day hey
Day 8, end of the day.

Just had 5L water today with me not being so good yesterday.

Feeling quite good this evening and apart from feeling a bit like i was drowing at about 3pm (had only had 2.5L by this stage) this afternoon i am in really good spirits. Have decided that i am going to go for a really long walk on Sunday. OH playing golf so he going to take me to golf club and i will walk back, its about 3 miles but i suppose it will depend on my engery levels. Will have to walk back - no option as no buses its in middle of no-where. Either that or i could sit and wait for him, best to walk back and burn some of this new found energy i seem to have (thats if i still have it on Sunday lol) and hopefully that will move some pounds, week 2 can be slow i know.

I know that i will have the icky feelings for at least until the end of wk3, but hey its worth it.

Have started to read the CD diet book, alot of it at first is quiet scientific and i found it a bit difficult to read but i am hoping it will get more interesting.

I have ordered Ruby's diary - the first hundred pounds, hoping that will give me something interesting to read.

Hope you all ok, enjoy the rest of your evening.
Lost 8 today , will post later in a rush
Hey Jackie

How you feeling today, well done on your 8lbs you happy with that hun?

Its TOTM today, glad it wasn't yesterday cos it was my WI and we know what happens around that time.

Looking forward to hearing from you and how you are doing, how are you finding it?
hi Karen
just got back , done 2 hours walk , god its a killer , when you have put so much on and you can really feel the difference .
Yes good idea to walk back , but have some water in a drinking bottle and as you walk have some , i did that today , unsure about the weather sunday but if too hot might be a killer .
Yesterday was a hard day for me very hard , your doing great with the water . I have had for breakfast strawberry shake , lunch was a strawberry mix a mousse .
So also your TOTM too , yes there a nightmare , lol still have mine .
Them books take out the bits you find interseting and share them with me ok :)
Let me know about the rubys book too ok , how are you ?
Day 9 - Still 100% SS

Day 9, i suppose when you think about it i am over the 'worst' but it does seem daunting when you think that you are not going to eat for the next how ever many weeks. TOTM now, so glad it didn't happen on my WI day. Had 6L water today i try to drink a different amount every day so that my body doesn't get used to one think all the time, i suppose you could say i try to suprise it :p, lol only i suppose its not surprised that its only getting water.

I have tried the flavoured waters in the past but they still don't change the amount you have to drink and thats the deal at the end of the day.

Had that feeling again this afternoon that i had yesterday of being a bit 'weird' late afternoon. What with diet and TOTM i suppose it should be expected, its very draining so i had a bar as soon as i got home and will have a shake soon. I usually have a shake in the morning, a shake at tea time and a bar/shake but i think i just needed the energy today. Lunch time doesn't bother me really its night time i find the absolute worst.

Well believe it or not i not got much to say this evening, so i will leave you all to it, hope your having a good evening.

Take care all ;)
Evening Karen
I'm not here much in the eve ... but will be busy tomorrow so posting now .
You can say that again , daunting thinking of how long we will be on it yes ... each day seems different so far , the rollercoater diet .
Had a few moments today where by going food shopping brought things home to me ...
I have the orange flavour , unsure how much i'm drinking but its enough to keep visiting the Loo lol
I find the night easy how odd , i find the morning fine , its the afternoon that I find the worst .
Will see a CDC soon as my stock from last time is going down , my bmi must be 40 otherwise its a delay , cos she writes to my doctor think its another 4 pounds till its down , then i'll phone her .
How much do you pay ?
Day 10 - Still 100% SS

Hi all

Well i have drank 7L today, didn't feel quite so bad this afternoon.

Think i have worked out what my sicky / weird feeling is in the afternoon, i only usually drink tapwater and if i buy bottled water (not that i do cos i got about 7 empty 1L bottles now) i throw the contents away and fill it with tap water. I don't like the spring water, think thats whats its called. Its got no bones in it. Anyway that is the only thing i can drink at my desk the spring water stuff and it doesn't half leave a nasty taste in my mouth. Think that is what it must be, will have to keep drinking it cos its all thats there so i suppose i will get used to it.

To say its the TOTM & only week 2 feel quite energetic today, don't think i did as much yesterday.

I have started applying the tinted moisturiser, but didn't notice that it was a sun kissed look, boy do my arms look sun kissed already lol. Skin feels nice though, still getting up early and doing my hair and making an effort.

I weighed myself this morning, as i do every morning and had lost 1lb, Alan thingy the founder of the diet says in the CD book that you should weigh yourself every morning if you like because it spurs you on for the day, because when you are on a VLCD you need to see results for your hard work, i only read that at the weekend but i have always found it spurs me on.

My LLC used to say that weight is a numbers game and she forbade us to weigh ourselves every day. Well stuff that, this is my numbers game and i will play it how i like, for the weighing part of it anyway.

Have cleaned my wardrobe out this evening and have pulled out 2 liners full of clothes, i have thrown away all my fat clothes because of what they represent. Its still flipping full though and i might need to have another thinning excercise. Please for gods sake dont let that Gok bloke anywhere near my wardrobe, it would be "when you last wear it"? Answer "1986 when i was slim, i am saving it to get back into".

Hope you are all doing ok...and have had a good day.
Hi Jackie

What you been up to today? How have you found it?

I just paid 2 wks ago £170 for 3 weeks supply of bars (cos you can't have them in the first week) and 1 full week of choc powder shake and 3 weeks of 2 choc shake a day...does that make any sense. I don't bother with the flavoured water or tetras etc, i just stick to those because i know i can stomach them and i not that bothered about variety, i don't suppose i can be when you doing SS.

How much excercise and what kind are you doing, I have never done exercise at all on LL or CD but think i would like to start
Evening Karen
Get a bit lost there with your Cd order ? lol how many weeks worth ?
I will see my cdc a new one I hope by Thursday next week .
I am noticing that I am drinking far to much coffee , and its having a very lose effect on me , only thankful i am home when it happens its been almost every night now . I must be the coffee with milk I still have milk in the hot drinks .
With the scales , I usaly do weigh daily , but I have noticed , when they don't move for few days I start to get low . Trying not too go on the scales , but that will be a test lol
So your not letting Gok round lol . He lost alot of weight didn't he .
Today I feel its not a diet i'm on , I don't feel hungry , I have not thought about food , but I have been out all day .
Plan is to keep the good weather coming and too make a plan to do something each day .
I do alot of walking ... I have noticed the weight loss on my big bum , its getting smaller . heyy lol
your doing well with the water , unsure how much i'm drinking but I know its enough , cos I drink alot .
I'm happy with starting the diet with the good weather , as before I have done this diet in the winter its not nice.
We have 2 good months i hope .
So you've been sorting out clothes , for me I will just bin mine , as I have not brought any for a while , I know I need to go shopping once i'm happy with my size which I like Next shop and will look about , be fab to look nice in some clothes , thats not been a while .
How has your day been ?
Hi Jackie - just a quick post cos i am at work.

You might find that the water flavourings can make you loose, that is one of the reasons why i don't touch them, but i did experience that last week and i am not using them (all sorted now), apparently they are fibre so they can do that if you consume too much.

Talk later, have a good day
morning Karen
with the water flavour I just had a pinch of it in my drink , but i think it was coffee , i'm a big coffee drinker . also might slow my losses down too , been reading . Its decafe they say to have ok i'm working on it lol .
Your at home today , any plans ?
Day 11 - Still 100 % SS

Hi all

Well i only just sat down, been cleaning and ironing to keep busy since i got in from work.

I went shopping today and can honestly say i really wasn't bothered about anything, cos i on a diet he is going to start SW so got him veg and fruit etc, but he not starting it till Monday.

We have had biscuits and goodies in the house since i started and i am so proud that i have not indulged. I have thought, oh there are biscuits in the tin and i could sneak one but then i think yeah, and i could go on holiday around 3 stone lighter, and that wins everytime.

Have made plans to clean cupboards out that i didn't do last week, its so warm and i have worked up a right sweat cleaning, and i didn't try to do it at break neck speed either.

Was cooking him a curry last night at 10pm (SW so that i could freeze it) and can honestly say there would have been no way i would have still have been active at that time of night, usually slobbed on couch.

Speaking of the couch i have decided that is my next weeks goal. I am not going to lay on the couch anymore and will sit up and put 2 feet on the floor, i am always laid on the couch and never want to get off it, so from now until Tuesday which is WI day i will be permanently on there :D

As far as applying the tinted moisturiser my sun kissed look is starting to look a bit too brown so think will have to put on every other day and see how that goes. The days inbetween i will apply soap and glory's moisturiser i love that stuff and it smells absolutley gorgeous.

Have a good weekend all.
Hi Jackie

My favourite dress shop is defo coast, and i have 3 dresses in my wardrobe (that didn't go in the rag bag) that i can't wait to get into they are so nice and one of them i have had for 5 yrs and everyone always comments on how nice it is, i bought it when i couldn't really afford it but the zip was broke so it was dirt cheap and couldn't resist.

How you done today, i feel ok, getting used to the water at work and don't feel so bad anymore, when i think about how awful i really felt this time last week its unbelievable.

You are right, i think it is easier to do this diet in the summer, you don't feel as hungry, i think it spurs you on also when you have to put something on that you don't really want to wear but nothing else fits and everyone else is wearing skimpy summer clothes.

I have only 3 dresses that i can wear now, after my mass clearout, at this size and have decided that that is all i am going to wear till i can start on the 16s, so roll on then.

I basically bought from my CDC 1 months supply of CD (with 3 weeks supply of bar cos you not supposed to have them in the first week.

What will you be getting from your CDC?

What did the scales say this morning, mine were still up but its TOTM so i hoping it will sort by WI on Tuesday.

Hope you have had a good day, how you feeling?
Hi Karen
Hubby going to start SW , thats great , both toned for holiday how much does he want to get off. Yes biscuits or being slim , in a nutshell its slim . Yes I do to much sitting on the sofa , and feel I need to do more , its just had a bad back and the heat , done cleaning today , trying to catch up .
shop coast not heard of it but will look it up .
Jumped on the scales and another down , i think thats 10 so far .
From my cdc , I know I'll get ready made to stick in freezer one at a time mind for say 3 hours . and I will get bars it will break the diet . anything to make a change lol
Karen how long till holiday , hey I was looking on here at someones sig they started April 19th and to today date they have lost 73 pounds , shows you .
I'd love to lose that in such a short time / does not seem short at the bloody time lol .
So costly this diet with what it is . how do you find your CDC ? and how long do you get with her or him .
For me i will go Tuesday night will see then .
I also have to clear my clothes out , the clothes I have are now not many and will be binned , it was a case of buy more or diet , well the diet has won girl , because my holiday , so its a diet until a week before holiday then switch to sw for 1 week before hols then eat what I like for 2 weeks on the hol and work out the next plan from there on , as it will then be xmas , I know as soon as i'm on hol the weight will go on fast , so i know the diet will have to start again , after hol , but which one huh that I can't say just yet .
How you getting on with moisturiser sun kissed.
What are your plans today Karen .
Tonight will be nice cos my daughter will go to her aunt to sleep and i will go somewhere , now cos I can't eat or drink , where do i go huh ? lol
But i will go out somewhere .
Hi Jackie

OH wants to lose a couple of stone before his hols, he went on it 2 months ago lost 1.5 stones and felt better so gave it up, and guess what yes - its all gone back on. He saw a side shot of himself in a mirror the other day and came home and said that he wanted to go back on it.

I been really good cos i still been cooking his meals and sitting with him whilst he eats with a shake.

Its 12 1/2 wks to hols and plan to do diet until the weekend before, i been to the place before so i know what is avail to eat if you know what i mean, don't want to make any plans now whilst i am there if you know what i mean, but no matter what happens i know i need to come home, go back on the diet then go the maintenance plans, i have realised i suppose to do it correctly is the only way to avoid having to go through this again, so hoping i suppose to be somewhere at goal by Xmas? And a bit less if i can.

I don't see my CDC i just get the stuff from her, i find myself alot more focused on the diet than she is, but i know that i can ring her if i need advise, that is why i bought a months supply.

How do you find your CDC do you visit her regular?

I also been looking at other peoples weighlosses cos i spurs me on, but i always try to compare mine with people who weigh roughly the same cos that is the only realistic way i suppose, and then you know if you are losing at the same rate then you're doing ok.

You're right though everyday does seem like the longest when you first starting, i am finding it easier though and this weather, well i just don't think i could eat even if i wasn't on CD

I also love looking at the before and after pics.

We not doing anything today, we were going to go to the golf course, but its just too hot to be out in it right now. So i have cleaned windows and am just about to clean those cupboards out (joy).

When i dieting like this i used to go pics (and take a bar) and watch 2 films, or i would go for a walk or watch a dvd and chill. I also used to love having a bath and pampering myself, giving myself a manicure and pedicure and painting my toenails purple, which is my absolute favourite colour, don't wear on fingernails cos can't wear it for work. Maybe you could start on your wardrobe?

How you feeling at the moment, i got on scales this morning and was back down to 1lb less than my last weigh in just about finishing TOTM so hoping a bit more will come off before then (please god, i been so good).

You going to buy lots of new clothes for your hols or take what in yr wardrobe, i think i just need some strappy tops and shorts, but want to leave it to the death if you know what i mean xx

Hope your having a good day.