Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

Wow NSV for you too! (the skirt!) hoping I can also lose 2" off my thighs! That would be fab!
Can I ask what dumbells you used for the shred? I've only got 1kgs but thinking I need to get 2kgs!
Ahah - so I did the whole of the 30 Day Shred with 3lb weights (1.4kg) that I bought from Argos a few years back when I was doing Davina. I found them too light for the chest flies and big muscle work, but about right for all the tiny isolated work - like the military presses.

Now - I hate hate hate having hundreds of props cluttering up the house - I do Iyengar yoga so I already have to have blocks and blankets and belts so I wanted a heavy weight that wasn't going to kill me. I got the red (2.5kg each) york dumbells from Play.com as they had 20% off fitness last week - so I got them for about 11 quid and no delivery. But I've seen them in those sports discounts stores for a similar price.

From what I've observed - 3lbs is more than enough to do the job, but you may want a 5lb or 8lb set as you progress
Had to pop by and say how fanastic it has been reading your diary ...so good, honest and how focused you are, Your achievement has been amazing and inspirational.
I am ex cder..and have never really got there, on the verge of starting again but worried about hair loss, but as every one says will grow back.
Think just another excuse..the only reason not to do this diet is health reason, everything else is an excuse/ crooked thinking!!
Tried conventional diets but think need some head space and a break from food.
Got my 30 day shred dvd and as Gillian Micheals says.....the body will do what ever you want it too but its weather the mind wants too. (like this quote).
Sorry ...... post longer than expected..just wanted to say love reading diary. Sarah, thankyou for sharingx
Thanks Trolley Dolly! I used the hair thing as an excuse for a while to so I totally know where you're coming from!

That Jillian Michaels quote is exactly why I stuck with it - every time I almost gave in - I kept coming back to that - I love what she sais about getting stronger carrying through into other parts of your life - it has made such a difference to me.
I like it when she tells you pain is when your body is changing :)

I dont think there is anybody who hasnt completed the 30 day shred, been delighted with the results AND been bitten by the fitness bug. You just gotta stick with it :D

Have a great day Sarah :)
You too Carla!

I started Miss Michaels' 6 week six-pack today. Whooo Mama! Not as hard as I thought - but still a challenge - and I wasn't screaming for her to die at any point like the Shred compelled me to. And despite not having done Plank Jacks for 2 weeks (Level 3 doesn't have them), I did a full set without stopping and a full set DOUBLE TIME - that is how much fitter I have got in 2 weeks (I only managed a full set on the last day of Level 2)

I've started a thread on the Fitness and Exercise forum, but will keep you up to date on my progress here, of course. Now - I'd better set off - I'm late for work!
I had a look at your blog, argh! You sold me :D

I ordered it last night, might do a full ripped in 30 rotation first, since 4 weeks is shorter than six (check me out doing maths!!! :p)

Have a fab day happy acting lady :)
Carla - we need to be on commission! (Secretly I just want Jillian to be my best mate - have you hear her podcasts on iTunes? They're hilarious :D)

The 4/6 maths is making my head hurt a bit - it's been hard enough calculating my 6W6P rest days/Mile25k training plan/how to hit my target of swimming 50 miles in a year when I didn't start until late April (answer - I have to swim 2.5 km A WEEK until the week before Christmas) ahahahahahhhhaaaaa.

On a diary note, my weight is going up - I have a feeling this is as a result of my home scales getting a bit weight-loss happy last week so I don't mind.

I need to attend my ex's (we're still best mates) birthday at the weekend. It's a hog roast in the countryside. I am deliberately just doing a flying visit if I do go to try to avoid piggy delights (I keep forgetting about being on the diet - not in a forgetting to do it way, but in a forgetting that food exists kind of way! Almost like I could live like this forever!(!!!)!) - but to be honest I have been so rammed this week, I've already sent my apologies. I'd love to go as it would be a nice gesture - it's a big important birthday and he's had a rough year. But hey - I'll take him for a nice lunch in September.

Oh - ha! Dunno if you know if you're a recent reader, but my last supper pre-Cambridge was lunch at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal for my Dad's birthday which was nommilicious. This week I have booked my Mamma's birthday lunch - at Raymond Blanc's Le Manoir Aux Quat' Saisons. It'll be at the end of my last 1500 week. I didn't drink last time I went as I was driving (it's absolutely beautiful but in the middle of nowhere) and it was still the greatest meal of my life.

I don't splash out often - but these days I like to buy 'experiences' rather than things. Me and my parents have way too much stuff in our lifes - I'd rather make incredible memories :D

Anyway - with all that not strictly food talk, but restaurant talk, I'd better let you know that I did my second mile today. I upped my speed a notch and ran 100m further just to compensate for the first few seconds and to make sure I am running a whole mile. It wasn't as easy as Tuesday's run but my legs felt better afterwards...my next run is down for Saturday - it's a 1.5 miler. Yikes!
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Linda S says today for me it's all about fuel and flavour, so you are right to be going to a mega restaurant as you have all the flavours and a lovely experience - I hope!

You exercise regime is epic, well done, my back is terrible so I have resorted to cycling with the dog instead of walking him as cycling does not set off my sciatica!

You are a real inspiration and have done an amazing weight loss.

Did you mean 100m or 100km??
LMAO 100km! My work would have wondered where I was (and I would have died!) Duly edited.

I really must stress that I don't run fast - it really is jogging, not running, with full on planned rest days and I do not recommend running longer than 20-25 minutes without being on 810 (unless you're really used to it).

The cycling is a good plan - I think the most important thing is to just get moving a bit, whatever it is.

I know it sounds like I do a lot, but it really is tiny chunks that just fit into my life and make me feel good.

And so many people ask about loose skin on here. The single most effective method of making your skin healthy and soft and getting a glow is working up a sweat several times a week - and doing that also reduces your body fat. The lower your body fat the firmer your flappy bits ;)
Illa - I already do something very similar as I have to be very careful of my feet and shins so a physio taught me to kind of bounce up through my feet and use my core :) what a smashing website!

Diary - I think it's day 120.

I am so busy over the next few weeks that I have to pick up 3 weeks of food next Monday. I'll be fine without the weigh-ins as the scales mean nothing whilst my 14s start to hang off my hips.

And then after that pick-up my next weigh in will be 1st August then my CDC is away for 2 weeks so that'll be another 3 week pickup. Ah - the summer on Cambridge - everyone's on holiday!

I may start 810 from the 1st August, especially as I now have this posh meal on the 25th September and I feel like the upped exercise will warrant food by then.
Whoop! 121 days done...

So yeah - and yeah - it's going well thanks!

Did my second day of 6 Week Six-Pack. Did a couple of gingerly executed burpees - or as I preper to think of them, hiccups. Side Plank Death Twists are tedious and I don't understand them I only really manage about half before I get confused or collapse - but everything else I worked to the max - I can even do the advanced form on most of the crunchy things.

I did a km swim at lunchtime...

I know it sounds a lot for being on a VLCD, but I really have built up to it over 2 months and if you could see the muscled toned shape coming into my upper thighs and the fact that my bingo wings have pretty much disappeared and the size of my waist...I'm smaller than a friend of mine who's a stone lighter (same height) and as I've mentioned before last time I finished Lighter Life I was woefully unfit and weak and had no muscle tone...I want that to be different this time.
You're making me look bad mamma

I appear to have become an exercising machine - I get grumpy without it. I've aleady done a DVD, a 1.5 mile and a swim today and part of me is like 'What next?'

Don't worry - there is nothing next other than sitting around in my pants and having a cup of tea - I might do some gentle yoga later to get to sleep early - but that really will be it.

Cambridging is going fine - I'm just sitting out the next stone really...keep debating the 810 thing, but my body seems to be cool with the short runs and really I don't want the hassle of the shopping and the washing up until the first play is over in 3 weeks. After that point I get more time back to do exercise classes and go shopping and do cooking so the 1st week of August does seem like the best point to start stepping up.
Gosh Sarah, I wish I had your stamina! I've just done level 1 shred followed straight after by level 2 ( wanted to see what the difference was!) and I'm shattered!
Cor - Cheryl - 9lbs from goal!! COME ON!!!
Cor - I fell off the front page - that hardly ever happens. Anyway - 124 days done and all going well - I'm wearing a size 12 slinky satin shirt with diamond stud buttons and I think I'm about 5st down by the scales are doing that post-TotM random thing where they drift all over the place.

I am debating whether to start 810ing tomorrow. I know I said I'd do all July in SS cos I was busy...but I'm enjoying all the exercise and I don't want to push it too far without food...but as I now have 3 weeks between weigh-ins from tomorrow it would be good to just do 810 without worrying what the numbers might be on the official scales.

The skin on my body has been getting smoother - I use Sanctuary's Mande Lular and also the odd blast of Cocoa Butter - yesterday at rehearsal we had our final costume fittings and as we went to pick up the costumes the director told me how amazed he was with my weightloss (I've lost about 2 stone since I auditioned for him) and how fantastic my waist was. The girls at rehearsals said they hadn;t realised how big I was before as I always had such great cheekbones but now they can really see it. So wow - all the compliments! I'm kind of used to it from the first time round - but the first time round I didn't know so many people. Also - lol - I've mentioned before I work with mainly men...so I don't get comments very often as they're probably terrified of getting HR on their asses...so my lovely colleague (female) chatted me and said 'C just came over and said how great you're looking but he didn't want to say anything in case he looked like a filthy perve' :D

Even she said 'I was looking at you in your slinky trousers and shirt and thinking how great you looked, I probably looked like I was perving at you!' The shred has made such a difference to my torso and legs and bum - I'm all firm and strong and bootylicious.

So yeah - I just gotta keep up the good work and make sure I manage my way into maintenance!

Tonight is a much needed night off - well - it's not that much of a night off as I have to finish my line learning, but still - it's good to have a mental and physical rest day.

I dunno - is a BMI of just under 29 too soon to think about transitioning up? It'll take 20 weeks to hit 133 from here - but maybe that's the sensible thing to do...but then I have to think about the potential starting marathon training in early November...hmmmm. Only I can decide - but one thing's for sure - I'll be at goal and fully glycogen replenished by December party week!

I got my metabolism books today - the Metabolic Typing diet and also Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism book - both very interesting about making the transition to eating what's right for your body rather than what you've been told is good for you. Apparently I can only have potatoes if they are fried in butter. Man - the hardships I am going to have to endure on my new eating programme :p

But weirdly, the foods that are right for me are the foods I have craved since a tiny child - I have always loved steak and kidney in rich gravy...possibly my best thing in the world and as long as I limit the carbs with it - I can have all that stuff that supposed to be bad for me.

One thing I have known for a loong time though is that sugar and alcohol are death to me - they do me no good and I can't control myself when I have them - same with fruit. I'm a classic fast oxidiser. Fruit is where Route To Management on Lighter Life went totally t*ts up. I could not handle it. I went apple mental!

I have a feeling I'm a little more tolerant of wholegrain bread than the usual fast oxidiser so that process of introducing carbs will be cool - I seem to be good when I'm eating wholegrains and I've always preferred nutty toast to white.

So - plenty of food for thought - I shall have a good old read in the coming weeks and incorporate the principles into my stepping up as 810ing actually suits my metabolic type!