Cerulean's Maintenance Diary - 20 wks of SSing - Maintaining since 25/07/11

Just got home from the dress rehearsal (left the house at 9.15 having had a bar and a banana shake for breakfast) I dashed to Oxford Street to get a white strapless bra to go under my toga - Me in a 34 DD bandeau bra - can you imagine!

And then I was in the theatre for 12 hours. I've done this before, of course but this time round I ate my spare bar by about noon! So when we broke for tea at 4, knowing I wouldn't be home til gone 11.30, I decided to eat 810 food. I had 200g low fat cottage cheese and - agh - I know they're not on the 810 list, but I figured that if you're allowed chick peas, sprouted chick peas would be okay - I ate about 100 g of them and chucked the rest away - I had 2 litres of Coke Zero (I have no idea how I would have made it through the day without them!) and so I survived! I probably won't see 11st something tommorrow then, but I threw away food I didn't need and I didn't go wayyyy off plan and I survived an exhausting 14 hour working day!

The play looks fabulous...hope the pictures are good - felt awesome to buy tiny skimpy white knickers in La Senza - also my size 14 t-shirt is too big for me!

And so to bed with a ncie cuppa...

Well - even with a small meal yesterday, I lost a pound overnight and I am now (semi officially - but officially in my book as it is my home scales I will be living by in the future) 11st 13lbs and 12 oz. Less than 1st 4 to go to a normal weight. Looks like I'm into the fast part of my weight-loss cycle again after 2-3 weeks of stagnating again...I dunno if it's dehydration from the lights - I certainly drank a good 5 litres or so of fluids yesterday...

I don't need to 810 today - I might have a couple of eggs and some milk just to keep my strength up (there are a few colds going round the cast) and now I've had a night's sleep and have a day off to relax and maybe have a swim - today is a running day - 2.25 miles (or 3.62km - I ran that distance in 30 mins on Sunday in my long slow run, so I might just try for exactly the same today and then do my pace run on Thursday) I felt so buzzy after my run on Sunday in the pool - it was a shame to waste the buzz on just doing lengths!

Oh and it looks like our play has a sellout run - just a small handful of tickets free for tonight. Yeah!
Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant!!!

You are doing it Wayyy Big! (except that would really be way small, but that would not be tim westwood-esque)
Opening night again....

Caught the bus up to Tufnell Park, went in a lovely cafe and just let my mind zone out a bit, had a giant coffee. Walked down the pretty hill to my home gym, ran my 2.25 miles in 2 mins less than I did it last time - thanks to The Prodigy...Swam - had a lovely long swim - a mile - and then just floated and saunaed - there was some guy out of a band (this is the best thing about going to my home gym in the mid afternoon during the week, minor indie/telly celeb spotting - I once ended up half naked in front of Natalie the pro out of Strictly!)

Walked most of the way home, came home - have now had all my food packs...not sure if that's wise, but having them after 11 at night is less wise as it keeps me awake and gives me indigestion and there really is nowhere in that theatre to make one up.

Haven't been tempted to eat today after yesterday's 810 meal. I was going to get some eggs and milk...but for the next few days I'll be having two packs in the morning and a second bar for tea...so I shouldn't need it. The plan still is very much to 810 from the 1st August for 4 weeks...but I'm sort of SS+ing at the moment without the extra milk.

Anyway - everyone's very excited about the show tonight...I'm going to have a cuppa and put my feet up!
A rant

For the first time in 4 and a half years I have had to put someone on my ignore list. What the hell are they even doing on the CD forum if all they can do is say 'People could just lose the weight on a calorie controlled diet'. I don't swear on Minimins, I really don't but F*CK OFF F*CK OFF F*CK OFF!!! This is a person who clearly knows nothing about ketosis or even how CD works. What the hell are they doing on a CD forum giving out irrelevant advice. Seriously.

CD gets the job done, safely and in a time that means you don't lose focus, it is not the be all and end all. It is the perfect diet for me, I get on with it and I try to tell people how and why it works and when it works and what to do if it doesn't. I do not tell that person that they should be doing Atkins, or having liposuction or that Zumba would be best for them. Each to his or her own. But do not, DO NOT, come on a Cambridge Diet support forum, regularly and say that your way is the way that works. No, your way works for you. I accept that my way of doing a VLCD works for me but that it's not so good for other people - I've learnt from this time round that some people do need to eat or plan days off (I don't) but I need to not tell people that they shouldn't or be so judgemental about it! Also, some people really need the scales (myself included some weeks!). And other people need to make meals for family, or live with other family or friends who need them to socialise - I can avoid food, I live miles away from family so I can get away with flying visits and avoid the food pressured social occasions .

I'm a protein type, so this (extreme) low carb diet is a safe - in terms of nutrients - and quick way for me to get to goal. It may not be brilliant for other metabolic types.

Anyway - rant over, I don't need to see anything that person writes any more. The only time I come down hard on people on this board is over drinking cos we've had a few people make themselves ill by not eating carbs before boozing for the first time. If you can't give support on a support forum, you probably shouldn't be there.

Thank you to all of you who have said what an inspiration my diary is to you, it's lovely to hear and it's why I keep posting here, because the most helpful thing when you've chosen a VLCD is seeing stories that show it works you stick to it, and why it doesn't work sometimes, and that it can work again if you want it to.

I'll tell you another reason why it works for me over a calorie controlled diet. On Cambridge I have incredible willpower, because of ketosis, also because people don't see me eating food, they can't cajole me into one more and I can avoid the social eating (I may have put on a lot of the weight again in the previous 3 years, but man did I do it in style, it was mainly from going out and having a great time too much!) And they can't persuade me to have a drink (usually my downfall in the 'real' world) I have no option to give in, because it's me, the food packs and the water. It suits my lifestyle, it might not suit yours, but each to his or her own.

We're none of us perfect...I got through this time round with the help of Coke Zero...hey, I even had the odd slimline tonic in the first few months (more dangerous when you have lower body fat for various citric acid/muscle mass reasons)

Anyway - I'm off to work.
I can't understand why anyone who is not thinking about or doing CD would be on here, and the idea that if they are lurking, and would then give advice to someone who has been so incredibly successful like you is utterly ridiculous! Ignore ignore ignore, and laugh!

We all know different diets suit different people and we all make choices everyday, about eating something or not, and for those of us on CD we have made a choice to go VLCD. If others come in this forum and don't like our choices, then they can b***er off back to their own forum and leave us be! We are really supportive to each other and being negative has no place.

You are our hero! Your advice and diary is sound, well written, clearly thought through and so helpful to sooo many of us!
All I can say Sarah, is there are weird people everywhere in the world, and especially in places where people congragate without real face to face contact.

What most of us ladies (and men) have in common is, Cambridge works for us, we have the willpower and the focus to do it, we have similar metabolic typing, and simply CARBS are bad for us, so irrespective of if it is a VCLD, Dukan, Atkins, south beach or Egg whites for breakfast lunch and dinner, we will always get the snide looks and the tut's, because it doesn't suit everyone. Personally I feel physically fab on high protein diets, and it doesnt bother me having less calories than more. I do occasionally find myself subject to stress eating, but only when it is available, I dont go out and seek a mars bar or anything.

Only we experience our own reality , anyone else's opinion is just that, and the only one we have to heed is our own. Nuff' said :)
We all have these type of people around to knock our confidence. There are a few types of people who are totally selfish and think of themselves. There is the slightly overweight person who tends to feed and say one more wont hurt (they are the people who like someone around bigger than them so they are not the 'fat bird' in the group). There is the really slim person who doesn't have to work at slimming and has always been slim and tells you its easy just eat less and exercise more. (this person has no empathy and is almost disgusted by the overweight person). Then there is the opinionated I am always right person who enjoys bullying and telling you what to do (these people are insecure with themselves and have nothing better to do). At the end of the day like you said do what works best for you and don't listen to others because they have their own agenda. Luckily we have supportive people around who are understanding and helpful. They are your real friends focus on them! Good luck for the rest of your weight loss. Jayne x
Cerulean said:
For the first time in 4 and a half years I have had to put someone on my ignore list. What the hell are they even doing on the CD forum if all they can do is say 'People could just lose the weight on a calorie controlled diet'. I don't swear on Minimins, I really don't but F*CK OFF F*CK OFF F*CK OFF!!! This is a person who clearly knows nothing about ketosis or even how CD works. What the hell are they doing on a CD forum giving out irrelevant advice. Seriously.

CD gets the job done, safely and in a time that means you don't lose focus, it is not the be all and end all. It is the perfect diet for me, I get on with it and I try to tell people how and why it works and when it works and what to do if it doesn't. I do not tell that person that they should be doing Atkins, or having liposuction or that Zumba would be best for them. Each to his or her own. But do not, DO NOT, come on a Cambridge Diet support forum, regularly and say that your way is the way that works. No, your way works for you. I accept that my way of doing a VLCD works for me but that it's not so good for other people - I've learnt from this time round that some people do need to eat or plan days off (I don't) but I need to not tell people that they shouldn't or be so judgemental about it! Also, some people really need the scales (myself included some weeks!). And other people need to make meals for family, or live with other family or friends who need them to socialise - I can avoid food, I live miles away from family so I can get away with flying visits and avoid the food pressured social occasions .

I'm a protein type, so this (extreme) low carb diet is a safe - in terms of nutrients - and quick way for me to get to goal. It may not be brilliant for other metabolic types.

Anyway - rant over, I don't need to see anything that person writes any more. The only time I come down hard on people on this board is over drinking cos we've had a few people make themselves ill by not eating carbs before boozing for the first time. If you can't give support on a support forum, you probably shouldn't be there.

Thank you to all of you who have said what an inspiration my diary is to you, it's lovely to hear and it's why I keep posting here, because the most helpful thing when you've chosen a VLCD is seeing stories that show it works you stick to it, and why it doesn't work sometimes, and that it can work again if you want it to.

I'll tell you another reason why it works for me over a calorie controlled diet. On Cambridge I have incredible willpower, because of ketosis, also because people don't see me eating food, they can't cajole me into one more and I can avoid the social eating (I may have put on a lot of the weight again in the previous 3 years, but man did I do it in style, it was mainly from going out and having a great time too much!) And they can't persuade me to have a drink (usually my downfall in the 'real' world) I have no option to give in, because it's me, the food packs and the water. It suits my lifestyle, it might not suit yours, but each to his or her own.

We're none of us perfect...I got through this time round with the help of Coke Zero...hey, I even had the odd slimline tonic in the first few months (more dangerous when you have lower body fat for various citric acid/muscle mass reasons)

Anyway - I'm off to work.

Well said Sarah. I've encountered various comments on here about CD and that I should follow healthy eating calorie counting type diets, it's not helpful. It's each to their own, CD is fantastic for me because it's fast, it might not work others but that's theirs to deal with. We're on this forum to support and be supported, not told we're wrong! Keep going Sarah you're inspirational Hun xxx
Well said !!! You are inspiration !!! I love reading your thread ... X
Thanks guys...nice to hear! And as if by magic tonight I had my first 'You have to stop the diet now' from exactly the person I suspected I would hear it from! I did say 'I'm 12 stone, luv, I'm not skinny, really' and brushed it off...but you always know you're near (ish) then end when those comments start!

I forgot to take my packs out with me and we had a photo call straight after work - so I couldn't come home on my way to the theatre.

So...I had my bar for breakfast like I always do (its the only thing that gets me to sleep in the evenings - knowing that when I wake up I'll have a bar!) and forgot to have a second morning pack or take my emergency bar (lol - almost typed bra)

So I popped to M&S - checked the chicken - it all had sugar on it - bloody hell M&S, you take all the nasty fats out of your food and go organic on eggs but you cover all your meat in sugar??? Idiots. I shall have a word with a friend of mine who works for their food division and tell them it's losing them sales!

I got one of those 100g packs of turkey (oh yeah - food's gonna start being mentioned more in here from now on, guys, so watch out if you don't like reading about it) and had that with some salad - the salad was not an 810 salad as it had beetroot and carrot, and dear readers, I ate the entire 360g bowl of it (IT WAS 75 CALS!) my lunch was 175 cals - less than a peanut crunch! Woah was turkey and little bits of cucumber an awesome combination. Total taste sensation - I love this stage of the food return where everything tastes BRILLIANT!

I then had a small tub of v low fat cottage cheese to cover my milk and remaining protein ration...and I'm having two packs now (it's 11pm - I had one pack 30 mins ago)

Did I feel non-ketotic (I know it's not a word)? Mayyyybe...just a bit...but I feel good and on stage tonight I went for it hell for leather in my big speech at the end of teh play at about 9.30 and had everyone rolling about and I did feel sliiightly dizzy when I bent over to take a dramatic deep breath...so yeah - I feel justified in eating cos who knows what would have happened if I hadn't had something today.

So yeah - this is interesting - I am still in control. Still waiting for my landlord to respond to my letter of last week - it's been a week now...I've paid my next month's rent already...so still waiting...I have alternatives - found out that th rent they're trying to charge me would get me a smaller flat right by my office in That London's Trendy Shoreditch so no skin off my nose (other than losing nearby access to My Beloved Hampstead Heath, but its only 15 mins on the tube). There's also an interesting work situation afoot but that seems to have been played quite well...so I feel strong and secure...the most important thing coming back onto food is feeling safe and comfortable and easy in oneself, doubt and insecurity return with the scary carb monster.

Just a couple of thoughts - I am spending all week in a girl's dressing room, there are bags and bags of sweeties and choccies, the bag nearest my bit of the dressing room mirror is Caramel Nibbles. Listen to that name, doesn't it sound like a piece of heaven? I look at them longingly, but I won't even touch the bag. I know that one would lead to a concentration loss as I try to source more sugar. Seriously. You can have bloody carrots, or peas or artisoddingchokes or even steak at this stage - I'd probably chance a small handful of brown rice if I were desperate, but chocolate? Nah - it'd be game over for me. I am not going near sugar for as long as possible.

Another thought, all the other actors are BOILING in our tiny dressing rooms...I am cool as a ketotic cucumber - actually, lol - that's how I know I'm still in ketosis, everyone was dripping with sweat backstage and I was sitting there like it was an ordinary temperature. Hurray! CD has ADVANTAGES!

Just wanted to get all of my thoughts down before crashing as there have been many today! Tomorrow's plan...bum - there's no way of getting out of taking my gym kit to the theatre tomorrow and on Saturday...unlessssss....nah - no way...and there's probably no way of having a swim on Saturday :( Damn.

Anyway - the plan = Bar for breakfast + banana shake before leaving house. Take bar to work, have for tea. Eat chocolate pack.

I am taking Friday as a work from home day so I can do normal packs all day until I have to head up west. Saturday...all bets are off...I have to leave the house at 8 to get to the gym to do my scheduled run...and then I am out til 3 - 4 in the morning. Yikes - guess it'll have to be bar + shake in the morning then bar whilst out and an 810 meal at some point. That said, the aftershow is at my end of town, so I could come home first, dump my stuff and then head into Clerkenwell...

Cool - well I've written it all down now so I'll have to stick to it. :)

You guys have been beyond great to me the last few days. It is totally appreciated. You give me the gumption to stick to my strange 810/SS+/SS arrangements this week and I love you for it!

Oh - on top of everything else, it's TotM...my costume is head to toe cream. Deep joy!
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I am totally in awe of you! You are so in the zone! I know you have a lot on at the moment and your planning is probably the only way you can get through it, but way to go girl, ignore the knockers if its not broken why fix it! Everyone has to find their own solution, some of us take the longer wider road but you are definately on the direct route!
Getting to goal is only the first part of the journey we all have to face the life long journey through maintainance! (this is my third attempt at CD, getting to 1lb from goal the first time!) you have learnt so much more about yourself this time and whatever tools are used whether it be Spangle, Beck, Metabolic typing, calories or exercise or any other combination of things YOU are as capable as anyone else of working out your own route. Keep your focus you're doing a fantastic job and inspiring SO many others in the process!

The overnight effect

Well, what you get when you don't stick strictly to the rules is a 0.8lb overnight gain. Which means nothing, but for newbies who ask what happens if you don't follow the stepping up, this is what starts to happen if you consistently don't follow the guidelines. It'll come straight off tomorrow for me, but if I continued and allowed the tiny gains to affect me...you can see where it starts. I can guarantee you the rise is due to the carby veg I had yesterday, all 50 calories of them! That said - it might be an effect of having two packs so late or water retention! Who can tell?

Stay tuned for what happens tomorrow! Today is down as an SS - SS+ day (I have to do a short fast run of 1.5 miles so I may have a 4th pack when I get home late tonight)

I can not tell you there down right odd things that have happened to me this week, the up's and downs, this morning I am again hovering over the 12 stone mark. I drank 3 ltrs of water yesterday, didnt do the shred as I have promised myself I will do it every other day for now until I am in the 11's firmly. I was pretty much solidly SS (appart from having to have a protein bar at lunch because I had run out of tetra's and I was on the road) it was only 2g Carbs and 20g protein, I am still in ketosis - so who knows what thats about!

The scales are a total fiction - of course they weigh you, but I dont think that it's even that accurate. The human body is a mean, finely tuned sensetive thing, so increases in temperature can make us hold water firmly until we know for sure there 'aint no drought coming...I think that your weight is kind of accurate every 48 hours...really I have no scientific proof, but I think thats probable. Perhaps if you take a daily reading, add them together and divide by 7 we get a true reading! Hahaha...

Now, I have my WI tonight and I just know its going to make it appear that I am the same weight, but that said I took my measurements and they are now 40, 34, 40...so that says there is 2 inches lost on my chest and hips (1 on each) but a 3 inch gain on my waist...now not to go into too much detail, but there has been no movement in that region for a few days, so thats probably what that represents! I am going to stick to shakes only for the next 7 days and see what happens there, as I am sure the bars do something strange to me, must be the malitol/fibre combo. I do love the malt toffee variety though!

Have a lovely day chica!
Today is a Thursday which means that it is 20 weeks since I started, I am here in my slightly loose size 12 pinstripe high waisted trousers and my very fitted silk shirt from Mexx. 20 weeks, eh? 20 weeks to go from a size 20-22 to a size 12. Not too shabby!

Despite being briefly back in the 12s (by 0.6 of a lb) I am the same size as I was at 11.5st on LL. In fact my hips are almost an inch smaller!

I have looked at the magic spreadsheet, and since stopping the Shred and starting the running, I have only lost 6lbs in 4 weeks. This stone was the toughest stone to lose on LL back in 2007 - but also the most dramatic one...it's the one that takes you from being a 12-14 to being what people see as actually slender (nay skinny with these blimmin' cheekbones and collar bones - if I get one more comment I'm going to start stuffing kapok in my cheeks like a toy hamster)

So let's have a little think about that 6lbs in 4 weeks. I've lost 2 inches off my waist and my hips and an inch off my bust and my thighs and my tummy pooch has definitely diminished and my size 12s are fitting like a dream - so stuff is happening - it's just not happening in the weight department! So I keep tracking what happens with my weight - but the sales seem strangely irrelevant to me at the moment, I know 7lbs is just going to vanish when I least expect it, but it's knowing WHEN. Ah well - looks like I just have to be patient and stick to the plan.

Have I ever told you how much I hate having my emergency second bar with me in the office? I love my bars...love love love every sawdusty peanutty weird milky soy (I hate soy in the real world) bite...so much so I am contemplating doing my hard fast run RIGHT NOW so I can justify having it!! Calm down dear, it's only a soy protein bar!

I have not seen an old friend in a Very Long Time and I have booked him and I into one of London's best steak restaurants on the 2nd September for his b-day (I have a special dining rewards cheque which I can sue towards the tasty meat) - it's cool for me as I can order Just Meat and Just Veg in a weight/portion size that's right for me (I even asked him if we could meet later so I have time to get a 50 min run in before we sit down to make sure I am in the food burning zone - Get Me!) I can even have nommy oysters to start! (It's not obsessing about food, it's protein supplements!)

Nat - I used to love nothing better than half a malt toffee with half a banana shake - dunno why - but it just really worked for me! Yeah - scales are a fiction. Oprah used to say 'Never mind about the pounds, if you're favourite jeans do up comfortably, you're okay, if they get a little tight, take action.'

You have a smashing day too, my lovely. We'll break this 11s thing soon enough! Then there will be no stopping us! Mwah ha ha!
Non Scale....."Victory"???

So I missed my run because I left my tshirt at home and had no alternative, so I swam. As I swam and got into my stride I sped slong merrily for 40 lengths before realising that my boobs had floated free of my size 14 cossie. Oooooops.
Sarah - you temptress you, I knew it was all too much like sirens, now I know it for sure. Thats why you got your lap-on with such ease, it was the natural form you were repping.

Funny thing, I had the same happen to me at the weekend :eek: I have this fab one piece that Ive not worn since I was last in the 12s. It has ruffles on the cups a 'la something off-off an 1950's american housewife wardrobe, because I love that stuff. Anyway, my puppies wriggled free of the sack...strangely the only part of my body that isnt really shrinking with any great effect and MAN are they buoyant!

I think we should start a blast the 11's club, this is seriously the most difficult stone for me, because you dont feel uncomfortable, your orginal motivators dont really have such an impact, it's easy to get complacent. What do you think?
I had about 100g of tuna in spring water (threw away the rest of the tin as I wasn't taht bothered by it after a few mouthfuls) and some celery to get through the evening. So not quite the day I'd planned, but still - 3 packs plus a SS+ ish meal...I've made a new sexy spreadsheet that tracks the type of day I am doing with a food list and space to track the weight and the day and the version of CD I am doing as it looks like I'm going 810 as of next week and I want to keep a food diary to see what foods work well and what doesn't work so well - not sure why I find this so much easier than RTM on LL...(Route to Management on Lighter Life, that is) but I do. I just don't feel desperate to eat and I'm just trying stuff out bit by bit.

I had to hand round the chocolates in the dressing room tonight. Again - so not bothered.

Came home, haven't had a 4th pack...just a cuppa.

Er - what else to report - oh noone saw my boobs as I was face down lol - I was just a bit closer to showing me nipples than was strictly decent!

Nat - I love 50s style clothes - I live by Vivien of Holloway and I have about 8 of her dresses - alas all far too big for me now.

1950s Dresses from Vivien of Holloway

And yeah - I've made my sexy spreadsheet to make sure I stick to this like glue as I can tell how easy it would be to get a little waylaid (although I have to confess I am surprising myself with how unbothered I am about this whole - a little bit of food here and there thing - I thought I might be a lot more nibbly)