Chances of losing weight on holiday?!

Buttons!! You're back!! :) Welcome!

Sounds like you did pretty well! Most of that 5lbs is glycogen anyway, you only put .6 of a pound on more than I did while away and mine was gone the following week and took an extra 2 pounds with it when it went. So you did GREAT!!! Even with all the extra eating! Well done! :)

I was wondering where you were too, glad you haven't disappeared! :)

Smidge you'll be fine when you go! When are you off now? Can't be that far away now!
Yay welcome back Buttons - 5lb is nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially if eating cream teas (sorry didn't mean to remind you of them)!!! Where we go in Cornwall its the savoury cream tea that gets me going. Cheese scones and chutney and cheese coleslaw......can see a theme developing here. As you can tell I am a savoury person, ha ha.

Anyway good to see you back and hope you had a nice time! x
Hiya girls, it's good to be back :) Got straight back on the wagon before I had chance to get into bad habits! Already lost 2 of those pounds on the first day! Just wish getting back into ketosis wasn't so tough, am starving! Wish I was in one of those restaurants we visited on holiday! I know tomorrow's going to be my toughest day, but then I know from day 4 I wont be hungry anymore and it'll be much easier. The things we go through...!
Lol you know what's coming at least, remember your first time?!! I'm so nibbly today as well. I've started re-feed, I'm pretty sure I'm still in ketosis as I haven't eaten any carbs except a cup of tea.. :confused:
Congrats Smidge!!!!! What's refeeding like???

Ouch!! I was so lucky I didn't even notice going back into ketosis, I almost wonder if I didn't get out of ketosis though the weight gain would suggest I did. Hang in there Buttons.... It's only 3 days, it's only 3 days.... ;) of hell! Ah well, the price is well worth the gain!!
It doesn't help that I'm googling birthday cake ideas for my daughters birthday = torture! Now I wan't cake more than I have ever done in my entire life!!! Lol
Oh poor Buttons - first day is the worst, and the cake recipes must be hell. Hope you get back into the swing of things really soon - I think you're fantastic for starting straight back after your holiday. :)
Its going okay, one day down! I've given myself 2 weeks so hopefully the long stretch will prepare my body properly and I won't cave into all the temptations on hols *fingers crossed*. Don't plan to add any carbs till day 8 so lots of chicken to go lol!

Talking of cake I got told my friend is making one for me on my last day of work next Friday as a treat, should be looking forward to it but I'm apprehensive, hope it doesn't send me crazy for sugar lol!!!
There are a few things I just cannot resist, mainly cake and scones! Oh god I'm so flippin hungry!!!!

I'm sure you'll do great, that's a very good idea to plan it out over two weeks. Next time I'm away I think I will plan it out like that so maybe I don't just end up going off the rails. Think it'll be Christmas next and we'll all need a good strategy!
How would you ever get past Xmas on this diet lol!! My OH has invited everyone to ours and I've never even cooked a chicken let alone a turkey :eek:
Cakes and biscuits are my weakness!

I've 2 weeks of lots of lunches out for work and I really hope I choose wisely with my foods!! We have my works 10th anniversary party on Thursday night which will include cake and I've no idea if I'll be able to resist it!!! I think I will but who knows!!! A good test for future willpower I guess!!!

M&S chickens with their marinade are gorgeous Smidge!!! Throw them in the oven and you're sorted ;)
Ha ha ha. Better practice roasting a few chooks on refeed! Luckily most of it is available from the freezer section so is pretty easy these days. I know I will go completely off the rails at Christmas, but now I've discovered how easy this is I will just do a week or two to lose the
Xmas pounds. I thought for maintaining I might do the 5:2 diet and use the sachets on my 2 days?
Oh joy, it couldn't be a more difficult couple of weeks for you! I do sympathise. My July was like that. Stay strong honey and keep coming on here for support :)
Oh dear joy, sounds like a nightmare week! I've been a miserable socialite on the diet, just avoided eating at all costs but that's probably not the best advice!!

Do agree I'm going to have to buy some test chickens before the festive season is upon us lol!! Hopefully I won't give anyone food poisoning :eek:
Thanks Smidge and Buttons!! It's kinda nice to be getting free lunches/dinners through work (rarely happens!!) but... it's a bit of a nightmare!! Ah well, what can you do! I got through yesterdays with grilled chicken and salad. I had to send it back cos they brought me it with the dressing I'd requested to be removed! Ah well...

Go the test chickens!! Actually roasting is super easy. Throw it in the oven for however long (usually 1.5hrs) and you're good to go. I know there's slightly more to it, but I find it pretty easy.
Thank you for the chicken advice, know what I'm doing this weekend even if only my OH will be eating it lol!!

Sounds like your made good choices today :) good luck for the party (and the cake!!) tomorrow!
How are your days going today ladies? I'm bored! Jus spent all lunch hour taking about chocolate, mild torture lol!!