
Nah I prefer the fish:p
Lol we compliment each others tastes hun:p xx
OMG the pair of yous are sooo funny!!!
lol @ reading the last posts!! I know its gone off the track a bit of the original topic Tracy, but its a great point you've bought up. I hope loosing this weight makes me happier! its that or a bit of post natal maybe, ....urgh! I guess they go hand in hand, comfort eating, cupboard hunting, and thinking there's nothing better than putting random food in your mouth for a little "pick me up"!
You're right Toni. How ive been feeling just made me thin that a lot of people think losing weight will make everything change and mke them happy but it doesnt work like that does it?! I didnt have post natal but my little girl was very pooly and i totally comfort ate, she was in hospital a while and i lived on chocolate and that became my diet!

Lady Garry jut cant admit he cant resist me lol:D xxx
No problem its you thats starving hungry for me I am thinking Sir TracyJ:p
Hungry for your meat honey! :p:D:D xx
I think so + veg..... now eat your dinner you naughty girl:D xx
Lol i am feeling very naughty indeed tonight id better shut up:D x
You need a cold shower young lady:rolleyes::D x
Nah it will pass! x