Channel4 8pm


Gold Member
Will my crash diet kill me ?

dukan is one ofthe fetured diets tonight , lets see if they get it right or wrong :eek:
opps its on now !!!
was just about to let you girls know it was on.
oh here we go - the old gout and kidney damage talk.
lol its not getting a great outing .......!!!!
yeah they didnt really give you the full details
all i got was im going to get piles , gout, bad, kidneys blah blah blah
Haven't you yet? ;)
Im surprised at the woman eating yoghurt on her steak i think i would puke!
I've eaten strange combinations too... yoghurt on steak, I guess not, except as a marinade?!
I expected it to be presented in an even more negative light. When dukanomania started in Bulgaria back in 2006/2007 and the plan immediately became a hit, there was a wave of very public moral outrage from all kinds of dieticians, nutritionists and wanna-be experts who hadn't even bothered to read the book or research the topic in other ways.
As to kidney problems, piles etc - that might well become a problem in a very long term diet IF Dukan's recommendations about adequate water intake are not adhered to strictly. Learning to drink water was - still sometimes is - the hardest bit for me but getting there.
And surely you have greater health risks by being overweight? Have you just started Fractal? According to your stats you are around about here I started, and just up the road from me.
True, being overweight (or obese) is a risk in its own right, and maybe even greater.
I started in Nov 2007 at just under 300 pounds; was on Dukan really strictly until June 2008; then moved to the UK and have been mostly maintaining (phase 3) and occasionally going back to cruise briefly, then back to maintaining; then... slipped. Yeah, shame but now that it is a fact I am back to Dukan for good.

P.S. Right, why would they call it a crash diet if it is a life-long plan, in a way - considering the life style changes one has to accept and principles to stick to...
- and nothing on earth would make me want to appear on TV in my underwear, let alone sat on the loo. What is the matter with these people? Oh and the yoghurt did look horrid!
fractal - I wondered how you were so very knowledgeable. You sounded like someone who really knows the diet well. You must have been one of the pioneers! :)

Welcome onboard. This place is very supportive so it's great when you're feeling a bit tempted to stray from the diet. Normally, I'd also tell new members to feel free to ask any questions, but you may well be able to answer some of ours instead! ;-)

As for the programme, I thought that they cherry-picked information and found it all rather misleading. I don't recall seeing the woman eat any oatbran, nor did she try wheatbran or rhubarb when she was experiencing transit issues. And it's no wonder that she was constipated, being on Attack for 9 days, which is definitely not recommended! I didn't see her move onto the Cruise phase either.

Anyone watching the programme with no experience of Dukan would imagine that it just involves eating enormous piles of meat with yoghurt on top. As you all know, there's so much more to it than that. And, as fractal pointed out, you are provided with guidelines in an attempt to teach you a more healthy way to eat and to maintain that weight loss.
Thanks for the welcome, dukandebut! Happy to be here :)
Would love to help, if I can. There is so much info out there (on the internet mostly), some contradictory, often confusing and even more often commercially biased so the best way to wade through is probably exchange real life experiences, like here.
The most important thing I learnt (the hard way) so far, is that any deviation from the plan has the effect of a pin on a baloon, as Dukan warns himself; and, for me, those deviations snow-balled. :(
OT: I hope noone decides to "start Dukan" just after watching the programme and stocking on meat and yoghurt - without at least researching first and getting the book; too many pitfalls, otherwise.
Welcome Fractal - from another Dukan long termer... (I'm very good at phases 1 and 2, but 3+4 get me each time ;)).
I watched this on C4, I agree they really did seem to pick wee bits out of the diet to sensationalise it, if I hadnt read the book or gone online to look up info I'd have assumed Dukan was an atkins style hardcore protien only diet, no explaining about the different stages, oatbran, water etc.
I only have to mention Dukan and people stare at me in horror. Thanks C4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know! Before the programme, everyone was really interested in it when they saw how much weight I'd lost. Now they'll probably think that I'm some kind of nutcase.

How many people will be put off improving their healthy by losing weight effectively and with the long term in mind by this silly, superficial, sensationalist C4 programme?