Charley24-Day 1 To Goal-And Restart Again!

Hi Polly, actually I have been off sick from work with a damaged vertebrae for 4 if I can shift 3lbs next week I will walk in 2 stone lighter, I am hoping it will be noticed !!!!

Family have commented and HB of course, still a long way to go but almost halfway there which is good !

Thanks for reading, I am glad someone likes my ramblings !!!
Day 29

Today was weigh in number 4 ! 4 Weeks on SS 100%.

I could have kissed the scales when they showed a 4lb loss !

This means I have lost 25lb in 4 weeks, and have 3 pounds to go for my 2 Stone Off.

I have 2lbs to go until I have lost half what I wish to lose.

I also got measured today and have lost:

2 Inches from my waist, 1.5 inches from my hips, 1 inch from my bust, 0.5 inch from each of my arms and 2.5 inches from each thigh. That makes 10.5 inches lost overall !

I have had a lovely day with my sister and niece and she has given me about a gazillion things to ebay !!!!!! That will keep me busy !

I am getting ready to take DD1 to a cubs night out at bowling and DD2 can go to the play area while we are there.

Hope everyone having a great day !

Day 30

Well 30 days, one whole month !

I will have to be brief as I have diahorrea and feel terrible :( I am nipping to loo every 10 mins !

Ok day to day, have felt a bit out of sorts see above !!! Just lying in bed watching DVD's and hoping it will pass.

Decided to get back into my wii fit, started easy thou and did 5 mins superstep, will up this to 10 mins tomorrow and onwards until I am doing my usual 40 mins a day (Including a 20 minute jog), but as I haven't been on in 4 weeks I will just take my time and build up to it.

Well off to bed now so will see you all later on !!!!

30 Days..........who would have thought I could do it ? Not me, not my hubby not anyone ! I have suprised myself !
Day 31

Firstly Thanks Polly, unfortunately I got a lot worse last night and went to the loo about 30 times in 2 hours.

Have had a bad day as still having stomach cramps altho the trips to the loo have clamed down.

I had an SS+ Lunch, and had 250g of cottage cheese (very low fat 3g of carbs per 100g), I felt I needed something more bulkier to help with the bowel movements - TMI !

I really shouldn't have been having 2 senokot almost every day so will be laying off those for the time being, this has been the worst case of diahorrea I have ever had and I have spent the weekend so far in bed.

So I feel a little naughty for going off plan, but not a great deal as I chose something healthy ! Could have been worse and I could have gone for toast, or a sandwich !

So day 31 and I am back to work this week on Friday ! (Will I be 2 stone lighter) ? I hope so, after 4 weeks off work I think people may notice ! My shoulder and neck are doing fine, last physio Monday so I am going to get stuff done during the week then back in Friday, weekend off, then 2 weeks at work before a weeks holiday, another 2 weeks in and another week off again (I have split my holidays to fit around work/kids holidays.

Hope everyone is fine, feeling better than I am hahaha !

Love and Hugs !
Charley- bless you
2 senokots a day seems alot. Is it a bug you've got or do you think it's the senokots really showing they work all at once

Of course people will notice you've lost 2stone. everyone willbe asking you how you've done it

Good luck. keep up the the daily diary. ( well when your better )
take care
Hi Polly, yes it's the senokot I guess, feeling so much better this morning - hooray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not going to take any until I am constipated again, what a weekend ! Hope you have had a good one !

Try Psyllium husks. I take 2 twice a day with a meal and plenty of water and find all is well. Constipation is a problem for most of us on CD from time to time and I find this keeps things moving ok!

Better than resorting to laxatives once you've cleared the problem out so to speak!

Glad you are feeling better now.
Day 32

Firstly thank you Bess, I will have a look out for the husks !

Today has been fine, had my 1st shake around 10am, the second at about 4pm as I was busy at the in laws.

I will have my last later on tonight. Problem is I have only got 75cl down water-wise and need to really get this sorted today as I am still a bit dehydrated from the diahorrea.

Hope everyone is having a good SS day ! I tried a pair of Dot Perks trousers on today in a size 14 and they fit ! I could do with being a few pounds less but it's a start, perhaps I will wear them to work on Friday and show off my hopefully 2 stone less figure !

Speak Soon, and want to say I really appreciate those who leave comments on my diary, I started so I could see how far I had came but also for new people to CD to see how things go day by day.

size 14!!! congrats. i cant wait till im in my 14's! its been about 6 years since ive been that size xx
Keeley - me too !!! Actually I would love to be an official 14 an get rid of all my 16's which is what my wardrobe is full of !
I have 2 x size 14 dresses which almost fit, will be nice to wear them rather than look in my wardrobe and hope hahaha !
Day 33

Good Afternoon !

Hope everyone is well today. I have had an awful headache today :( Not impressed !

Physio was fine and I am signed off, back to work Friday (quite nervous after 4 weeks off and will be about 2 stone lighter) will be very odd !

Can't wait to get back into work, I love my job ! I am a legal caseworker, so my work has been being dealt with by others, but I prefer to do everything myself ! I will not know where I am, as well as having about 1000 emails !

I am going in early Friday, about 7.30am as the in laws have the girls overnight.

I have had an okay day today, water limit still not reached, it seems I am really having trouble with this and it's annoying !!! You would think with this good weather, drinking more would be easier !

Made turkey dinner for tea with mash, gravy, yorkies, mushy peas, carrots and broccoli, it smelt delish !

Then for dessert jelly, angel delight and crushed meringue with strawberries.

I am so loving cooking !!! Which is still very odd ! Hubby will be sad when I am back to work, he has loved dinner on table as soon as he comes in ! As we work together and usually drive there and back together there isn't much chance of dinner being ready hehe.

Just having a banana shake, I have decided soup = yuck ! I can't stand them, so I have bars and shakes only.

Weigh in Thursday.........fingers crossed I can get 3lbs off and make that 2 stone target !!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day ! Love Vx
good luck 4 the weigh in xxx
Day 34

Good Evening !

I am getting bored..............bored of shakes, bored of porridge...........I hate the soup and I can't eat too many bars.

Sorry to have a moan, just feel like getting that off my chest !

I suppose after 34 days I am bound to feel this way, I think I may get a few more bars this week, as I am soooooooooo bored.

Anyone else feel the same ? I totally crave savoury at the moment, crisps, baked beans, cheese, anything really..............

Ok snap out of it - focus !

Ok, tomorrow my sister and family coming for tea which is Sausages (I have parma ham and garlic flavour, pork and apple and plain (for kids), serving with corn on the cob, petit pois and garlic and herb potatoes. YUM.

But I can't have any :( Actually I just couldn't as weigh in Thursday AM and I am going to focus on that instead !

Gosh I am very food orientated today ! Think I will go and read in bed to take my mind of it and have a nice early night !

Bye xxxxxxxxxx
Day 35

What a lovely day !

We went with the family to an ice cream parlour - I had a cup of tea with sweetner ! they had knickerbocker glories and toasties !

Have only had a porridge and a shake today, so missed a pack - oops !

What with looking after my niece and cooking a huge meal for everyone I didn't get time but I split my last shake into 2 the second half I am having now !

Weigh In in the morning !!!!!!!!!! I am excited ! 5th weigh in so 6 whole weeks on CD and tomorrow I am hoping to hit some targets !

2 Stone Off (need 3lbs), Into the 12's (need 2lbs) and to have lost more than I have left to go (need 3lbs) !

Fingers crossed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Off to bed now, hubby has some work stuff to do on puter, I have made lots of sandwiches for his buffet lunch at work tomorrow - including cheese, spring onion and mayo - yummy !

Night Night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Day 36

Weigh In Day !

4lbs Lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I have reached 3 of my goals, into the 12's...lose 2 stone and have lost more than I have to go !

I had a porridge for brekkie, a shake for lunch and I have a lovely cold orange bar in the fridge for later !

Today is my last day at home before I return to work tomorrow after 4 weeks !

I am quite excited to be going back as I have missed it quite a lot!

Wonder if anyone will notice I have lost weight ? I do hope so !

25lbs left to goal..............seems scary ! Wonder if I can manage this for my holidays on 27th September ? Who knows but I will give it my best shot !

Need to get the girls sorted for staying at the in laws, hubby's tea done - leftovers from yesterday. Girls have had their tea too.

Might pop and have a bath now as I want to wash my hair, feel a bit of a scruff today !

Love and Hugs Cx
Well done Charley! Do let us know what the reaction is from work colleagues! Hope they are all amazed, you've done brill!! :)
Day 37

Hi Bess !!! Well I went back to work after 4 weeks and..................I got lots of comments and compliments, so good in fact that one of my workmates met a CDC tonight and starts tomorrow !

One lad said 'there is something different about you, you are glowing' !!!!!!!!!

AND...........I went to work in a pair of size 14 Dot Perks trousers I hd never orn before.

AND...........I went shopping and bought another pair of SIZE 14's !!!!!!!! And 2 Cardigans SIZE 14..............and 4 vest tops - did I mention SIZE 14 ???????????

God I love this diet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it was a good day, had some back pain but did lots of walking about to have a rest from sitting up, loads of work, seems due to us being short staffed no one had dealt with any of my work so you can imagine 4 weeks of emails and post.........there is about 200 hours work there !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheesh ! But I have the weekend off to relax !!!!

Due to going back to work my weigh in is now on a Wednesday so this week it will be 6 days weigh in, guess I will have to leave the Thursday Weigh In Club !!!!!!!!

Bit nervous as of course I usually drop a few pounds in the last few days of the week, so I am going to expect a 2lb loss this week, we will see !!!!!!!

Think I am going to head to bed before I fall asleep on the puter, must say I have missed minimins today, posting on the morning thread etc - boo !

Anyways hope everyone is having a great day/night see you tomorrow !!!

Only 47 More days to go !
WOW! Well done you!
I notice that you are the same height as me - what made you pick 11st as your target? I only ask as I am the same weight and chose 11.5 and I have been wondering about this goal for a while now. It's so long since I was 11.5 - (about 23 years I think) that I can't really remember how I felt. I'm 8lbs away from 11.5 but am seriously having a rethink.
glad everyone noticed at work!!!
i went shopping other day (window) and tried on some size 20's, so weird, 1 shop they are too big so down to 18's YEY
and some size 20's are too small so back to being depressed.
i dream of 14's xxx