CharleyBarley - my new 2014 diary with pics

Oh ladies - the food was soooooo good. I actually had the rest if the mac n cheese for breakfast this morning, is that wrong of me!!???

Yeah the green juice is an acquired taste, but when you think about what is actually in it, then it's not as bad as you imagine. This mornings one was much nicer!

Food today:

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L - jerk chicken and rice from M&S - it was alright, I won't get it again tho I don't think - the others I had this week were much nicer


D - who knows!! I am on an early train home and Mick is out. I am fighting with my conscience, gym & stir fry or LakeSide shopping and naughty fast food???? Hmmmm???
Well I never went to the gym - but I didn't have this


I was proud of myself AND the packet for the fresh noodles, pork strips, stir fry and sauce all said serves 2 - and for once in my life I actually halved the portion and have the rest for lunch today!! That hardly ever happens!

For all the good it did me, I put a pound on this morning.

I just don't know what to do, the warm weather is coming and I swear so much on my face and am scared a little because it has been years since I was THIS big in the summer.

I know all these diets I am trying will work if I stick to them and add exercising in. I saw my physio for my hip in the week and she told me to stop all exercise arhat aggravates my hip, which is everything except the bike - which I hate and also to try the cross trainer, which I hate. I am seeing my other physio for my ankle next week.

Shall I go back to SW??? Or try CCing some more?
Gain is pap. But sounds like your weight is too.

Nobody can tell you what diet to go on. What we can tell you is that you need to stick with it.

Whatever you follow, you need to give it a good clear run, you need to give it your all, and it will work.

Hope you don't think I'm being mean, i know how hard it is. I know what a hard place it is to be to want to lose weight so desperately, yet not to see it happen.

After all my years of trying, one thing I've learnt is that you have to give it your all, pretty much all of the time, for it to happen. And that's hard. It's really hard.

All I can suggest is you pick your plan, and commit to it for maybe 1 month. If you're eating out, then go, but you're gonna have to choose wisely. If you don't, then you'll need to accommodate it elsewhere!

I wish I could it for you hun. But I can't bloody do it for me!!! (This is a bit of a do as I say and not as I do!!!!) Xxx
Charley, apologies in advance if I am being harsh. Do you really want to lose the excess weight?. Sit down and have a good chat with yourself, decide on a plan and stick to it for 2-3 weeks and once you see the results, you want to go on more and it brings you confident to carry on. I know it is difficult when you are surrounded by all delicious stuff and temptations. As Mrs. S says you are the only person who can make that decision and take action. From my own experience, exercise has nothing to do with losing weight - it comes in later on when you want to shape up a bit and get rid of some flab. I have never done any heavy exercise (because I know, I can't stick to it) just do a bit of walking (instead of taking the bus, train or car) whenever possible - you walk from home to station every day and from what you said before you walk a lot during the day too - that is good enough.

We all have seen pictures of your lovely healthy food and know that when you stick to it you lose regularly and do very well. You need to find out why you sabatoge your good work.

For some reason we tend to reward ourselves with food when celebrating and punish ourselves with food when we are sad and stressed - I am a great example of that when I am stressed and sad, I seem to stuff myself with food- any food , even things I hate.

You are a beautiful young lady with a loving BF and supporting family, in a good job and years of happy life ahead of you. You need to work out why you want to lose weight and how you want to do it - You we it to yourself to find this out - just sit down on your own and write down what you want and put an action plan together and stick to it (somehow writing it down makes it stick to our mind). Being on a strict plan is hard but after a while all those temptations become invisible.

Have a lovely day, lots of love.
Gain is pap. But sounds like your weight is too.

Nobody can tell you what diet to go on. What we can tell you is that you need to stick with it.

Whatever you follow, you need to give it a good clear run, you need to give it your all, and it will work.

Hope you don't think I'm being mean, i know how hard it is. I know what a hard place it is to be to want to lose weight so desperately, yet not to see it happen.

After all my years of trying, one thing I've learnt is that you have to give it your all, pretty much all of the time, for it to happen. And that's hard. It's really hard.

All I can suggest is you pick your plan, and commit to it for maybe 1 month. If you're eating out, then go, but you're gonna have to choose wisely. If you don't, then you'll need to accommodate it elsewhere!

I wish I could it for you hun. But I can't bloody do it for me!!! (This is a bit of a do as I say and not as I do!!!!) Xxx

Charley, apologies in advance if I am being harsh. Do you really want to lose the excess weight?. Sit down and have a good chat with yourself, decide on a plan and stick to it for 2-3 weeks and once you see the results, you want to go on more and it brings you confident to carry on. I know it is difficult when you are surrounded by all delicious stuff and temptations. As Mrs. S says you are the only person who can make that decision and take action. From my own experience, exercise has nothing to do with losing weight - it comes in later on when you want to shape up a bit and get rid of some flab. I have never done any heavy exercise (because I know, I can't stick to it) just do a bit of walking (instead of taking the bus, train or car) whenever possible - you walk from home to station every day and from what you said before you walk a lot during the day too - that is good enough.

We all have seen pictures of your lovely healthy food and know that when you stick to it you lose regularly and do very well. You need to find out why you sabatoge your good work.

For some reason we tend to reward ourselves with food when celebrating and punish ourselves with food when we are sad and stressed - I am a great example of that when I am stressed and sad, I seem to stuff myself with food- any food , even things I hate.

You are a beautiful young lady with a loving BF and supporting family, in a good job and years of happy life ahead of you. You need to work out why you want to lose weight and how you want to do it - You we it to yourself to find this out - just sit down on your own and write down what you want and put an action plan together and stick to it (somehow writing it down makes it stick to our mind). Being on a strict plan is hard but after a while all those temptations become invisible.

Have a lovely day, lots of love.

Ooh you have both made me cry - not because you have upset, but because you responded so supportively, from two ladies who have been there and done it. You both really have hit the nail on the head - I needed some tough love. Thank you both.

My problem lies with eating out and secret eating which I am totally aware that I am doing. When I am out I stick two fingers up to healthy eating, I should (for at least the time being while I want to drop this 4-5 stone) just make good choices - this option does make me sad and does make me not want to go out at all! I see eating out as something fun, but only the eating and socialising, why can't I just enjoy the social aspect, not the eating? Why can't I choose a salad and be happy that I am with loving family or friends? The secret eating is like I said before, its the forbidden fruit, you know you shouldn't but you do anyway.

Ok, you asked me to write down the reasons why I want to lose weight:

1) I hate being uncomfortable in seats like in theatres/planes/some cinemas/train. I want to be able to sit with a little room - its not my bottom but my top half and my belly overspill.

2) I sweat in the summer. I hate that the most. I love the warmth but cant really cope in the real heat. I walked to work this morning and it was freezing, but I was angry about the gain and so I sped walk/stomped to work - by the time I got there my head was sweating! It was really cold this morning!

3) I am in good health and relatively fit - at the moment. I am scared that my body will cope with the strain of my weight less and less.

4) The dreaded plane seatbelt. I have always managed to close it, sometimes with slack, but more often than not, no slack - I would like to see some slack. I would like to pull down the food tray without fear that my belly will stop it from coming all the way.

5) Bras. I have to wear a massive sized bra for my back, not for my cup size, its really hard to get a good fitting bra.

6) I would like to sleep on my back or belly, I can only comfortably sleep on my side - If I sleep on my belly, then I wake up uncomfortable because (I think) my stomach pulls on my back and my back starts to ache and if I try to sleep on my back I wake myself up snoring!

I think that is it, lets face it, thats enough I think! Funnily enough none of the reasons is to do with the way I look - of course I don't want to be a fatty and I hate my double chin and wide shoulders and giant jelly belly. But I have long accepted these things about me and Rosa you are right, Mick loves me to bits no matter what.

I need to do one plan and stick to it, like you both said. I want to go back to SW to be honest. I feel these few months off of it and doing healthy eating that I have really controlled my portion sizes. I think I can probably incorporate that with SW - I realise that I DONT need 2 nests of egg noodles if I have a stir fry and I DONT need half a chicken with chips, a quarter is enough, I CAN eat a normal portion of pasta and be sated.

I went and bought three Fuller Longer meals last night, one of which is in the freezer and I think Mick will eat it, but I need to eat the other two as they are fresh. They are totally synned I reckon. I think I will start SW on Monday morning now. I will be good today and Saturday for sure, but Sunday we are going out for a meal for Mother's Day - so I will make good choices and see where we go with that.

I am not going to go back to SW online or classes for now. But if I need a few SW related questions answered, can I ask please?

E.G - Are WW petit pains still HEB? and those little baby rolls from M&S, am I right in thinking they are HEBs too?

Its going to be back to basics for me. I am going on a hen weekend next Friday to Sunday, I am really not looking forward to it, and I know its going to be foody and boozy. Lets see if I can rise to my own little challenge shall we?

Thanks again ladies for putting my hat on straight. I needed that.

Good morning Charley.

Firstly the WW petit pans and the little rolls from M&S are still HEBS PLUS there's now a wrap and the WW WM pitta is also a HEB. Reason enough to come back to the SW fold IMHO. ;)

I totally understand where you are coming from on the socialising aspect - you've been to my diary and you've seen how often I'm dragged out to restaurants and for drinks with the OH, friends and family. I HATE having to choose a bloody salad when there's fabulous creamy pasta or lovely buttery potatoes to choose from...but I dunno, I think a couple of weeks ago something clicked - I actually feel a bit poorly nowadays if I go too off plan...and that is my saving grace, of course I don't always choose wisely (as well you know) but I think that 80% of the time I'm making a concious effort not to just say "Screw it!". Do you know what I mean?

I think a couple of weeks of really, really sticking to it will do you the absolute power of good. You can do this, I just know it!
Good morning Charley.

Firstly the WW petit pans and the little rolls from M&S are still HEBS PLUS there's now a wrap and the WW WM pitta is also a HEB. Reason enough to come back to the SW fold IMHO. ;)

I totally understand where you are coming from on the socialising aspect - you've been to my diary and you've seen how often I'm dragged out to restaurants and for drinks with the OH, friends and family. I HATE having to choose a bloody salad when there's fabulous creamy pasta or lovely buttery potatoes to choose from...but I dunno, I think a couple of weeks ago something clicked - I actually feel a bit poorly nowadays if I go too off plan...and that is my saving grace, of course I don't always choose wisely (as well you know) but I think that 80% of the time I'm making a concious effort not to just say "Screw it!". Do you know what I mean?

I think a couple of weeks of really, really sticking to it will do you the absolute power of good. You can do this, I just know it!

Thanks Sally - firstly, what wrap!?!? I need to know this little bit of information!? I always hated spending syns on wraps for pizza bases!

Thank you for your kind words, and understanding, I need that click. I actually need to have NOTHING going on in my life for a couple of weeks to get going. After the Hen Weekend next week there is nothing until 19th April, so I will have two clear weeks of absolutely nothing - Mick is taking me to Norfolk for a couple of days for Easter on 19th and 20th, which we are both really looking forward to. Then after that, in May I have two dinners to go to, one will be my mummy's birthday which I can probably control, but the other is my friend hosting a dinner party and they are usually 4 courses and heavy wine consumption! Then I have a wedding weekend towards the end..... The Big Thing is that on the 31st May Mick is flying out to Barbados for a week to see his parents (his dad turns 70) - I am not going for various reasons - this is going to be a tough time for me, because I will be home alone and I know I will feel the need to feed!

One day at a time, I think is the key for me. Do you know I had planned a weeks worth of naughty things to eat while Mick was away?! I have actually written down the things I want to buy - fastfood and all sorts! I am such a sneaky greedy thing. What's wrong with me?!
The wraps are from Asda's "Free From" section:

BFree Foods Multigrain Wrap Wheat & Gluten Free, 6 pack

They're pretty substantial - I've used them to make a pizza, I had a steak wrap with one and last night I made a "poppodom" out of one. I get a bit..queasy at the thought of gluten free stuff (Don't know why!) but these are honestly just fantastic.

The thing is that all of these dates you have planned are completely workable! I get the feeling that sometimes you think "Damn it, I'm out on Saturday which is going to blow this healthy eating malarky so I might as well forget it!". I don't think naturally slim people think in those terms, I think they just munch along, eating well and healthily and then on the Saturday they will eat what they want and straight back into "normal" eating again on the Sunday.

Definitely try the One Day At A Time mantra. I sometimes think "I'm just going to be 100% on plan today. If tomorrow I want a day off then I'll have it, but TODAY I'm going to be 100%", then rinse and repeat.

You're not a sneaky, greedy're just struggling to find your mojo right now, but I'm sure that it's lurking in there just waiting to leap up and say "YES! LET'S GO FOR IT"

Chin up, girl.
Oooooh I want to give you a great big hug.

Before I do, one more bit of tough love........

STOP planning around what dates you can't do it. You have sat and reeled dates off right up until may when you won't be able to diet. So what? Things change.

Plan what you can do!!!

Between now and may, there's a helluva lot of dates that you CAN diet! And you will. Focus on them, and where you could be. At least a stone I reckon!

When you get to a night/meal/date that you can't diet, it's ONE event. It's not a day, it's not a week, it's ONE thing. Realistically, that's about 5% of your whole week.

Pick Sw up on Monday, and run with it girl xxx
The wraps are from Asda's "Free From" section:

BFree Foods Multigrain Wrap Wheat & Gluten Free, 6 pack

They're pretty substantial - I've used them to make a pizza, I had a steak wrap with one and last night I made a "poppodom" out of one. I get a bit..queasy at the thought of gluten free stuff (Don't know why!) but these are honestly just fantastic.

The thing is that all of these dates you have planned are completely workable! I get the feeling that sometimes you think "Damn it, I'm out on Saturday which is going to blow this healthy eating malarky so I might as well forget it!". I don't think naturally slim people think in those terms, I think they just munch along, eating well and healthily and then on the Saturday they will eat what they want and straight back into "normal" eating again on the Sunday.

Definitely try the One Day At A Time mantra. I sometimes think "I'm just going to be 100% on plan today. If tomorrow I want a day off then I'll have it, but TODAY I'm going to be 100%", then rinse and repeat.

You're not a sneaky, greedy're just struggling to find your mojo right now, but I'm sure that it's lurking in there just waiting to leap up and say "YES! LET'S GO FOR IT"

Chin up, girl.

Right popping to Asda on Saturday morning! Thanks Sally you are right, I do often wonder what slim people think! I need to stop thinking so much and take one meal at a time! xxx
Mrs S one thing I say is do not think "Diet" but think "Healthy Normal Eating".

Also why not start this minute while the iron is hot and see how your day pans out - if postpone to Monday then it will be forgotten.
Oooooh I want to give you a great big hug.

Before I do, one more bit of tough love........

STOP planning around what dates you can't do it. You have sat and reeled dates off right up until may when you won't be able to diet. So what? Things change.

Plan what you can do!!!

Between now and may, there's a helluva lot of dates that you CAN diet! And you will. Focus on them, and where you could be. At least a stone I reckon!

When you get to a night/meal/date that you can't diet, it's ONE event. It's not a day, it's not a week, it's ONE thing. Realistically, that's about 5% of your whole week.

Pick Sw up on Monday, and run with it girl xxx

Mrs S one thing I say is do not think "Diet" but think "Healthy Normal Eating".

Also why not start this minute while the iron is hot and see how your day pans out - if postpone to Monday then it will be forgotten.

I had to laugh to myself, as I was reading these my head actually started to hang in shame and my bottom lip came out in a sulk!

You are right Mrs S, I should think about the good days I can have and worry aboyt the bad days when they arrive. I will do.

Rosa, I would start SW today, but I have a some ready meals (from my CC-ing) that I need to use this weekend. I plan to be good this weekend, but I can't actually start SW until Monday or at the earliest Sunday.
Wow you've been given some lovely helpful, caring advice there, which I totally agree with.

My thoughts are & I may get shouted at here, are, have you thought about having a treat day, ok I don't really agree with it, but it seems you feel deprived when eating healthy, that way you can be good say Sun-Fri but have Saturday as a treat day, obviously this can't be maintained in the long term but it may help short term & it may help getting over the 'guilt' feelings when you have social events as these could be incorporated into your treat day.

We're all here to help you x
Just been reading through and catching up. Welcome back to SW (On Monday lol).

I'm sure you can make the wise choices. It's not as great as having something unhealthy, but I managed a 2.5lb loss this week after my bestfriends hen do, all from wise choices. Chicken, salads, fresh fruit in my hand bag, alpen light bars to snack on. We went for curry for my main course, I had a little bit of naan as a treat, and then stuck to a lamb dopiaza and boiled rice.

Knowing you are going out makes the week run much smoother, just try and plan your syns around your fun nights/days out. You can definitely do it, as you said you've got a big list of reasons you want to do it. It's just making yourself believe you can do it and not falling at the first hurdle. Keep your chin up and think wise.
You can do it Charley!!

I just have to say one thing, I too thought I'd come to terms with my looks but I think that is one of the biggest and hurtful walls to break through on this journey. I've always been the fat one so it didn't really bother me any more, I had accepted this is who I am....until an almost complete stranger shook me up and told me I was like this by choice, I'm not big-boned, I wasn't meant to be like this and that I can change. Just because I've never done it before doesn't make it impossible. That was the breakthrough I needed to commit...

Having said that I'm hardly at target! But I think having that thought, my body CAN be healthy, will get me there.

Big hugs!!

Wow you've been given some lovely helpful, caring advice there, which I totally agree with.

My thoughts are & I may get shouted at here, are, have you thought about having a treat day, ok I don't really agree with it, but it seems you feel deprived when eating healthy, that way you can be good say Sun-Fri but have Saturday as a treat day, obviously this can't be maintained in the long term but it may help short term & it may help getting over the 'guilt' feelings when you have social events as these could be incorporated into your treat day.

We're all here to help you x

No shouting - this is a shout free diary! I think a treat day is a good idea, I weigh in on Fridays and I usually have a "loose" Friday and then back with a gorgeous home cooked meal on Saturday. Way back when I did SW classes on a Thursday night I would treat myself to an extra HEA and B!!!! WHOA Nelly!

I have some wonderful minimates and I appreciate everything they say and every piece of advice they give - I feel so much better about myself now that I know what I am going to do and how I am going to play this.

Thanks again. xx
Just been reading through and catching up. Welcome back to SW (On Monday lol).

I'm sure you can make the wise choices. It's not as great as having something unhealthy, but I managed a 2.5lb loss this week after my bestfriends hen do, all from wise choices. Chicken, salads, fresh fruit in my hand bag, alpen light bars to snack on. We went for curry for my main course, I had a little bit of naan as a treat, and then stuck to a lamb dopiaza and boiled rice.

Knowing you are going out makes the week run much smoother, just try and plan your syns around your fun nights/days out. You can definitely do it, as you said you've got a big list of reasons you want to do it. It's just making yourself believe you can do it and not falling at the first hurdle. Keep your chin up and think wise.

Thanks sweetie, wow you are really good having fresh fruit and alpen bars to hand on a hen weekend!!!! I think I can try and test myself by aiming to eat healthier than I normally would, but I am going to try and do it surrepticiously - for some reason I hate people knowing I am on a diet - mainly because I am always and HAVE always been on a diet and have always failed - I hate people knowing I am a failure and thus far I have always failed. So by keeping quiet it kinda takes the pressure away, but then that takes the pressure away for me too!
