Chat :D

absolutely... meanwhile the population gets bigger and bigger... I used to have real trouble over here buying large sizes (think "tent"!)... nowadays lots of shops cater for the larger size over here, yet you didn't used to see too many overweight people in France!
Morning all! Joanne, I've just realised how much weight you've lost! Holy moly girl, good on you. I can't convert pounds unless I get a calculator out lol. :D

2-10 shift today, I hate them :mad:
Yes I lost half my body weight between 2002 and 2003... seems a while ago now though... (and amputation now seems the easiest way to lose the regained stone!!)... hihi!!

2 to 10pm isn't a great shift at all... I'd not like that as a morning person... and I'd be ZZZZzzzz'ing before the end of the shift which would go down like a lead brick I'm sure!

Poor you!