Cheb....Too old to get home with the Dawn Chorus!

.......And off the wagon again!!!!

Anybody else notice a recurring theme to this diary????

Climbing back on tomorrow.
Tuesday 15th May


Neglected Minimins and my diary for far too long, time to take control.

An update?

Life not so great just now, MIL still in hospital it's been 6 weeks now; she does now seem to be on the mend but it was touch and go for a while. Not only had the tumour grown resulting in a much larger section of her lung being removed she then developed pneumonia closely followed by MRSA!

I feel like I'm juggling all the time, what with work, finding child care, house, dogs and visiting MIL daily including providing a 'Meals on Wheels' service with whatever she happens to fancy each day. Hospital food is dire and she just can't face it so I'm dashing back and forth with homecooking for her. Child care is also tricky cos 6 weeks is a long time to ask favours of friends, but I don't want to put anything permanent in place cos MIL will feel very reduntant and at the mo she needs to feel that life is worth fighting for and that we need her there for us. Bless her she has always thought of others first and even now it seems that we are what's keeping her fighting, she doesn't feel she has a lot to live for for herself:(

Diet wise, still not properly on track since my holiday. Have tried to SS but always end up with extras! Feeling quite hopeful for today though!

Hope you are all well.
Thursday 24th May


Been on and off the wagon for the last week, I start each morning with good intentions but always succumb when I get home from work if I haven't already raided the fridge by lunchtime.

Today is a Fresh, fresh start and I mean it! I'm now 2 1/2 stone from target, I'm going to update my tracker, do my measurements and weigh on a regular day each week which I will record officially on my CD card. In other words DO IT PROPERLY!

Ok I consider myself told! Have a great skinny day everybody:)
hey cheb good luck on ss
you have done so well not much further to go
glad mil is recovering now

keep it up and you`ll soon be at target

kaz :D
Friday 25th May


Yesterday was not so good:sigh: All ok until I came home from work at 6pm then it all went to pot and I found myself with food in my mouth and more in my hand! I'm going to change my routine cos that's always a tricky time for me. I'm not going to go into the house properly when i get home from work in future, I'm going to grab the dogs and a bottle of water and head straight off to the park for a walk.

So Day 1 again today, blimey I'm boring myself talk about being repetitive. I'm going to change my ticker and make my present weight my start weight then I can stop comforting myself each time I fail by telling myself how much I've lost after all I am 4st lighter than my heaviest. Trouble is I'm not so good at reminding myself how much I've regained and how much I have to lose still.

So off we go day 1 in the CD House!
cheb ive restarted today as i go away in 11 days not one tincy wincy bit of real food will pass our lips will it !!!

Day 3 and I'm feeling fine, looking forward to finding myself in the zone tomorrow. Day 3 has been a tough one for me on previous attempts so I'm preparing for a rough ride!

Just having a coffee and a big mug of warm water. The kids are squabbling in the other room over who has the biggest share of the's not even cold! Those two should definitely hold the World Record for arguing. I'm just going to turn the music up to drown out the noise of them:D Sometimes they drive me to distraction and I find myself sucked in to their stupid bickering and I end up as the referee. Not today though, I'm chilled and will not be drawn!

Off for a bit of Mummy time later with DD, we're off to the shops for a mooch. Usually shopping with her is pretty traumatic cos she hates it and won't look at anything I pick up for her. She must be growing up into a new phase cos she sugessted our trip today!

Just off out to walk my boys, then I'll straighten DD's hair which is pointless as it's about to rain so she'll soon be curly again but the girl's obsessed!

Catch you later.
Evening All

Well another day almost done, day 3 has not defeated me this time!

Had a lovely day shopping with DD, usually a traumatic event but it seems she's discovered an interest in fashion and even more amazing is actually interested in her old Mums' opinion:eek: Yes really!!!! Not that have clue about teenage fashion really but between us we seem to have managed to purchase some cutting edge outfits! All duly displayed to her mates via the internet tonight and they all approve, phew!

Even better DH had tidied up and hoovered round while we were out playing, bonus.

Cooked dinner, 3 different meals as usual! Fussy lot that I have. Then played Metal Slug on the Wii with DS; dreadful game, very boring and just went on and on but he likes it. My best friend popped round for coffee and a gossip and I'm just settling down to watch Hustle from the other night with DH.

Hope you've all had a nice Sunday too.

Monday 28th May


Day 4 has dawned in the CD House, don't feel quite back in the zone but I'm on the brink and about to topple over the edge and into pinkness!

Had a strawberry mousse for breakfast and a litre of water not quite as yummy as DH sausage sandwich but hey it's only food and it's my choice to lose weight rather than taste eat a sausage. Note to self.....REPEAT THAT PHRASE BEFORE ENTERING THE KITCHEN!

Did 2 hours of ironing, so that's another demon faced and beaten.

Then I swept the floors and hoovered the stairs.

Then I walked the dogs

Then I had a shower and styled my hair.

Then we all sat and watched the 2nd Pirates film cos we're off to see the new one later and needed to re-cap

Will take a bar and a large flavoured water to have at the cinema while the family eat popcorn, then a soup for supper.

Enjoy your day, back later.
Didn't get back later cos I was too busy stuffing my face:mad: All went well at the cinema I even held DS munchies without pinching one; I still had a pack to eat, but somehow instead of my pack I ate:

2 slices of bread and butter
a slice of cheese
2 Maryland cookies
1 custard cream
1 broken bourbon
2 small handfuls of dry roasted peanuts.

I'm angry with myself but as ever I'm looking for the positive........

I dished up chips for DS and did not take one, I didn't crack open the chocolate orange that was shouting at me, I fancied buttery toast when everyone had gone to bed but I didn't.

Ah well, moving on to Day 5 cos there's no going back any more. TOTM arrived this morning so that explains my cravings but never the less I have to learn ways to over come them.
Tuesday 29th April


So Day 5 it is then and yesterdays failings are put behind me, quite literally I suspect I'm wearing those biscuits on my bum by now!

Just done battle with the recycling and I'm not even sure if it'll be collected today after the Bank Holiday. We have to put everything into specially provided plastic bags even great big bit of cardboard or they won't take it. I know this cos I've experimented in the past by tying large flattened boxes with string for ease of carrying but 'No', no blue bag, no collection and tying a blue bag to a large bit of cardboard failed to tempt them either! So I have to waste another blue plastic bag and jump up and down to squash big boxes into the required bag:confused: Hope the bag is recycled! That's my warm up exercise done anyhow.:)

Had a cappuccino shake mixed with a black coffee for breakfast and I'm just finishing a litre of flavoured water.

It's a lovely day here today so I'm walking to work along the seafront with my Ipod. Typical that the weather cheers up when we're back to work.

DS has scouts tonight, he's not liking it much at the moment but I really want him to stick it out and try to show some commitment, something he's not good at. He loved going for the 1st 4 weeks but soon as we get him his uniform (£40:eek:) and something there upsets or annoys him, that's it he's off! Methinks lots of my gentle powers of persuasion will be needed later.

Off to work now, have a good day.
aww cheb
you did so well
at least you are carrying on and not letting it deter you
just keep posting here and eventually the cravings will go
totm is hardest as we all want stuff we cant

good luck mate and soldier on with the ss
its not for ever just till our wobbly bits are gone
kaz :D