china is starting cruise

Don't worry about eating too much china- you can't do that on dukan! X
Still full of the dreaded lurgy! Drank wine last night so a being bad as well as sick!
Need to knuckle down this week!
yesterday I made another batch of slow cooker yoghurt & am getting the hang of it now. I bought 4pts of milk from iceland & added 3 tablespoons of skimmd milk powder & used some yoghurt from the last lot as the starter. It turned out really well. This morning I am off to the butchers farm shop to stock up. Hopefully by Mon I will feel better & up to facing a bit of exercise!
have a good weekend everyone! xx
Have a good Dukan weekend xxx
Awwwww hope you are feeling better, there's a lot of flu type virus's going aroundx
feeling much better! need to drink more water! doing PV, can't get into PP while I feel poorly.
B- dukan bread & beef
L- omelette, tuna
D- beef casserole & BNS
Snack- boiled egg, jelly & yoghurt
hope your feeling better xxx
Thanks Siddid
on the mend
back on track!!!!!!! Did proper weigh in this morning, 136lbs is what the scales say!!!!!!! not too bad, 4lbs more than at my lightest last year!
B- dukan bread & egg
L- meatzza
D- beef casserole
snacks bressaeola, boiled eggs, yoghurt & jelly
Food plan for today
B- dukan bread & egg
L- meatzza
D- salmon or chicken
Snacks- boiled eggs, yoghurt & jelly,
Finally went to the gym after a 6 week break from it. Will be sore in the morning.
Managed to drink 1litre of water also!!!!!!!!!
So far so good in restart attempt. I admit that I don't have the same enthusiasim (sorry for spelling) as I did during attack but I'm hoping that will come back once I see a loss again (hopefully) Doing more PV than PP days at the moment because at least that way I'm heading in the right direction. Will PP more next week once I get my head around it.
Todays food
B-dukan bread & egg, bite of leftover meatzza
L- tinned salmon, mixed with stir fried onion, ginger & tomatoes ( sounds awful but was v nice)
D- squid, salad & boiled egg
Snacks- yoghurt & jelly, boiled eggs
Getting back in the dukan swing of things. The craving for junk food has now gone again. I regret falling off the wagon at Christmas but that is in the past & tomorrow is another day. drinking enough water is a challenge at the moment. I hate this cold weather.
Food plan for today:
B- dukan bread & egg
L-tinned salmon (stir fried with spring onion & ginger, sounds bad but tastes nice)
snacks- jelly & yoghurt, boiled eggs
need to drink more water!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea P it does sound bad but tastes good!!!!!!

Chop up spring onion, ginger & garlic. Rub a frying pan with a little oil & dry fry, Add a few chopped cherry tomatoes, then add the salmon ( or diced chicken or tuna) & cook until all mixed together. It's a good recipe for when I've got no meat already cooked & want something fast to eat.
Sounds like the kinda thing I would eat
Woo hoo it's Friday.
Feeling so much beter since I got back on the Dukan wagon. It's really strange, although I over indulged in all the "Christmas Food" & gained, I didn't really enjoy eating them. I knew at the time that I shouldn't be but once I got started on all those carbs I couldn't stop myself. Must be the addictive personality coming out.
Gym done back home. Tues was my first day back at the gym in over 6 weeks & I am feeling v unfit as a result. I go through phases when I go to the gym all the time & feel quite fit, then have a break for various reasons & then end up back at square one!!!!!!!!

Todays food plan
B-Dukan bread & egg, slice of leftover chicken
L-Shirataki noodles with prawns
D-steamed fish(chinese style)
snacks- yoghurt & jelly, smoked salmon
I know that later I'm going to be bad & have a glass of wine & hoping that gym will balance that out.
You sound like you are back in the zone !
Today Has driven me to the gin bottle! Just had 1 gin & tonic. Bad girl!!!!!!! My lovely daughter in law phoned me from the train on the way home from visiting her parents. She had left her flat keys at parents. My son is away skiiing until v late tonight. I have a set of keys but live 25 miles away. I said no prob I will drive over with spare set. Then get call from her that neighbour has a set of keys. Emergency over! Not! Next phone call at 4pm is that she has locked the spare set in the flat (not having a good day). I'm going out tonight & OH wasn't amused when I explained it all but said take keys if you want, I'll cancel the table,( I knew he didn't want to cancel) So keys went in a taxi & I'm now £45 poorer. Gotta love them. I was doing my makeup & I thought what I really want is a G&T. All family now happy!