china is starting cruise

interesting meal ideas there... you're doing brilliantly
interesting meal ideas there... you're doing brilliantly
Thank you, Wed is my experimenting day, I feed son & DIL on Wednesdays.
Scales say 134lbs this morning!!!! i've changed my signature & am hoping that they're not lying like they've done for the last 2 weeks! telling me a good loss one day & something else the next.
holiday countdown is well & truly underway. Less than 2 weeks to departure. Son,DIL & I have been supporting each other on this weightloss effort. I've got a few outings coming up next week & have decided that the only way to get through some of them is by drinking! planning to stick to vodka & diet coke to limit the damage and by eating my own food before going so not tempted by ll the yummy unhealthy nibbles etc.

Have a great weekend, xxx
Gala meal
trying out eating in the real world in anticipation of holiday food. bread & butter, soup, steak, wine. hoping that the scales don't shoot up tomorrow. Wanted to get a sense of what undukan food might do while on hol? don't really know why as i already know that hols equal weight gain.
Slightly too much wine last night, head is a bit sore this morning & planning on a drink tonight as going to a BBQ ( who in their right mind has a bbq in September?) and will need vodka to get through it! hoping for a STS not a gain this week.
Since I'm from the Midwest United States - where it can snow in late September and all the way into May - bbq's are an every month activity! Although, I'll be honest, no one wants to be the person hovering over the barbecue for warmth in a blizzard. My husband and I are attending a camping trip with others in two weeks in the foresty/mountainy area. Who does that in late September?!?! Seriously, that's not normal.

Have fun at the bbq! Try to eat more protein than anything else!
Hi China and thanks for your kind message on my diary. Looking forward to getting to know you on this fab forum!

Sounds like you're doing brilliantly on Dukan, just keep at it as it truly works. On the exercise front, I've also read that our bodies can take a while to get used to burning fat for fuel rather than carbs or, more correctly, instant access glucose and glycogen. So maybe try sticking with it and monitor if it gets easier? I'm with Caro tho - had no trouble doing fairly heavy exercise while being strict on Dukan. Can't remember if I had a transition period though.

So good luck, keep going, enjoy your holiday and I look forward to catching up on your journey!

Joodle x
Hungover :)
back to the wagon tomorrow
Climbing back onto the wagon this morning.
Thank God I feel better than yesterday! Definately a lightweight in the vodka department though! need more practise :)
just made my bread ready for a PP day to counterattack the weekend damage.
Glad you had a good time china and the hangover has gone!!! Well done for getting back on the bus this morning - are you in the front seat or still loitering at the back!! LOL! x
Glad you had a good time china and the hangover has gone!!! Well done for getting back on the bus this morning - are you in the front seat or still loitering at the back!! LOL! x
Driving the bus Trudy
I thought hangover was gone but still feel a bit rough. I've become a complete lightweight in the drink department if only I was a lightweight on the scales :)
lol the older we geet the longer it takes to get over it lol when are you off on holiday China ???? and China can we ever know your Christian name ???
lol the older we geet the longer it takes to get over it lol when are you off on holiday China ???? and China can we ever know your Christian name ???
Just had a coffee with a drop of Baileys in the hope that hair of the dog might perk me up LOL
Next Thurs Sid
Suzy is my name.
Hello Suzy xxx lol hair of the dog, and there anything with more calories lol xxx
Hello Suzy xxx lol hair of the dog, and there anything with more calories lol xxx
The way I feel t the moment, calories are the last of my worries! Just read an article in theDaily Mail that said hangovers get less with age. I can confirm that they re talking utter rubbish. will do PP tomorrow in penance.
Lovin the Baileys idea!!! You go Suzy!!! x
Woke up feeling normal :) Happy
off to the gym
Phew glad it's finally gone - that was a mammoth hangover - you must have drunk everyone under the table!!! Have a great Dukan day! x
Phew glad it's finally gone - that was a mammoth hangover - you must have drunk everyone under the table!!! Have a great Dukan day! x
No I'm just a lightweight drinker now!!! Definately wasn't the most drunk on Sat!!!!:)