Choices Choices Choices...

I like chicken and mush, mush, chilli in soups, porridge, choc, vanilla and butterscotch and toffee - but now it is cold, I have found making up my sweet packs with less water so it is a thick custard - mmmm - esp nice with choc or vanilla x
I love the choc mint shakes, I whizz them up in a pint glass with loads of ice and drink slowly thru a straw, its my Cambrigde Cosmopolitian :giggle: at the weekends I can have three a day.

On work days I bring tetras with me and I use them in hot coffees. I love the Malt toffee bars, and like to mix it up by having the chocolate, caramel or chocolate orange. I try to rotate the bars, I have one a day which I split into three so I can have a bit with each shake/tetra.

I've been doing this since day one, I've tried some of the other flavour shakes but I've disliked them, the only soup I can sort of stomach (in case of emergency) would be the Oriental Chilli one.

So i'm a creature of habit, pretty much same order from CDC each time I see her :p
most weeks i left with 21 choc tetra's!!!!!!!!

I can so identify with that!!! Just bought my 11 days worth until my next weigh in.

3 Banana tetras
9 Strawberry tetras
21 Chocolate tetras

It would have been 33 Chocolate tetras but I always worry about looking like an idiot and taking all my CDC's stock!!! x
I can so identify with that!!! Just bought my 11 days worth until my next weigh in.

3 Banana tetras
9 Strawberry tetras
21 Chocolate tetras

It would have been 33 Chocolate tetras but I always worry about looking like an idiot and taking all my CDC's stock!!! x

You make me laugh. You're nuts, do you know that! Get 33 tetras if that's what you want. Who cares what people think! You may be eccentric but never an idiot. And once she knows in advance she can order extra ahead of your visit -- would actually make life much easier for her!
True lol! She always laughs when I say "and 21 chocolate" because I blurt it out so quickly like I am ashamed!

I think it's that thing about thinking chocolate is bad!!!! It's what made me fat!!!! x
oooooooooooh abz i was just having a tetra whilst reading this and i've just tipped it into a mug with hot water........yummy!!!!! so thanks for that sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This week i came home with 4 banana,4 strawberry and 5 chocolate ( i had extra tetra's left over from the week before) and i also got 1 of every flavour of the bar's!
Hi hun,

i'm with you there are loads i like, but i find it easier to not have to think about it so everyday for the last 8/9 weeks i've had peanut bar for brekkie, choc tetra for lunch and porridge for dinner, i love snuggling up on the sofa with a bowl of hot porridge!

mmm :D am thinking of making a hot choc tetra now as my hands are freezing and wrapping them around a warm mug sound great :D ha.

abz xx
Mostly I have chocolate ready to drink(tetras) and vanilla powder with instant coffee in about mid morning. Now and then now I'll have garden tomato soup. I used to have the soup every evening but now I am satisfied with the RTDs. I am a serious creature of habit so it does not bother me to have the same thing day in and day out. You guys are so lucky to have so many choices. I would love to have more soup choices because at times I really crave savory.