Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

Ah brownie points for Mr R - but even bigger ones for you for remaining sooooooo steady!!! You, CD and Ellie have been my inspiration Chris and whatever decision you make next week will be the right one for YOU!!! I am looking forward to conso but not desperate to get there - it will happen at some point!!! Meanwhile still lovin being a size 14 and nearly slim!!! LOL! x
T SIZE 14 is SLIM!!! You've cracked it Mrs x a few at work call me super skinny and im between 12 - 14 I dont want to go any thinner would defo look like a dried vanilla pod or an elderly Ms Olive Oil - ha ha
Ha Ha Ha, hilarious Chris - looking like a dried vanilla pod! Must remember that one. What a positive support Mr R is being, how lovely for you.
chris ive said id rather carry a little extra weight than be wrinkly, and at 48...nearly 49 i cant have the figure i had when i was younger. when i satarted the diet i chose 10.7 thought i would be a comfortable 14....but im in a 14 now and i know i cant be a twelve i could stay there,
Im 9 years older than you Sid but Im wearing pretty well .... I think I am! Im 27 in my head - LOL I just keep slapping the cream on twice a day. Age is just a number so I keep telling myself - I can run rings around the teenagers I work with so and my 2 pests think Im great for my age - they tell me to behave!

The only thing I dont do is colour my hair cant see the point of dying my hair when it wouldnt make much difference and I love it streaked with silver :)
Age is defo just a number, look at the numbers u have lost in weight really you have given ur health at whatever age a huge boost. I am v interested to be able to read ur diary for the next stage, am sure it must be daunting. I am still getting my head around cruise ;-)
age is defo just a number i'm with you Chris I am the same 27 in my head. But unlike you I have my hair coloured regular, as far as anyone knows I am blond and always will be, I have asked my daughter-in-law that if I get dimentia to make sure my hair is always blond and styled lol I know,,,,,but i like my hair nice lol and Kirsty I'm in week 11 of cruise and still trying to get my head around it, i learn something new every day off these lovely Dukeneers xxx
I got fed up of having my hair coloured and never being happy with it so decided to go au naturale and I love it - Im dark well used to be so now I just have an expensive hair cut every 6 - 8 weeks. One day I will post a before and after pic dont know when that day will be mind - LOL
Tonight we had braised XL pork fillet with mushrooms and onions in a garlic paprika yoghurt (sour cream) sauce. Its was really delish had it with roasted BNS, carrots & courgette. used my own homemade yogurt and added a squirt of lemon juice to turn it into sour cream. The pork had paprika, garlic and black pepper in it - it was yum one of the best meals Ive had for ages - full to the gunnels ;)
Yummy, sounds delicious! Hope Mr R was eating with you so you're both garlicky together ;)
we have just had Paulines Koftas they were delish recommend them if you havent already tried them
On the recipie thread under koftas xxx
Up very early but its bright taking my lovely daughter to work - the things Mum's do, I would do anything for my 2 children. Waited a long time for them so its not a hardship to get up at 5.15! Just waiting for her loveliness to appear ...............

Might just shove MrR out of bed and go for a walk. Its a tad cold though 3.5 degs

A very good day yesterday do love a PV today but today will be a protein packed one salmon & meat of some description with eggs thrown in for good measure, making tofu creme but Im not totally convinced.

You will all be having a nice warm Bank Holiday snooze so see you later ...........
What we do for our children eh??? They are worth it though!!! I have the taxi run to come - looking forward to it! Have a great day and hope you get a good walk in. x
Chris I'm the same with my boys but I'm the opposite had mine young 19 we were engaged but shocked.....but would not change a thing, love my handsome boys, thing is they all grown up and they still are the center of our lives....any plans made are dropped immediately if they want anything, and hubby just as bad me, hence the free hahaha and he's on more money.than me but hey ho.Enjoy your bh Monday, xxx
Monday 7/5 PP
As said earlier up at 5.20am so im ready for bed now ha ha - 4 mile walk this morning with MrR feel better for it too ......... had omelette for lunch and some homemade yoghurt with caramel flavouring for pud. So glad I bought Lakeland's yoghurt machine its brilliant. Tonight think it will just be some grilled chicken. Back to work tomorrow but its going to be a very short week as Im at my friend's Dad's funeral on Thursday and then im off on Friday. Next Saturday is shopping with my gorgeous girl for this wedding outfit I need - thought I would start to love clothes shopping but its not happened yet ....... think I might just have a nap this afternoon something I dont usually do but Im feeling cream crackered now. It is blasted well freezing here - fleece and thick socks on mind you when Im really tired I always feel very cold
Hope everyone is having a good bank holiday -
Just spoke to a friend who is very upset as someone set fire to her shed which is her workshop (she is a florist) last night. It was a lovely space to work in and everything has gone, her tools, materials, vases, wicker wreath rings, all her craft stuff, sewing machine, you name it - not one thing is salvageable so unfair to have happened to such a lovely person - she is one of the nicest people I have ever known .......... makes me mad that some little K******D can do this. The fireman said another 5 minutes and her house would have gone too its blown the back windows in her kitchen.

Dreadful - I know its only material things and thank God she and her partner are fine.
Chris stories like that against nice people madden me.......dont know what the answer is but take the idle time away from them and make them know disipline.....the army, not saying send them to war but just to experience rules etc,.