Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

well the ironing board is still up keep doing a bit then do something else ive almost finished but MrR and my son are so big takes blimmin ages to get through their pile I do do a lot of folding and then just iron the top - they'll never know ;)
My golden rule is never buy anything that needs an iron - then I had a baby boy and bought him lots of shirts!!!!!Blimmin annoying all those twiddly bits on a shirt!!! Don't think I am very good at it even with all the practising I am getting! Hope you had a good Dukan day Chris and did something other than just the ironing! x
The ironing is done have 4 very large piles of ironed stuff even got a new pile of to do ironing - it never stops does it! Not done a lot else either had to catch up, drives me nuts seeing it sitting there. More time tomorrow for walking, hobbies and a lie in :)
today ive had mocha muffins, 2 dry fried eggs, yoghurt, and soon will be tucking into roast chicken & spicy meatballs
Mmmm sounds nice x
tomorrow really want a PV with BNS & celeriac but dont want to weigh on Sunday after veg - got to be a PP so braised flank steak and roast salmon me thinks (off to get them out the freezer)
Good plan Stan!!
Well Chris the sun is shining and it is as warm as toast here in Hereford, we have been invited to a 4th birthday party so we will be off for a play in the sun in the woods - great idea for a party and good to keep it away from home!!! Should be fun! Rode three horses today and it nearly killed me since I didn't really ride all week due to teaching!!! LOL! Have a lovely weekend Chris! x
dull & grey here in Lancashire hope it improves this afternoon - not doing much my get up & go has gone somewhere! just for today I hope have a lovely afternoon and hope Ben enjoys the woodland party :)
Saturday 10/3 PP
feeling off today and can't put my finger on what it is, no energy ........ been a bit lazy today. An early night I think, TV probably rubbish anyway. My 2 pests have gone out so there is just MrR for company. Going to cook a meal and then im going disappear and do my toe nails
Hmmm not like you Mrs Chris Hope you feel better tomorrow - WI day and all! You have had another good week Dukan wise so fingers crossed for a reward. Sun shone here all day and party in the woods was amazing - we all had a lovely time - thought Ben was tired out as we walked a couple of miles but we are sat here laughing at him talking away to himself in bed - been going on for nearly an hour!!! LOL! Not long till Holland, can't believe how fast the year is going............. Gonna get busy for me in the next couple of weeks - am I ready for it!!! LOL!
Thanks Trudy Im fine - just feeling a bit off - yes weigh in tomorrow had a good week so fingers crossed. Just had some roast salmon in chilli and paprika - very nice. Looking forward to going away to Holland just need to buy some new trousers and decide what else Im going to take with me.
hope the weigh in goes well tommorrow... will be thinking about you when im jetting off to gatwick in the morning lol
yep we fly back monday morning :)
Sunday 11/3 PV :)
Im up early to take my daughter to work anyway Ive lost 1 which is great so ive now got to an even 50lbs - OMG ................ 3stone 8lbs really want to try and get to minus 4 stones ....... which is to lose another 6 perhaps perhaps losing 8 is a bit optomistic can't see why not if I try my very very best !
wahoooo!! So glad that you've finally been rewarded with a loss Chris, your hard work & positive attitude have paid off :) if only the last 8lbs were as easy to lose as the first..! But why not, you've come this far. Have a great PV Sunday x
Chris that weight loss is amazing, fabulous and motivational, well done this diet is the best I've ever been on. Hope you get your next 8lb off with ease x
Goooooooo you - wahoooooo, well done Chris, thank goodness though cos I could not understand why it wasn't shifting when you have been a golden girl!!! Enjoy your PV celebration day.......... The sun is shining here again - lets hope it's made it to you today!!!! WELL DONE!!!! x
Thanks Trudy I think your keeping all the sunshine for yourself because it hasn't made an appearance as yet up here ....... ive got my priorities right just finished making a necklace for my work friend to give to her tomorrow - bugger the housework not in the mood for it at all................ and thats swearing! dont know what is up with me ready for a holiday I think - shame Holland is work and with 69 other people ............ and not my little family unit although they wouldnt want to be ooohing and ahing over a flower arrangement now would they!
Chris that weight loss is amazing, fabulous and motivational, well done this diet is the best I've ever been on. Hope you get your next 8lb off with ease x

I've been trying for weeks sididd - I go to Holland a week on Wednesday for 5 days. Will decide when I get back if I want to carry on with cruise or go on to the next stage ........ I do intend to do Dukan as much as possible no naughties I have my dukan work friend with me so we can motivate each other well thats the plan LOL x