Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Thanks Rainbow :)
Good Morning Claire how did your wi go this morning? x
Good Morning!

How are ye all.. I had a busy weekend and havent been about much!

Well I lost a LB!

Im now the weight I was at 16 - wooohooo...3lb away from 5.5 stone too lol

Heres to a good week. Cutting bk on syns this eek as out friday with Paul and kids as its a 6 yr anniversary! (How we got here I dont know!)

Food today is
Banana and MullerLight
Omlette with Cheese (LC)
?????no idea for dinner?????
Strawberries and Raspberries

Who knows what class will bring chick!!

Good Luck :)
Thanks hun

OMG AF has come to visit and Im in pain and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bloated Im not happy :/

Im so gonna gain this week - I feel like 2 tonne tess!x
well done on another loss this week sweets x
Cheers love - next week will not be following suit........ AF is not being nice to me! x

Im in so much pain and so bloated with AF at the min! She seriously wants to go away very soon!

Im just gna pray that I StS this week as I cant bring myself to try this week - kwim!? Im being good but not really strict - ooops!
Happy days! xxx
Hope you feel better soon Claire.
I no the feeling how you are feeling at the minute hun. I wa slike that last week!
Tis a joke Gem... its only coz af here so sts is a bonus lol
really... not at all?

Oh well least you know!! Just hoping that I kinda get normality bk!! xxx
Good Morning!!

Hope you all have a good day - very grey and minging here!

What to do the day - washing and cleaning I think - may have to put heating on too as Im freezing!!

No idea on food at the min either! Was thinking Spag Bol for dinner?

Hmmm decisions! xxx
Morning Claire.
Hope your feeling better today. I cant believ how cold it is today either.
I see you said about the poached egg thing. How do you do yours then?
I just boil water, stir it so it makes like a well and then I chuck the eggs in! lol

No major technique! lolol

Yh I feel better Im trying my damndest not to weigh this week as may depress me! xx