Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Yea exactly! Fecking nutter.

I am so bloody fuming, I really am. She has to try and beat me at everything. Trouble is, I have been married for 10 yrs (2gether 4 12) and she is still single. Her house looks like it should be on "How Clean Is Your House?) She would suit channel 4!

And my house is lovely (not boasting you understand :p). She has always wanted what I have, so this is her way of trying to compete. Its just really annoying!

Sorry to rant :D
she sound like a right tit!!!you rant away hun
She is a tit. Her daughter is a muppet. She aint all there. I love kids, I really do, but her daughter makes my skin crawl. It sounds like a really horrid thing to say but she does. There is something there, that I can't put my finger on.
:D:D Thanks! The steam has finely stopped coming out me ears. Thought I would change me pic in case she tears herself away from the mirror and logs on here!
No we dont! She doesnt understand forums for some reason.
:D:D Thanks! The steam has finely stopped coming out me ears. Thought I would change me pic in case she tears herself away from the mirror and logs on here!
oh feck me!!!! i so wanna see a pic of this person :)
What can I have for dinner tomm! I know about day thats fine..

Im following EE! X
I am having gammon steak with SW chips. Or how about sweet and sour chicken with rice. Or you could have beef/chicken curry with rice.
had a chinese the other night? Erm.... Beef sounds good :)x
You could try the beef goulash from the mag. Everyone who has made it says it yummy.
The Xmas one I think.
Im gna go look now! Im gna buy the new mag tomm - has the small recipe book with it again eh!?
Yea it does. Just found a recipe for goulash meatballs if you want it.
cod mornay looks nice minus the spinach :/
Mmmm whats cod mornay. It aint too fishy like salmon is it?