Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Can I just add that CD is expensive and although works in the short term, there are some side effects like constipation and hair loss (I had the constipation), even though I was drinking more water than recommended!
The minute you start introducing food back into your diet after CD you gain weight and quickly!
Everyone that I know that has done CD myself included, have lost stones, only to gain it again...what a waste of money!!!!
I feel so much better and I have tried to explain this to my mum from the info gained on here - not from me being peeved but she aint interested :/ Oh well if she gains it all in a week then so be it I say :)

She will the maybe realise that it aint the right way to go x
Yep I even wrote her a weekly plan out! Oh well her money aint it!

I'll enjoy what I do and least I aint loosing out!
tis tru huni.......ill be more satisfied when hit target anyhoo eh!
Hello and goodbye for the night anyhoo!!

Im off o a party and Im sure there wil be more mankyt pics on FB :/

Anyhoo I own 1 belt yh....and I need to make another hole coz the last one is too loose! I need another hole 3 inches away FFS!

I think I should get a new belt! Wearing me skinny jeans and sparkly top :) but jeans keep falling down and its getting on my nerves :/

Anyhoo Im bk tomm night and Ill catch up properly then Have a good night all
Oh and the diet is out the window this eve! Im gna drink loads! x
have fun tonight x
Oh gosh Taz.. WASTED! I drank a btl of tia maria - shots - Ameretto! Erm ate loads and went to bed at 6am.. bk up at 9 and then went to kids party in the arvo - nice!

So therefor I STS this week lolol
Yh Im bk on track til xmas now so all good fun I will shift the 3lb b4 then lol

Ty all! x
sounds like u had fun mate & well done for sts xx didnt know u were on FB ??