Claire Richards

Money is a motivator... My boyfriend promised me new winter boots for my 1 stone and I've even struggled to get there lol

She wants the things we crave that slimming world doesn't give us much allowence on like fatty take sways, cream cakes, chocolate, buffets lol

I agree:) Money motivation is a good way of approaching it. Also, at the end of each month, myself and my b'friend go out for a meal on the night after our weigh-in, then get stuck back in to it the day after. We think the use of this "treat" keeps us away from temptation (though I wish he would offer to buy me a pair of boots):D
She's already done slimming world x

I remember her listing off loads of different methods she used.
I cringe when her husband puts her down all the time though.He really should offer her more support, like maybe to join-in her weight-loss efforts.
I think what a lot of people on here don't really understand is that she most likely has an eating disorder. I feel as though I can relate to her almost 100%, the more people tell me what I need to do, the more my mind pushes me in the opposite direction.

It might not make sense to you to see someone complain about how they look, only to go on a binging spree but that can be a typical afternoon for me. I spent the last few years really trying to recover from bulimia & that's led me to where I am now.

I actually enjoy exercising, but tell me to do it or tell me it's for weightloss & suddenly I lose my drive.
Although on SW you are able to eat so many lovely things, my mind constantly reminds me of the things I can't have. I can make it about 3 days completely on plan but then I end up so far off the wagon that I can't see it anymore!

I was so happy to see her make the connection between her eating & her emotions. I couldn't help but smile when she said she'd be seeing a counsellor. This can be really difficult & some people find it harder than others, & they deal with it in a completely different way. I don't think it's fair to judge someone for not dealing with it as well as some of you have.

As with all reality TV shows, it will be edited to show you the worst parts in her life. It won't show you the good things she does manage to do & if they want to portray her husband as uncaring & sarcastic then that's how they'll edit the show. Don't believe everything that you see on TV.
My own thoughts are none of us find it easy? It's hard for everyone , but at some point if your health is concerned you have to take control yourself,no one else can do it for you. I was diagnosed diabetic,I find it very hard to deal with, denied it etc,but I have had to grow up and take control,or I won't be here,it's as simple as that in my brain now. I think people just find her frustrating,she wants it but doesn't want the hard bits. Its very sad,but you can only help yourself, I still want sweets,McDonalds etc, nothings stopping me wanting them,nothing probably will. But I have to chose health over want. None of us are preaching she should lose weight. She's done a programme about how she wants to, I hope you overcome things and things improve for you xx
My own thoughts are none of us find it easy? It's hard for everyone , but at some point if your health is concerned you have to take control yourself,no one else can do it for you. I was diagnosed diabetic,I find it very hard to deal with, denied it etc,but I have had to grow up and take control,or I won't be here,it's as simple as that in my brain now. I think people just find her frustrating,she wants it but doesn't want the hard bits. Its very sad,but you can only help yourself, I still want sweets,McDonalds etc, nothings stopping me wanting them,nothing probably will. But I have to chose health over want. None of us are preaching she should lose weight. She's done a programme about how she wants to, I hope you overcome things and things improve for you xx

I understand what you're saying & I can certainly understand why people might find it frustrating.

I'm just giving my perspective as someone who has been where she is now. It's easy to say she should get some willpower & stop eating those bad things, just like everyone else here has managed to do, but for some people, it's genuinely not that easy.

To me, it seems as though she has some sort of addiction to the food she is eating. It has to be the hardest addiction to overcome because you will always need food in your life! Not like cigarettes or drugs, which are not necessary to live.

She needs the help of a professional to overcome her struggles with food, there's no way she could do it alone. & just like any other addiction, a person can 'flit' between wanting to get well & wanting to stay unwell. I know I have throughout my recovery! Sometimes I slip up & I have to start from the beginning again. Some people find this frustrating, especially if you're close to the person who keeps having setbacks.. But none of you are close to her so if you're feeling frustrated by watching her struggle, don't watch it! I really just want to give her a hug & tell her it will be ok. She puts on a brave face to the outside world but I know what she's going through on the inside. Hopefully, with the help of a counsellor, she can find some peace - regardless of her weight. After all, that's what the show is about!
i think undoubtedly she has an eating disorder, and until gets professional help for it will never stop the yoyoing.
I have diagnosed compulsive eating disorder and when i am in control and stable i can eat healthy but once i am out of control i just eat.
SW works for me cos its not really about what you eat its the act of eating.
Not everybody regognises compulsive eating as a problem, most people think it is just lazyness and lack of control it has taken me many years to accept it is a mental health problem.
i finally have help,medication and soon counselling. This is probably what she needs xx
Lol see him grab the cheese and fromarge when they left the table lol

Was just wondering how you achieve your body magic awards. I took up the bronze workout over the last 2/3 weeks myself (not told to by my class leader).Just wondering do you have to let them know you are doing it, or is it just an activity you do yourself??:rolleyes:
It's taken me 5/6 months to lose 11lbs so I know where she's coming from but she doesn't seem to experience anything when she eats crap.

I used to starve myself for up to 3 weeks then binge until I was sick for days yet I'd always feel guilty - reason why i'd starve myself. I had no help with this, I just decided one day it would have to stop, 1 month ago after being on plan for 5 months I decided to fight myself which I do everyday anyways, another battle... I said I'd go a week without coming off 100%

First week is never hard, second week is agony, 3rd week I sts even though I had a 100% week apart from Sunday, this week has been my hardest as i'm at 14.13.5 and my mind screams you can eat now, eat eat eat!! But I've nearly done it after tonight... I'm struggling due to the scales not moving at all this week but I've done it.

I don't think labelling it will help her, label me, boarderline personality desorder, apprantly I've had bulemia, depression, anxiety desorder, agoraphobia...

Claire bounces back and forth due to her life, she was a star who was pushed by fame to be thin much like the girls aloud band who were sent to fat camp after their first single came out. She's then gone off and with no pressure decided to enjoy life, I do this to the extreme on holidays like she did... Then some stupid magazine offered her money to get thin and made her feel like she was back in steps.

No wonder she's got mental problems but as person centred counselling would tell you... And so many people on here... She can't be help until she helps her self, eating desorder or not she has s mind and can fight it if she wanted too but what people seem to miss is that sometimes she seems perfectly happy.

Not directed at anyone who's posted just my thoughts on the idea.

I'm not labeling for any other reason than to help other people to understand why her struggle might be different to their own. Not all people who are overweight have COE so it can be difficult to understand. I certainly understand the binging side of it because of my bulimia, it's hard to explain the feelings behind it but it is like a drug in the sense that you have to have it right now! When I try not to have these foods, I go through withdrawals.

And a diagnosis would help her in so many ways because it would help her to understand her issues properly. Not only that but she would have a reason for how she feels & wouldn't be alone in it any more.

Without a diagnosis, I never would have got help! There's no way the eating disorder unit would have offered me suitable therapy without a relevant diagnosis.

You're right that a person has to want to help themselves but at the same time, it can seem incredibly daunting to have to do it all by yourself. She's a bit misguided at the moment & hasn't had any real support at all. She might see this therapist & decide it's a flop, but it's a start. I went through the eating disorder system 3 times before things really started to stick! It wasn't a case of me not wanting to get well, there was more to it than that.
I have to be honest & say that i cannot in anyway relate to her at all. I don't get it at all & she's frustrating the hell out of me. Its not rocket science. Don't eat as much - get your butt off the sofa occassionally - don't eat a whole tub of ice cream every night.
If she does indeed have an eating disorder then it is the height of irresponsibility for Living & Closer to exploit it for ratings purposes.

She is obviously a bit of a narcasist if nothing else - otherwise why would she be trawling the internet to find out what people think of her? She has some deep seated issues imo

having at 1st been a bit judgemental of her husbands attitude i think i know get why he's like it. He's had years of seeing her gain & loose, try every diet in the world, & he's basically bored with it. I don't really blame him.

I'll probably still watch the last episode to see if she finally gets it - but i might need to bubblewrap the TV first cos i get the feeling i will want to shake her senseless by the end of it.
I can't help but like Claire. I think that she needs someone stronger in her life (i dont mean husband, i mean friends) to say, "No you dont need that, lets try doing this exercise, let's try cooking this". As you hear with a lot of "celebrities" they seem to have a lot of hangers on that just cater to their every whim. I think that her hubby could be a bit more supportive and stop agreeing to have take away so much. Eat out at places that offer tasty healthy alternatives. Do exercise together with the kids, etc.
I think that her hubby had a point, she didnt look that big doing the naked photoshoot. if they airbrush people to look thiner then they could do it the other way, couldnt they.
I just find that she seems very sad and a bit lost. Maybe someone should give her this website. She would get a lot of support on here.
Bunnylush said:
My own thoughts are none of us find it easy? It's hard for everyone , but at some point if your health is concerned you have to take control yourself,no one else can do it for you. I was diagnosed diabetic,I find it very hard to deal with, denied it etc,but I have had to grow up and take control,or I won't be here,it's as simple as that in my brain now. I think people just find her frustrating,she wants it but doesn't want the hard bits. Its very sad,but you can only help yourself, I still want sweets,McDonalds etc, nothings stopping me wanting them,nothing probably will. But I have to chose health over want. None of us are preaching she should lose weight. She's done a programme about how she wants to, I hope you overcome things and things improve for you xx

I agree, it's self control, I'm DYING for a pizza but I don't. I see a counsellor and a psychologist to help me with my emotions and thoughts related to food. But I agree that at some point you have to put health and wellbeing over want. I don't leave my home because I'm so miserable in how I look. She has to help herself, there's no magic wand that will help her (or any of us). It's hard work, but if she wants it bad enough, she'll do it. Like all of us, it's not easy to be happy...never is! X
I've alwaes like Claire, fat or thin, and will often watch what she does (even had my hair cut off short at the end of the 90's like her! Took her picture to the hairdressers!) Someone pointed out earlier that she heard the 6lb loss but ignored the health warnings. To be fair, how many of us on here are losing weight for health reasons, and not cos we want to look slimmer and nicer in clothes, cos I know darn well that I'm the latter! She does seem to be the type of person who says "I've lost weight so I'm gonna have a treat" which is so me!

As for her hubby, he sounds just like mine! Could be that he is fed up with her constantly going on about her weight, could be that he just loves her for her and not her size? I don't know. Maybe if he ate the same meals as her and lost a bit of weight, he would see where she is coming from? I hope she manages to find a weigh to feel comfortable at and maintain it, and that she gets help with her issues.
I'm losing it for health. I tried losing it for looks but I have a destored view of myself and can sometimes see a thin (curvy) person in the mirror even when naked and I'm 14.12 stone. Lol

I do agree though, she wasn't ignoring the health warnings the women just droned on and on until Claire lost interest. If she gave it to her straight without the science she wouldn't of said afterwards (I don't understand a think she said).

Oh and yeah I treat myself too on a WI, have made myself sick because of last night but because I am aware of myself more than claire it won't happen again!! Xx

Aawww, another person who does that after WI! Why do we do it to ourselves?

And I'm the same, I didn't understand the health woman either! I'd have done just what Claire did too! I hope she avoids the surgery option though!! Eeekkk!!
Quite liked the last programme last night. It made her feel more responsible and also highlighted key issues that made her have a skewed relationship to food.

Glad she's not still considering liposuction!!!

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Beautifulmess said:
Woop woop she got it!!! And taught me too.

I think it's so unhealthy that we all mentally obsess over the scales so much. My week revolved around my WI in day and I'm starting to hate it. There's nothing more i'd like to do than weigh myself monthly and follow the plan but none of the plans allow that. Must be weekly!! Hmmm

I was slightly relieved too by the end of it but only time will tell if she really is ok.

As for weighing monthly. Why dint you talk to your c about it? Would you still go to group each week but not weigh? Some people at my group come but don't weigh if they feel bad.

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I thought the series had a happy ending. I think she will always have issues with food, but she appeared to have learnt how to manage them better. I thought the family meal scene at the end was lovely:)